require "advent" INPUT = input(2022, 12) EDGES = {} of Tuple(Int32,Int32) => Array(Tuple(Int32, Int32)) def add_at(pos, c, x, y) return unless y >= 0 && y < INPUT.size return unless x >= 0 && x < INPUT[0].size o = INPUT[y][x] o = 'a' if o == 'S' o = 'z' if o == 'E' return if (o.ord-c.ord) > 1 EDGES[pos] << ({x,y}); end def add_nearby(x, y) c = INPUT[y][x] c = 'a' if c == 'S' c = 'z' if c == 'E' if !EDGES[{x,y}]? EDGES[{x,y}] = [] of Tuple(Int32,Int32) end add_at({x,y}, c, x+1, y) add_at({x,y}, c, x-1, y) add_at({x,y}, c, x, y+1) add_at({x,y}, c, x, y-1) end from = {0,0} to = {0,0} INPUT.each_with_index do |row, y| row.each_with_index do |c, x| pos = {x, y} add_nearby(x, y) from = pos if c == 'S' to = pos if c == 'E' end end costs = {from => 0} visited = Set(Tuple(Int32, Int32)).new while !costs.empty? k, v = costs.min_by do |k,v| v end if k == to puts "Found! #{v}" break end costs.delete k visited << k INPUT[k[1]][k[0]] = INPUT[k[1]][k[0]].upcase puts k EDGES[k].each do |edge| next if visited.includes? edge if old = costs[edge]? costs[edge] = v+1 if old > v+1 else costs[edge] = v+1 end end end INPUT.each do |line| line.each do |c| print c end puts end