require "./" lines ="day3").split("\n") lines.pop REGEX = /#([0-9]+) @ ([0-9]+),([0-9]+): ([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)/ claims = {} of Int32 => Rectangle lines.each do |line| match = line.match(REGEX).not_nil! claim = match[1].to_i32 x = match[2].to_i32 y = match[3].to_i32 width = match[4].to_i32 height = match[5].to_i32 claims[claim] =, y, width, height) end claimed_coords = {} of Tuple(Int32, Int32) => Int32 claims.values.each do |claim| claim.each_coord do |x, y| coord = {x, y} claimed_coords[coord] = (claimed_coords[coord]? || 0) + 1 end end puts "Overlapping: #{claimed_coords.values.count &.>(1)}" claims.each do |k, v| count_overlapped = 0 v.each_coord do |x, y| count_overlapped += 1 if claimed_coords[{x, y}] > 1 end if count_overlapped == 0 puts "No overlaps: #{k}" exit end end