From 0bb0f51dbaba17d73145a20a0e19e49b25dc6c0a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Danila Fedorin Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2019 22:18:10 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] Add template --- retrospective.latex | 72 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 72 insertions(+) create mode 100644 retrospective.latex diff --git a/retrospective.latex b/retrospective.latex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a3c585 --- /dev/null +++ b/retrospective.latex @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +\documentclass[10pt, draftclsnofoot,onecolumn, compsoc]{IEEEtran} + +\def\changemargin#1#2{\list{}{\rightmargin#2\leftmargin#1}\item[]} +\let\endchangemargin=\endlist + +\usepackage{textcomp} +\usepackage{todonotes} +\usepackage{caption} +\usepackage{pgfgantt} +\usepackage{setspace} +\linespread{1} + +\def \CapstoneTeamName{Automated Fenceless Grazing} +\def \CapstoneTeamNumber{CS3} +\def \GroupMemberOne{Ryan Alder} +\def \GroupMemberTwo{Danila Fedorin} +\def \GroupMemberThree{Matthew Sessions} +\def \CapstoneProjectName{Automated Fenceless Grazing} +\def \CapstoneSponsorCompany{Oregon State University} +\def \CapstoneSponsorPerson{Bechir Hamdaoui} +\def \DocType{Retrospective} + +\newcommand{\NameSigPair}[1]{\par +\makebox[2.75in][r]{#1} \hfil \makebox[3.25in]{\makebox[2.25in]{\hrulefill} \hfill \makebox[.75in]{\hrulefill}} +\par\vspace{-12pt} \textit{\tiny\noindent +\makebox[2.75in]{} \hfil \makebox[3.25in]{\makebox[2.25in][r]{Signature} \hfill \makebox[.75in][r]{Date}}}} + +\begin{document} + +\begin{titlepage} + \pagenumbering{gobble} + \begin{singlespace} + % 4. If you have a logo, use this includegraphics command to put it on the coversheet. + %\includegraphics[height=4cm]{CompanyLogo} + \par\vspace{.2in} + \centering + \scshape{ + \huge CS Capstone \DocType \par + {\large\today}\par + \vspace{.5in} + \textbf{\Huge\CapstoneProjectName}\par + \vfill + {\large Prepared for}\par + \Huge \CapstoneSponsorCompany\par + \vspace{5pt} + {\large Prepared by }\par + Group\CapstoneTeamNumber\par + % 5. comment out the line below this one if you do not wish to name your team + \CapstoneTeamName\par + \vspace{25pt} + } + \begin{abstract} + The Fenceless Grazing Collar system aims to reduce the amount of work + needed by farmers to keep herds of grazing animals. The project + will be implemented using the LoRa wireless communication protocol to allow + for long-range interaction between animal-worn collars and a gateway device. + The gateway device will also provide an HTTP-based JSON API to apply configuration + changes to collars through an application built for Android mobile devices. + The MariaDB SQL database management system will be used to store the data + received from the collar for viewing and analysis. + \end{abstract} + \end{singlespace} +\end{titlepage} + +\pagebreak +\tableofcontents + +\pagebreak + +\section{Introduction} + +\end{document}