package com.danilafe.fencelessgrazing.ui.activities import android.content.Intent import import import android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log import android.view.View import android.widget.TextView import android.widget.Toast import import import import com.danilafe.fencelessgrazing.R import com.danilafe.fencelessgrazing.model.CollarPos import com.danilafe.fencelessgrazing.model.Polygon import com.danilafe.fencelessgrazing.requests.authenticated.CollarDetailRequest import com.danilafe.fencelessgrazing.requests.authenticated.CollarHistoryRequest import com.danilafe.fencelessgrazing.ui.components.GrazingPolygon import org.osmdroid.util.GeoPoint import org.osmdroid.views.MapView import org.osmdroid.views.overlay.Marker import org.osmdroid.views.overlay.Polyline import java.util.* import kotlin.concurrent.timerTask /** * The activity that handles the display of a single collar, including * the map with the collar's location, the collar's name, and how many * times the collar left the prescribed grazing area in the last day. This * information is gathered from repeated [history][CollarHistoryRequest] and * [details][CollarDetailRequest] requests. */ class CollarDetailActivity : AppCompatActivity() { /** * The [TextView] holding the collar's current name. */ private lateinit var collarName: TextView /** * The [TextView] holding the collar's current position. */ private lateinit var collarPos: TextView /** * The [TextView] holding the number of times the collar left the grazing area. */ private lateinit var collarStimulus: TextView /** Cached value of the API token retrieved from shared preferences. */ private lateinit var token: String /** * Volley queue used for sending requests to the API. */ private lateinit var queue: RequestQueue /** * The identifier of the collar whose details are being viewed. This is * provided by the activity's [Intent][android.content.Intent]. */ private var collarId: Int = -1 /** * Whether or not the map has been centered on the location of the collar. * Rather than have the map constantly jump around following the collar as it moves, we only * move the map's center when this variable is `false`. */ private var centerSet: Boolean = false /** * The map view that actually handles the display of the OpenStreetMaps tiles and markers. */ private lateinit var map: MapView /** * The timer used for scheduling repeated API calls. The timer is started * in [onResume], and stopped in [onPause]. */ private var refreshTimer = Timer() /** * The OpenStreetMaps polygon to be drawn on the map. This polygon is used * to display the valid grazing area for the collar; its vertices * are updated whenever the [boundingBox] property is changed. */ private lateinit var mapPolygon: GrazingPolygon /** * The [Polygon] that represents the collar's valid grazing area. * Setting this property will also update the [mapPolygon], which * is the visual representation of the grazing area on the map. * Additionally, setting this property will also update the [map]. */ private var boundingBox: Polygon? = null set(newValue) { if(newValue != null) updateBoundingBox(field, newValue) else clearBoundingBox() field = newValue } /** * The OpenStreetMaps marker used to display the collar's current location * on the map. This marker is updated whenever the [dataPoints] property is set. */ private lateinit var mapMarker: Marker /** * The OpenStreetMaps line used to display the path the collar has taken thus fur. * This line is updated whenever the [dataPoints] property is set. */ private lateinit var mapPolyline: Polyline /** * The full history of the collar's location. Setting this property * updates the [mapMarker] and [mapPolyline] properties, which * are used to display the collar and its location history, respectively, on the map. * Additionally, setting this property will also update the [map]. */ private var dataPoints: List = listOf() set(newValue) { if(newValue.isNotEmpty()) updateAnimalHistory(newValue) else clearAnimalHistory() field = newValue } override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_collar_detail) findViews() token = getSharedPreferences("FencelessGrazing", 0).getString("token", null)!! collarId = intent.getIntExtra("identifier", -1) queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(applicationContext) map = findViewById( map.controller.setZoom(9.5) mapPolygon = GrazingPolygon(map) mapMarker = Marker(map) mapPolyline = Polyline(map) } override fun onPause() { super.onPause() map.onPause() refreshTimer.cancel() refreshTimer.purge() } override fun onResume() { super.onResume() map.onResume() refreshTimer = Timer() refreshTimer.schedule(timerTask { triggerRefresh() }, 0L, 5000L) } /** * Locates all the views in the activity, setting the respective * `lateinit` properties. */ private fun findViews() { collarName = findViewById( collarPos = findViewById( collarStimulus = findViewById( } /** * Sends API requests that retrieve updated information about the collar. */ private fun triggerRefresh() { val historyRequest = CollarHistoryRequest(getString(R.string.apiUrl), collarId, token, Response.Listener { dataPoints = { p -> p.toGeoPoint() } }, Response.ErrorListener { Toast.makeText(this, "Failed to retrieve history of collar", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show() } ) val detailRequest = CollarDetailRequest(getString(R.string.apiUrl), collarId, token, Response.Listener { collarName.text = collarStimulus.text = getString(R.string.collarSummaryStimulus, it.stimulus) boundingBox = if (it.boundary.size >= 3) Polygon(it.boundary) else null }, Response.ErrorListener { Toast.makeText(this, "Failed to retrieve details of collar", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show() } ) queue.add(historyRequest) queue.add(detailRequest) } /** * Open the [BoundaryEditorActivity] to edit the current collar's grazing boundary. */ fun changeGrazingBoundary(v : View) { startActivity(Intent(this, { val center = dataPoints.lastOrNull()?.let { CollarPos(it.longitude.toString(), it.latitude.toString()) } ?: CollarPos("0", "0") putExtra("center", center) putExtra("identifier", collarId) }) } /** * Given a new location history of the animal, configures * updates the [map] to include the relevant elements (such as the animal's * [marker][mapMarker]). Additionally, if the map is not centered, * this sets its center to the animal's most recent location. */ private fun updateAnimalHistory(points : List) { val currentPoint = points.first() collarPos.text = getString(R.string.collarSummaryLocation, currentPoint.longitude, currentPoint.latitude) if(!map.overlays.contains(mapMarker)) map.overlays.add(mapMarker) if(!map.overlays.contains(mapPolyline)) map.overlays.add(mapPolyline) mapMarker.position = currentPoint mapPolyline.setPoints(points) if(!centerSet) { centerSet = true map.controller.setCenter(currentPoint) } map.invalidate() } /** * If an animal's history is empty, hides all the elements * that depend on said history from the [map]. */ private fun clearAnimalHistory() { if(map.overlays.contains(mapMarker)) map.overlays.remove(mapMarker) if(map.overlays.contains(mapPolyline)) map.overlays.remove(mapPolyline) map.invalidate() } /** * Updates the [mapPolygon] with the new valid grazing area. * The polygon is added to the [map] if necessary. */ private fun updateBoundingBox(oldValue: Polygon?, polygon: Polygon) { if(oldValue == null) map.overlays.add(mapPolygon) val points = { it.toGeoPoint() } val polygonPoints = points.toMutableList() polygonPoints.add(polygonPoints[0]) mapPolygon.points = polygonPoints map.invalidate() } /** * If an animal's bounding box is not set, hides * the [mapPolygon] from the [map]. */ private fun clearBoundingBox() { Log.d("FencelessGrazing", "Clearing...") map.overlays.remove(mapPolygon) map.invalidate() } }