require "./" lines = STDIN.gets_to_end.split("\n") lines.pop units = [] of NamedTuple(type: Symbol, power: Int32, hp: Int32, x: Int32, y: Int32) lines.each_with_index do |line, y| line.each_char_with_index do |char, x| units << { type: :elf, power: 3, hp: 200, x: x, y: y } if char == 'E' units << { type: :goblin, power: 3, hp: 200, x: x, y: y } if char == 'G' end end map = &.chars alias Spot = NamedTuple(x: Int32, y: Int32) def nearby_spots(map, x, y) spots = [] of Spot spots << { x: x, y: y - 1} if y > 0 spots << { x: x - 1, y: y } if x > 0 spots << { x: x + 1, y: y } if x < map[0].size - 1 spots << { x: x, y: y + 1} if y < map.size - 1 return spots end def all_open_spots(map, units, type) open_spots = [] of Spot &.[:type].==(type) units.each do |unit| next unless unit[:type] == type x = unit[:x] y = unit[:y] open_spots.concat nearby_spots(map, x, y) end! do |spot| map[spot[:y]][spot[:x]] != '#' end sort_reading_order(open_spots) return open_spots end def sort_reading_order(collection) collection.sort_by! do |item| item[:y] * 100 + item[:x] end end def in_range(map, units, spot, type) nearby_spots(map, spot[:x], spot[:y]).select do |spot| units.any? { |u| u[:x] == spot[:x] && u[:y] == spot[:y] && u[:type] == type } end end def occupied(map, units, x, y) return (map[y][x] == '#') || units.any? { |u| (u[:x] == x) && (u[:y] == y) } end def filter_reachable(map, units, start_spot, open_spots) do |spot| shortest_path(map, units, start_spot, spot) end end def opposite_type(type) return :goblin if type == :elf return :elf end def dist(one, other) (one[:x] - other[:x]).abs + (one[:y] - other[:y]).abs end def path(came_from : Hash(T|R, T|R), start : R) forall T, R path = [ start ] of (T|R) while came_from.has_key? start start = came_from[start] path << start end return path.reverse! end def astart_path(map, units, from, to) done = Set(Spot).new open = Set(Spot).new start = {x: from[:x], y: from[:y] } open << start fscore = {} of Spot => Int32 gscore = { start => 0 } came_from = {} of Spot => Spot while !open.empty? min = open.min_by { |spot| fscore[spot]? || 100000000 } return path(came_from, min) if min == to open.delete min done << min min_gscore = gscore[min]? || (100000000) nearby_spots(map, min[:x], min[:y]).select { |spot| !occupied(map, units, spot[:x], spot[:y]) }.each do |neighbor| next if done.includes? neighbor neighbor_gscore = gscore[neighbor]? || (100000000) new_score = min_gscore + 1 open << neighbor if !open.includes? neighbor next if new_score >= neighbor_gscore came_from[neighbor] = min gscore[neighbor] = new_score fscore[neighbor] = new_score + (neighbor[:y] - min[:y]) * 2 + (neighbor[:x] - min[:x]) # + (dist(neighbor, to)) # + ((neighbor[:y] - min[:y]) * 10)) end end end def shortest_path(map, units, from, to) visited = Set(Spot).new open = Deque(Spot).new(1, { x: from[:x], y: from[:y] } ) from_hash = {} of Spot => Spot return [{ x: from[:x], y: from[:y] }] if from[:x] == to[:x] && from[:y] == to[:y] while !visited.includes?(to) && !open.empty? current = open.first open.delete current visited << current x, y = current[:x], current[:y] nearby_spots(map, x, y).each do |it| next if visited.includes? it visited << it next if occupied(map, units, it[:x], it[:y]) from_hash[it] = current open << it end end return path(from_hash, to) if visited.includes? to return nil end def moved_unit(map, units, unit) all_spots = all_open_spots(map, units, opposite_type(unit[:type])) # puts "all spots: #{all_spots}"! do |spot| next true if spot[:x] == unit[:x] && spot[:y] == unit[:y] next !occupied(map, units, spot[:x], spot[:y]) end # puts "spots not occupied: #{all_spots}" all_paths = all_spots.compact_map do |spot| shortest_path(map, units, unit, spot) end # puts "all paths: #{all_paths}" path = all_paths.min_by? &.size # puts "picked path: #{path}" new_spot = path.try &.[1]? return unit unless new_spot return { x: new_spot[:x], y: new_spot[:y], power: unit[:power], hp: unit[:hp], type: unit[:type] } end def unit_at?(units, x, y) { |u| u[:x] == x && u[:y] == y }.first? end def unit_at(units, x, y) { |u| u[:x] == x && u[:y] == y }.first end def attacked_unit(map, units, unit) all_spots = nearby_spots(map, unit[:x], unit[:y]) enemy_spots =! do |spot| next false unless enemy = unit_at?(units, spot[:x], spot[:y]) enemy[:type] == opposite_type(unit[:type]) end return nil if enemy_spots.empty? min_hp = enemy_spots.min_of do |spot| unit_at(units, spot[:x], spot[:y])[:hp] end! do |spot| unit_at(units, spot[:x], spot[:y])[:hp] == min_hp end return nil if enemy_spots.empty? sort_reading_order(enemy_spots) attacked_spot = enemy_spots[0] attacked_index = units.index do |unit| unit[:x] == attacked_spot[:x] && unit[:y] == attacked_spot[:y] end return nil unless attacked_index attacked_unit = units[attacked_index] return { attacked_index, { x: attacked_unit[:x], y: attacked_unit[:y], power: attacked_unit[:power], hp: attacked_unit[:hp] - unit[:power], type: attacked_unit[:type] } } end def draw(map, units) min_x = 0 max_x = map[0].size - 1 min_y = 0 max_y = map.size - 1 (min_y..max_y).each do |y| (min_x..max_x).each do |x| unit = unit_at?(units, x, y) if unit STDOUT << ((unit[:type] == :elf) ? 'E' : 'G') else STDOUT << (map[y][x] == '#' ? '#' : '.') end end puts end end def step(map, units) sort_reading_order(units) index = 0 while index < units.size return true if (units.count &.[:type].==(:elf)) == 0 return true if (units.count &.[:type].==(:goblin)) == 0 unit = units[index] unit = moved_unit(map, units, unit) units[index] = unit attacked_u = attacked_unit(map, units, unit) if attacked_u attacked_index, attacked_unit = attacked_u if attacked_unit[:hp] <= 0 units.delete_at attacked_index index -= 1 if index >= attacked_index else units[attacked_index] = attacked_unit end end index += 1 end return false end def check_win(units) current_winning = nil units.each do |u| if current_winning return nil if current_winning != u[:type] else current_winning = u[:type] end end return current_winning end def winning_score(units, type)[:type].==(type)).sum &.[:hp] end simulating_units = units.dup steps = 0 # draw(map, simulating_units) until won = check_win(simulating_units) steps += 1 unless step(map, simulating_units) # draw(map, simulating_units) sort_reading_order(simulating_units) # simulating_units.each do |unit| # puts "health (#{unit[:type]}): #{unit[:hp]}" # end # puts "-- (end of roun #{steps})" end puts "#{steps} * #{winning_score(simulating_units, won)} = #{steps * winning_score(simulating_units, won)}"