\documentclass{article} \begin{document} \title{Group Standards} \author{Danila Fedorin \and Ryan Alder \and Matthew Sessions} \maketitle \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ c p{10cm} } Work Completion & Each individual is responsible for the work they are alloted. Unless under unexpected circumstances, the possibility of failing to provide complete work should be made clear ahead of time so that the group can compensate. \\ Work Quality & The work should be of the same level that is expected in a working prototype to be presented to a company. That is, hardware should work and not require team member intervention. Software should be reliable enough to work in the field. The software should not be judged on the limitations of the idea (i.e., limitations of fenceless grazing)\\ Meeting Attendence & Due to frequent communication between current team members, having to miss a meeting should not be overly penalized. However, communicaion ahead of time regarding the absense is expected. \\ Meeting Preparation & There are no explicit preparation requirements for each meeting; However, team members should be confident and knowledgeable about the recent work they have done, and be able to report their progress. \\ Conflict Management & Team members must behave in a civil manner in the event of disagreements or conflicts. \\ Other & Work should be divided evenly by time; All group members are expected to spend a similar amount of time in completing work in the team. \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{document}