require "advent" rlines, _, strings = input(2020, 19).partition("\n\n") strings = strings.lines rules = {} of String => String do |l| rule, _, text = l.partition(": ") rules[rule] = text end alias Matcher = Proc(String,Int32,Array(Int32)) def char(c) ->(str : String, i : Int32) { str[i]? == c ? [i+1] : [] of Int32 } end def any(ps) ->(str : String, i : Int32) { ps.flat_map { |p|, i) } } end def seq(ps) ->(str : String, i : Int32) { base = [i] ps.each do |p| base = base.flat_map { |i|, i) } end base } end def to_regex(rules, rule) end def build_rule(rules, built, rule) : Matcher if exists = built[rule]? return exists end body = rules[rule] return built[rule] = char body[1] if body.matches? /"."/ branches = [] of Matcher top = any(branches) built[rule] = top branches.concat(body.split(" | ").map { |b| seq(b.split(" ").map { |subrule| build_rule(rules, built, subrule) }) }) top end def part1(input) rules, lines = input matcher = build_rule(rules, {} of String => Matcher, "0") lines.count do |l|, 0).includes? l.size end end def part2(input) rules, lines = input rules["8"] = "42 | 42 8" rules["11"] = "42 31 | 42 11 31" matcher = build_rule(rules, {} of String => Matcher, "0") lines.count do |l|, 0).includes? l.size end end puts part1({rules,strings}) puts part2({rules,strings})