\documentclass[10pt, draftclsnofoot,onecolumn, compsoc]{IEEEtran} \def\changemargin#1#2{\list{}{\rightmargin#2\leftmargin#1}\item[]} \let\endchangemargin=\endlist \usepackage{setspace} \linespread{1} \title{Resources} \begin{document} \maketitle Much of the information that we gathered for the completion of this assignment were hosted on various websites. \begin{enumerate} \item One of the most helpful websites was the LoRa/LoRaWAN documentation hosted on the Lora Alliance website (https://lora-alliance.org/lorawan-for-developers) and The Things Network webpage (https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/). These two resources provided much of the necessary background into LoRa and how the protocol is implemented. \item Another helpful website was the Android documentation (https://developer.android.com/docs) and the Kotlin documentation (https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/). These two sites helped with the development of the Android application, and as Daniel had questions with the development of this application he found help and support on these sites. \item The Python documentation was also very helpful in the development of the HTTP API server hosted on the Pi. This documentation can be found here: https://docs.python.org/3/ \item Haskell was used for the CDL testing scripts, and the documentation provided on their website was a help (https://www.haskell.org/documentation/). \item Lastly, we referenced the Arduino Nano manual provided by Arduino here https://www.arduino.cc/en/uploads/Main/ArduinoNanoManual23.pdf \end{enumerate} Easily the most helpful individual on campus was our client Professor Bechir Hamdaoui. He was extremely helpful as he brought knowledge and experience with various forms of networking. He is very well versed in how networking protocols are implemented, and guided us to answer specific LoRaWAN implementation questions that we didn't know we had. Without his experience, we would have had to research LoRaWAN specifications towards the end of the project which would have resulted in us scrambling to understand how to implement the protocol. \end{document}