# Early CS 162 Projects My archives appear rather incomplete; I'm missing the source code for the small, introductory projects at the beginning of the class. For posterity, I will document them here. ## Guessing Game The guessing game program must generate a random number between 1 and 100. It must then prompt the user to guess the number. If the guess is exactly right, the game ends. Otherwise, if the number is too low or too high, the game must tell the user so, and prompt them for another guess. The player keeps guessing until they get the right answer. Here's an example: ``` I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100. What is it? > 50 That's too low! Guess again. > 75 That's too low! Guess again. > 87 That's too low! Guess again. > 93 That's too high! Guess again. > 92 Correct! ``` ## Palindrome The palindrome program must ask the user to enter a string of text. Any string of text should be supported, like `"hello"` `"my name is daniel"`, `"one, two, three!"`. Then, the program must print to the console whether or not the input string is a palindrome. A palindrome is a word or sentence that, when read backwards, is exactly the same thing. Here are some examples: ``` > hello This string is not a palindrome! > lol This string is a palindrome! > a man, a plan, a canal: panama! This string is a palindrome! ``` ## Tic Tac Toe This is a simple game of Tic-Tac-Toe. We start with an empty 3x3 board, and two players can take turns placing their symbol (`X` or `O`) on the board. The game ends when a player makes a line out of their symbol (3 horizontal, 3 vertical, or 3 diagonal). The game also ends when there are no possible moves. Here's an example: ``` A B C .---.---.---. 1 | | | | .---.---.---. 2 | | | | .---.---.---. 3 | | | | .---.---.---| Player 1> A1 A B C .---.---.---. 1 | X | | | .---.---.---. 2 | | | | .---.---.---. 3 | | | | .---.---.---| Player 2> A3 A B C .---.---.---. 1 | X | | | .---.---.---. 2 | | | | .---.---.---. 3 | O | | | .---.---.---| Player 1> B2 A B C .---.---.---. 1 | X | | | .---.---.---. 2 | | X | | .---.---.---. 3 | O | | | .---.---.---| Player 2> B3 A B C .---.---.---. 1 | X | | | .---.---.---. 2 | | X | | .---.---.---. 3 | O | O | | .---.---.---| Player 1> C3 A B C .---.---.---. 1 | X | | | .---.---.---. 2 | | X | | .---.---.---. 3 | O | O | X | .---.---.---| Player 1 wins! ```