require "advent" tiles = input(2020, 20).split "\n\n" tiles.pop thash = {} of Int32 => Array(Array(Char)) tiles = do |t| tl = t.lines tid = tl[0].match(/Tile (\d+):/).not_nil![1].to_i32 tls = tl[1..] thash[tid] = &.chars end class Array(T) def matches?(other) zip_with(other) { |l,r| l == r }.all? end def rotate reverse.transpose end end def check(side_a, side_b) return :normal if side_a.matches?(side_b) return :flip if side_a.matches?(side_b.reverse) return nil end def check_all(side_a, other, other_t) check(side_a, other.first) || check(side_a, other.last) || check(side_a, other_t.first) || check(side_a, other_t.last) end MONSTER = [ {0, 1}, {1, 0}, {4, 0}, {5, 1}, {6, 1}, {7, 0}, {10, 0}, {11,1}, {12, 1}, {13, 0}, {16, 0}, {17, 1}, {18, 1}, {18, 2}, {19, 1} ] def stitch(m, thash, corner) image = Array(Array(Char)).new(12*8) do |y| Array(Char).new(12*8) do |x| '.' end end tile = thash[corner] tile_id = corner tile.reverse! if m[corner].has_key? :top tile.each &.reverse! if m[corner].has_key? :left 12.times do |row| tile = tile.not_nil! row_tile = tile row_id = tile_id 12.times do |col| row_tile = row_tile.not_nil! (0..7).each do |y| (0..7).each do |x| image[col*8+y][row*8+x] = row_tile[y+1][x+1] end end matches = nil thash.each do |other_id, other_tile| next if matches next if other_id == row_id 4.times do if row_tile.last.matches? other_tile.first row_id = other_id matches = other_tile elsif row_tile.last.matches? other_tile.first.reverse row_id = other_id matches = &.reverse end other_tile = other_tile.rotate end end row_tile = matches end rot = tile.rotate matches = nil thash.each do |other_id, other_tile| next if matches next if other_id == tile_id 4.times do if rot.last.matches? other_tile.first tile_id = other_id matches = other_tile.rotate.rotate.rotate elsif rot.last.matches? other_tile.first.reverse tile_id = other_id matches = end other_tile = other_tile.rotate end end tile = matches end image end def find_dragons(stitch) dragons = [] of {Int32,Int32} stitch.each_with_index do |row, y| row.each_with_index do |c, x| is_dragon = MONSTER.all? do |dx, dy| (stitch[y+dy]?.try &.[x+dx]?) == '#' end dragons << {x,y} if is_dragon end end dragons end def find_all_dragons(stitch) dragons = [] of {Int32,Int32} 4.times do dragons.concat find_dragons(stitch) dragons.concat find_dragons(stitch.reverse) stitch = stitch.rotate end dragons end def match(thash, tile) matches = {} of Symbol => {Int32, Symbol} cs = thash[tile] tcs = cs.transpose thash.each do |t, ocs| next if t == tile tocs = ocs.transpose top = check_all(cs.first, ocs, tocs) bottom = check_all(cs.last, ocs, tocs) left = check_all(tcs.first, ocs, tocs) right = check_all(tcs.last, ocs, tocs) matches[:top] = {t, top} if top matches[:left] = {t, left} if left matches[:bottom] = {t, bottom} if bottom matches[:right] = {t, right} if right end matches end def part1(input) corners = do |t, i| match(input, t).size == 2 end end def part2(input) matches = {} of Int32 => Hash(Symbol, {Int32, Symbol}) corners = do |t, i| matches[t] = match(input, t) match(input, t).size == 2 end stitched = stitch(matches, input, corners.first[0]) dragons = find_all_dragons(stitched) stitched.sum(&.count(&.==('#'))) - (dragons.size * MONSTER.size) end puts part1(thash.clone) puts part2(thash.clone)