import Html exposing (Html, div, text, textarea, h1, h2, p) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, classList) import Html.Events exposing (onInput) import Browser exposing (element) import Canvas exposing (Shape) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Parser exposing (Parser, Problem(..), DeadEnd, (|.), (|=), variable, succeed, symbol, int, spaces, map, oneOf, lazy, sequence, Trailing(..), keyword, run, backtrackable, end) import Color import Canvas exposing (Point, path, lineTo, circle, shapes, stroke, lineWidth, fill, rect) import Set {- ======= Syntax Definitions ======= -} type LogoPenMode = Up | Down type LogoExpr = Variable String | Number Int | Sum LogoExpr LogoExpr type LogoCmd = Pen LogoPenMode | Move LogoExpr LogoExpr | Define String (List String) LogoProg | Call String (List LogoExpr) type alias LogoProg = List LogoCmd {- ======= Semantics Definitions ==== -} type alias Coord = (Int, Int) type alias Line = (Coord, Coord) type alias Function = (List String, LogoProg) type Scope = Child Scope (Dict String Function) (Dict String Int) | End type alias Board = List Line type alias State = { penMode : LogoPenMode , pos : Coord , scope : Scope , board : Board } type alias Step a = State -> Result String (a, State) {- ======= Type Definitions ======= -} type alias Flags = { initialText : String } type alias Model = { programText : String } type Msg = UpdateText String {- ======= Syntax Code -} parseInt : Parser LogoExpr parseInt = map Number int parseVarName : Parser String parseVarName = variable { start = Char.isAlphaNum , inner = Char.isAlphaNum , reserved = Set.fromList [ "move", "pen", "define", "call" ] } parseVar : Parser LogoExpr parseVar = map Variable parseVarName parseTerm : Parser LogoExpr parseTerm = oneOf [ parseInt, parseVar ] parseSum : Parser LogoExpr parseSum = succeed Sum |= parseTerm |. spaces |. symbol "+" |. spaces |= parseExpr parseExpr : Parser LogoExpr parseExpr = oneOf [ lazy (\_ -> backtrackable parseSum), parseTerm ] parseProg : Parser LogoProg parseProg = sequence { start = "" , separator = "" , end = "" , spaces = spaces , item = lazy (\_ -> parseCmd) , trailing = Mandatory } parseCmd : Parser LogoCmd parseCmd = oneOf [ parseDefine, parseCall, parseMove, parsePen ] parseDefine : Parser LogoCmd parseDefine = succeed Define |. keyword "define" |. spaces |= parseVarName |. spaces |= sequence { start = "(" , separator = "," , end = ")" , spaces = spaces , item = parseVarName , trailing = Forbidden } |. spaces |. symbol "{" |. spaces |= parseProg |. spaces |. symbol "}" parseCall : Parser LogoCmd parseCall = succeed Call |. keyword "call" |. spaces |= parseVarName |. spaces |= sequence { start = "(" , separator = "," , end = ")" , spaces = spaces , item = parseExpr , trailing = Forbidden } |. spaces |. symbol ";" parsePenMode : Parser LogoPenMode parsePenMode = oneOf [ succeed Up |. keyword "up" , succeed Down |. keyword "down" ] parsePen : Parser LogoCmd parsePen = succeed Pen |. keyword "pen" |. spaces |= parsePenMode |. spaces |. symbol ";" parseMove : Parser LogoCmd parseMove = succeed Move |. keyword "move" |. spaces |. symbol "(" |= parseExpr |. spaces |. symbol "," |. spaces |= parseExpr |. spaces |. symbol ")" |. spaces |. symbol ";" {- ======= Semantics Code ======= -} initialScope : Scope initialScope = Child End Dict.empty Dict.empty setScopeFunction : String -> Function -> Scope -> Scope setScopeFunction s f scope = case scope of End -> setScopeFunction s f initialScope Child p fs vs -> Child p (Dict.insert s f fs) vs setScopeVariable : String -> Int -> Scope -> Scope setScopeVariable s v scope = case scope of End -> setScopeVariable s v initialScope Child p fs vs -> Child p fs (Dict.insert s v vs) scopeFunction : String -> Scope -> Maybe Function scopeFunction s scope = case scope of End -> Nothing Child p fs _ -> case Dict.get s fs of Just f -> Just f Nothing -> scopeFunction s p scopeVariable : String -> Scope -> Maybe Int scopeVariable s scope = case scope of End -> Nothing Child p _ vs -> case Dict.get s vs of Just i -> Just i Nothing -> scopeVariable s p initialState : State initialState = { penMode = Up , pos = (0, 0) , scope = initialScope , board = [] } updatePosition : Coord -> State -> State updatePosition c state = let newBoard = case state.penMode of Up -> state.board Down -> (state.pos, c)::state.board in { state | pos = c, board = newBoard } registerFunction : String -> Function -> State -> State registerFunction s f state = { state | scope = setScopeFunction s f state.scope } registerVariable : String -> Int -> State -> State registerVariable s v state = { state | scope = setScopeVariable s v state.scope } setPenMode : LogoPenMode -> State -> State setPenMode m state = { state | penMode = m} upScope : State -> State upScope state = { state | scope = Child state.scope Dict.empty Dict.empty } downScope : State -> State downScope state = let newScope = case state.scope of End -> End Child p _ _ -> p in { state | scope = newScope } unit : a -> Step