require "logger" require "./" require "./" module Chalk module Compiler # Top-level class to tie together the various # components, such as the `Lexer`, # `ParserCombinators::Parser`, and `Optimizer` class Compiler # Creates a new compiler with the given *config*. def initialize(@config : Ui::Config) @logger = STDOUT @logger.debug("Initialized compiler") @logger.level = @config.loglevel end # Reads a file an extracts instances of # `Trees:TreeFunction`. private def create_trees(file) string = @logger.debug("Tokenizing") lexer = tokens = lexer.lex string if tokens.size == 0 && string != "" raise "Unable to tokenize file." end @logger.debug("Finished tokenizing") @logger.debug("Beginning parsing") parser = if trees = parser.parse?(tokens) @logger.debug("Finished parsing") @logger.debug("Beginning constant folding") folder =! do |tree| @logger.debug("Constant folding #{}") tree.apply(folder).as(Trees::TreeFunction) end @logger.debug("Done constant folding") return trees end raise "Unable to parse file." end # Creates a default symbol table using the default functions, # as well as the functions declared by *trees* private def create_table(trees) table = @logger.debug("Creating symbol table") trees.each do |tree| @logger.debug("Storing #{} in symbol table") table[] = tree end @logger.debug("Done creating symbol table") table["get_key"] = table["set_delay"] = table["get_delay"] = table["set_sound"] = table["draw_number"] = return table end # Generates and optimizes intermediate representation for the given *tree*, # looking up identifiers in the symbol *table*, and appending the given *instruction* # at the end of the function to ensure correct program flow. private def create_code(tree : Trees::TreeFunction, table, instruction = tree.reduce( table, tree.type.return_type) optimizer = generator = table, tree @logger.debug("Generating code for #{}") code = generator.generate! code << instruction return optimizer.optimize(code) end # Generate code for a builtin function. Neither the *table* nor the *instruction* # are used, and serve to allow function overloading. private def create_code(function : Builtin::BuiltinFunction, table, instruction = nil) instructions = [] of Ir::Instruction function.generate!(instructions) return instructions end # Creates a hash containing function names and their generated code. # Only functions parsed from the file are compiled, and the *table* # is used for looking up identifiers. private def create_code(trees : Array(Trees::TreeFunction), table) code = {} of String => Array(Ir::Instruction) trees.each do |tree| code[] = create_code(tree, table) end return code end # Runs in the tree `Ui::OutputMode`. The file is # tokenized and parsed, and the result is printed # to the standard output. private def run_tree trees = create_trees(@config.file) trees.each do |it| STDOUT << it end end # Runs in the intermediate `Ui::OutputMode`. The file # is tokenized and parsed, and for each function, # intermediate representation is generated. However, # an executable is not generated, and the IR # is printed to the screen. private def run_intermediate trees = create_trees(@config.file) table = create_table(trees) code = create_code(trees, table) code.each do |name, insts| puts "Code for #{name}:" insts.each { |it| puts it } puts "-----" end end # Creates binary from the given *instructions*, # using the symbol *table* for lookups, and writes # the output to *dest* private def generate_binary(table, instructions, dest) binary = instructions.map_with_index { |it, i| it.to_bin(table, instructions.size, i).to_u16 } binary.each do |inst| first = (inst >> 8).to_u8 dest.write_byte(first) second = (inst & 0xff).to_u8 dest.write_byte(second) end end # Find all calls performed by the functions # stored in the *table*, starting at the main function. private def collect_calls(table) open = Set(String).new done = Set(String).new open << "main" while !open.empty? first = open.first open.delete first entry = table[first]? raise "Unknown function" unless entry && entry.is_a?(FunctionEntry) function = entry.function next if function.is_a?(Builtin::InlineFunction) done << first next unless function.is_a?(Trees::TreeFunction) visitor = function.accept(visitor) open.concat(visitor.calls - done) end return done end # Runs in the binary `Ui::OutputMode`. The file is # converted into an executable. private def run_binary all_instructions = [] of Ir::Instruction trees = create_trees(@config.file) table = create_table(trees) names = collect_calls(table) names.delete "main" main_entry = table["main"]?.as(FunctionEntry) all_instructions.concat create_code(, table, 0) main_entry.addr = 0 names.each do |name| entry = table[name]?.as(FunctionEntry) entry.addr = all_instructions.size function = entry.function raise "Trying to compile inlined function" if function.is_a?(Builtin::InlineFunction) all_instructions.concat create_code(function, table) all_instructions << end file ="out.ch8", "w") generate_binary(table, all_instructions, file) file.close end # Runs the compiler. def run case @config.mode when Ui::OutputMode::Tree run_tree when Ui::OutputMode::Intermediate run_intermediate when Ui::OutputMode::Binary run_binary end end end end end