# Code Review Changes https://docs.google.com/document/d/19d5U-ieQyGVVNQjj0rUouzIqF53evEP6yss-wyqNXiQ/edit?usp=sharing |Comment|Adjustment| |-------|----------| |The package `com.danilafe.fencelessgrazing` can be changed to something more relevant.| Package name follows standard conventions of reverse domain name. No changes made.| | (General remark) commenting is sparse.| Every function and field in the codebase documented using KDoc; documentation intermittently updated on [student website](https://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~fedorind/CS46X/app/index.html).| | No unit tests| Not worth it to do UI tests; [cow description language](https://dev.danilafe.com/CS-46x/cdl) developed for testing databases elsewhere.| | Missing README. | README added with compilation instructions; gradle wrapper adjusted to work out of the box.|