require "./Go/*" require "kemal" require "json" require "db" require "sqlite3" URL = "localhost" PORT = "3000" GAME_CACHE = {} of String => Go::Game GAME_SAVE = "./game_saves.db" def save_game(db, gameid, game) # Function: save_game # Parameters: db(String)[Unused] gameid(String) game(Go::Game) turn, size, white_pass, black_pass, board = game.encode "sqlite3:./#{GAME_SAVE}" do |db| # Create table if one does not exist, gameid is UNIQUE => No duplicates db.exec "create table if not exists game_saves (gameid string, turn integer, size integer, white_pass string, black_pass string, board string, UNIQUE(gameid) )" # If duplicate => replace values, else => make new row for gameid db.exec "insert or replace into game_saves values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", gameid, turn.value, size, white_pass, black_pass, board end end def save_all() # Function: save_all # Parameters: None GAME_CACHE.each do |game_hash| gameid, game = game_hash save_game("none", gameid, game) end end def query_game(db, gameid) : Go::Game? # Function: query_game # Parameters: db(String)[Unused] gameid(String) turn = 0 size = Go::Size::Small white_pass = "" black_pass = "" board = "" begin "sqlite3:./#{GAME_SAVE}" do |db| # Query whole row where the gameid is found db.query "SELECT * FROM game_saves WHERE gameid = ?", gameid do |rs| rs.each do id = # Reduntant turn = size = white_pass = black_pass = board = end end end # New Go::Game object game = game.size = Go::Size.from_value(size) game.white_pass = white_pass game.black_pass = black_pass game.turn = Go::Color.from_value(turn) # Parses game board string counter = 0 # For each character in the board String board.each_char do |char| x = counter % 9 y = counter / 9 coord = {x.to_i8, y.to_i8} if(char == 'B') game.board[coord] = Go::Color::Black elsif(char == 'W') game.board[coord] = Go::Color::White end counter += 1 end rescue # Catch bad query puts "DB query Failed" return nil end # Finished Go::Game object to return return game end def lookup_game(db, cache, id) : Go::Game? # Function: lookup_game # Parameters: db(String)[Unused] cache({(String), (Go::Game)}) id(String) if game = cache[id]? return game else loaded_game = query_game(db, id) # Need to convert id to string for some reason cache[id.to_s] = loaded_game if loaded_game return loaded_game end end def create_game(db, cache, game, id) # Function: create_game # Parameters: db(String)[Unused] cache({(String), (Go::Game)}) game(Go::Game) id(String) cache[id] = game end def handle_message(id, game, socket, message) # Function: handle_message # Parameters: id(String) game(Go::Game) socket() message() split_command = message.split(" ") command = split_command[0] if command == "place" x = split_command[1].to_i8 y = split_command[2].to_i8 color = split_command[3] == "Black" ? Go::Color::Black : Go::Color::White game.update(x, y, color) game.sockets.each { |socket| socket.send game.to_json } end end get "/" do |env| render "src/Go/views/index.ecr", "src/Go/views/base.ecr" end get "/save" do |env| GAME_CACHE.each do |game_hash| gameid, game = game_hash save_game("none", gameid, game) end end post "/game" do |env| game_id = env.params.body["id"]? game_password = env.params.body["password"]? if game_id == nil || game_password == nil render_404 elsif game = lookup_game(nil, GAME_CACHE, game_id) id = game_id size = game.size.value black = nil if game_password == game.black_pass black = true elsif game_password == game.white_pass black = false end black.try { |black| render "src/Go/views/game.ecr", "src/Go/views/base.ecr"} || render_404 else render_404 end end post "/create" do |env| game_id = env.params.body["id"]? user_password = env.params.body["your-password"]? other_password = env.params.body["their-password"]? color = env.params.body["color"]? color_e = nil if color == "black" color_e = Go::Color::Black elsif color == "white" color_e = Go::Color::White end if game_id == nil || user_password == nil || other_password == nil || color == nil || color_e == nil render_404 elsif game = lookup_game(nil, GAME_CACHE, game_id) render_404 else color_e = user_password = other_password = if color_e == Go::Color::Black white_pass, black_pass = other_password, user_password else white_pass, black_pass = user_password, other_password end game =, black_pass, white_pass) create_game(nil, GAME_CACHE, game, id = game_id size = game.size.value black = color_e == Go::Color::Black render "src/Go/views/game.ecr", "src/Go/views/base.ecr" end end ws "/game/:id" do |socket, env| game_id = env.params.url["id"] if game = lookup_game(nil, GAME_CACHE, game_id) socket.send game.to_json game.sockets << socket socket.on_message do |message| game.try { |game| handle_message(game_id, game, socket, message) } end socket.on_close do game.try { |game| game.sockets.delete socket } end else render_404 end end spawn do loop do sleep 10.minute puts "Saving" save_all() end end Fiber.yield