def all_pages(name, pdf) return [:pdf, name, pdf] end def all_no_entry(name, pdf) return [:pdf_no_entry, name, pdf] end def section_offset(name, page) return [:section, name, page] end pdf_structure = [ all_no_entry("Introduction", "intro.pdf"), all_pages("Requirements Document", "requirements.pdf"), all_pages("Design Document", "design-doc.pdf"), all_pages("Ryan Alder's Tech Review", "binary/techreview-ryan.pdf"), all_pages("Danila Fedorin's Tech Review", "techreview-daniel.pdf"), all_pages("Matthew Sessions' Tech Review", "binary/techreview-matt.pdf"), all_pages("Ryan Alder's Blog Posts", "binary/blog-ryan.pdf"), all_pages("Danila Fedorin's Blog Posts", "blog-daniel.pdf"), all_pages("Matthew Sessions' Blog Posts", "binary/blog-matt.pdf"), all_pages("Project Documentation and READMEs", "readme.pdf"), all_pages("Learning Resources", "resources.pdf"), all_pages("Conclusions and Reflections", "reflection.pdf"), all_pages("Appendix 1: Essential Code Listings", "listings.pdf"), all_pages("Appendix 2: Project Images", "images.pdf"), all_pages("Appendix 2: Code Review Changes", "review.pdf"), all_pages("Appendix 4: Remaining Work", "todo.pdf") ] toc ="generated.toc", "w") page_tally = 1 section_counter = 1 pdf_structure.each do |entry| next unless entry[0] == :pdf or entry[0] == :pdf_no_entry type, name, pdf = entry page_count = `pdftk #{pdf} dump_data | grep NumberOfPages`.split(":")[1].to_i output = "\\contentsline {section}{\\numberline {#{section_counter}}#{name}}{#{page_tally}}%" if type == :pdf toc.puts output puts output end section_counter += 1 page_tally += page_count end