import abstract class Tree(val weight: Int) { abstract fun walk(parent: Tree?, name: String, function: (Tree?, String, Tree) -> Unit) abstract fun reduce(transformFunction: (Tree) -> T, combineFunction: (T, List) -> T): T val combinedWeight: Int get() { val reduceFunction: (Tree) -> Int = { it.weight } val combineFunction: (Int, List) -> Int = { parent, children -> parent + children.fold(0) { a, b -> a + b} } return reduce(reduceFunction, combineFunction) } } class Placeholder : Tree(0) { override fun reduce(transformFunction: (Tree) -> T, combineFunction: (T, List) -> T): T { return transformFunction(this) } override fun walk(parent: Tree?, name: String, function: (Tree?, String, Tree) -> Unit) { function(parent, name, this) } } class Child(weight: Int) : Tree(weight) { override fun reduce(transformFunction: (Tree) -> T, combineFunction: (T, List) -> T): T { return transformFunction(this) } override fun walk(parent: Tree?, name: String, function: (Tree?, String, Tree) -> Unit) { function(parent, name, this) } } class Parent(weight: Int) : Tree(weight) { val children = mutableMapOf() override fun reduce(transformFunction: (Tree) -> T, combineFunction: (T, List) -> T): T { return combineFunction(transformFunction(this), { it.value.reduce(transformFunction, combineFunction) }) } override fun walk(parent: Tree?, name: String, function: (Tree?, String, Tree) -> Unit) { function(parent, name, this) children.forEach { t, u -> u.walk(this, t, function) } } } fun main(args: Array) { val extractionPattern = Regex("([a-z]+)\\s*\\((\\d+)\\)\\s*(?:->\\s*(.+))?") val baseMap = mutableMapOf() val nodesWithParent = mutableListOf() File("../puzzle_7.txt").readLines().forEach { val match = extractionPattern.matchEntire(it)!! val name = match.groupValues[1] val weight = match.groupValues[2].toInt() val childrenString = match.groupValues[3] val children = if(childrenString.isEmpty()) emptyList() else childrenString.split(", ") val newNode = if(children.isEmpty()) { Child(weight) } else { val newParent = Parent(weight) children.forEach { childName -> newParent.children.put(childName, Placeholder()) } newParent } baseMap.put(name, newNode) } baseMap.forEach { val treeNode = it.value as? Parent ?: return@forEach treeNode.children.forEach { pair -> val (childKey, _) = pair val childNode = baseMap[childKey]!! treeNode.children[childKey] = childNode nodesWithParent.add(childNode) } } val (name, node) = baseMap.filterValues { !nodesWithParent.contains(it) }.entries.first() node.walk(null, name) { parent, name, node -> if(parent == null) println("root node is $name") if(node is Parent){ val childWeightPairs = { it.value.combinedWeight to it.key } val childWeights = { it.first } if(childWeights.toSet().size != 1) { val frequencyMap = mutableMapOf() childWeights.forEach { frequencyMap[it] = frequencyMap.getOrDefault(it, 0) + 1 } val culpritWeight = frequencyMap.filter { it.value == 1 }.keys.first() val properWeight = frequencyMap.filter { it.key != culpritWeight }.keys.first() val culpritNode = childWeightPairs.filter { it.first == culpritWeight }.first() val culpritChildren = (node.children[culpritNode.second] as Parent).children.values val culpritChildrenWeights = { it.combinedWeight } if(culpritChildrenWeights.toSet().size == 1) { println("$culpritNode has balanced children, but doesn't weight right.") println("Correct weight is $properWeight, but actually is $culpritWeight") val difference = properWeight - culpritWeight println("The difference is $difference, and must be adjusted with node weight.") println("Correct node weight is ${difference + node.children[culpritNode.second]!!.weight}") } } } } }