
Welcome to our Go website. We are Group 4 from CS 290. Our mission is very ambitious - to get an A in CS 290, Web Development. Despite the immense difficulty of this task, we did our best to bring you this website, so that you may enjoy playing the game of Go with your friends. After Google's AlphaGo's victory against the best human Go player, there's not really a point to playing against a computer - you will lose.

Group Members


Claire Cahill

Claire created a page explaining the rules of Go, so that new players can learn how to play the game instead of clicking around randomly.


Danila Fedorin

Danila created the front-end and a basic back-end for the Go game. He used unconventional languages, namely Elm, a functional programming language designed for web applications, and Crystal, a compiled sibiling language of Ruby.


Michael Huang

Michael created this about page!


Matthew Sessions

Matt adapted the Crystal back-end to work with SQLite. This meant loading and saving Go games into the database instead of an in-memory cache, thereby allowing games to persist after server restarts.