a unit a state = Ok (a, state) err : String -> Step a err s state = Err s bind : Step a -> (a -> Step b) -> Step b bind sa f state = case sa state of Ok (a, newState) -> f a newState Err e -> Err e rbind : (a -> Step b) -> Step a -> Step b rbind f sa = bind sa f get : Step State get s = Ok (s, s) put : State -> Step () put s _ = Ok ((), s) modify : (State -> State) -> Step () modify f = get |> rbind (put << f) lookupFunction : String -> Step Function lookupFunction s = get |> rbind (\st -> case scopeFunction s st.scope of Just f -> unit f Nothing -> err ("No function with name " ++ s)) lookupVariable : String -> Step Int lookupVariable s = get |> rbind (\st -> case scopeVariable s st.scope of Just v -> unit v Nothing -> err ("No variable with name " ++ s)) evaluateExp : LogoExpr -> Step Int evaluateExp le = case le of Number i -> unit i Variable v -> lookupVariable v Sum l r -> evaluateExp l |> rbind (\vl -> evaluateExp r |> rbind (\vr -> unit (vl + vr))) evaluateAllExps : List LogoExpr -> Step (List Int) evaluateAllExps = List.foldr (\x acc -> acc |> rbind (\vs -> evaluateExp x |> rbind (\v -> unit (v::vs)))) (unit []) registerAllVariables : List (String, Int) -> Step () registerAllVariables = List.foldl (\(s, i) m -> bind m (\_ -> modify <| registerVariable s i)) (unit ()) zipParams : List String -> List Int -> Step (List (String, Int)) zipParams la lb = case (la, lb) of (a::lat, b::lbt) -> zipParams lat lbt |> rbind (\ps -> unit <| (a, b)::ps) ([], []) -> unit [] ([], _) -> err "Passing too many parameters to macro call" (_, []) -> err "Not enough parameters in macro call" evaluateCmd : LogoCmd -> Step () evaluateCmd c = case c of Move l r -> evaluateExp l |> rbind (\x -> evaluateExp r |> rbind (\y -> modify <| updatePosition (x, y))) Define n xs prg -> modify <| registerFunction n (xs, prg) Pen mode -> modify <| setPenMode mode Call n args -> lookupFunction n |> rbind (\(ns, prg) -> evaluateAllExps args |> rbind (\vs -> modify upScope |> rbind (\_ -> zipParams ns vs |> rbind (\ps -> registerAllVariables ps |> rbind (\_ -> evaluateAll prg |> rbind (\_ -> modify downScope)))))) evaluateAll : LogoProg -> Step () evaluateAll prg = List.foldl rbind (unit ()) <| (\c _ -> evaluateCmd c) prg {- ======= Drawing Stuff ===== -} transformCoord : Coord -> Point transformCoord (x, y) = (toFloat x * 25, 500 - toFloat y * 25) lineShape : Line -> Shape lineShape (c1, c2) = path (transformCoord c1) [ lineTo (transformCoord c2) ] pointerShape : Coord -> Shape pointerShape c = circle (transformCoord c) 5 allShapes : State -> List Shape allShapes s = pointerShape s.pos :: lineShape s.board canvas : State -> Html Msg canvas state = Canvas.toHtml (500, 500) [ classList [ ("centered", True), ("shadow", True) ] ] [ shapes [ fill Color.white ] [ rect (0, 0) 500 500 ] , shapes [ stroke, lineWidth 5] (allShapes state) ] {- ===== Rendering Stuff -} humanProblemString : Problem -> String humanProblemString p = case p of Expecting s -> "Expecting " ++ s ExpectingInt -> "Expecting decimal integer" ExpectingHex -> "Expecting hexadecimal integer" ExpectingOctal -> "Expecting octal integer" ExpectingBinary -> "Expecting binary integer" ExpectingFloat -> "Expecting a floating pointer number" ExpectingNumber -> "Expecting a number" ExpectingVariable -> "Expected variable name" ExpectingSymbol s -> "Expected symbol \"" ++ s ++ "\"" ExpectingKeyword s -> "Expecting keyword " ++ s ExpectingEnd -> "Expecting end of string" UnexpectedChar -> "Unexpected character" Problem s -> s BadRepeat -> "Bad repetition" humanDeadEndString : DeadEnd -> String humanDeadEndString { row, col, problem } = "A parse error occured on line " ++ String.fromInt row ++ ": " ++ humanProblemString problem humanParseError : List DeadEnd -> String humanParseError = Maybe.withDefault "" << humanDeadEndString << List.head {- ======= Elm Architecture ======= -} init : Flags -> (Model, Cmd Msg) init fs = let model = { programText = fs.initialText } cmd = Cmd.none in (model, cmd) view : Model -> Html Msg view m = let parseResult = Result.mapError humanParseError (run (parseProg |. end) m.programText) evalResult = (\(_, s) -> s) <| Result.andThen (\prg -> evaluateAll prg initialState) parseResult toRender = Result.withDefault initialState evalResult error = case evalResult of Err e -> [ p [ classList [ ("centered", True), ("error", True), ("shadow", True) ] ] [ text e ] ] Ok _ -> [] in div [] [ h1 [] [ text "MiniLogo Functional Evaluator" ] , div [ class "logo-container" ] [ div [ class "logo-pane" ] <| [ h2 [] [ text "MiniLogo" ] , textarea [ onInput UpdateText, classList [ ("centered", True), ("shadow", True) ] ] [ text m.programText ] ] ++ error , div [ class "logo-pane" ] [ h2 [] [ text "Output" ], canvas toRender ] ] ] update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg m = case msg of UpdateText s -> ({ m | programText = s }, Cmd.none) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions m = Sub.none main = element { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions }