// AltSoftSerial Receive Test // // Transmit data with Serial1 and try to receive // it with AltSoftSerial. You must connect a wire // from Serial1 TX to AltSoftSerial RX. #include AltSoftSerial altser; const int mybaud = 9600; // Board Serial1 TX AltSoftSerial RX // ----- ---------- ---------------- // Teensy 3.x 1 20 // Teensy 2.0 8 (D3) 10 (C7) // Teensy++ 2.0 3 (D3) 4 (D4) // Arduino Leonardo 1 13 // Arduino Mega 18 48 // Serial1 on AVR @ 16 MHz minimum baud is 245 // Serial1 on Teensy 3.2 @ 96 MHz minimum baud is 733 // This example code is in the public domain. byte sentbyte; unsigned long prevmillis; byte testbyte=0xF0; void setup() { delay(200); Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial) ; // wait for Arduino Serial Monitor Serial1.begin(mybaud); // connect a wire from TX1 altser.begin(mybaud); // to AltSoftSerial RX Serial.println("AltSoftSerial Receive Test"); prevmillis = millis(); } void loop() { // transmit a test byte on Serial 1 if (millis() - prevmillis > 250) { sentbyte = testbyte++; Serial1.write(sentbyte); prevmillis = millis(); } // attempt to receive it by AltSoftSerial if (altser.available() > 0) { byte b = altser.read(); Serial.println(b); if (b != sentbyte) Serial.println("***** ERROR *****"); } }