module Telepathy::Utils extend self API_URL = "" enum ParseMode Normal, Markdown, HTML end def get_me(api_key : String) response = HTTP::Client.get(API_URL + api_key + "/getMe", headers: HTTP::Headers{"User-agent" => "Telepathy"}) return Response(User).from_json(response.body).result end def get_updates(api_key : String, timeout = 0, last_update_id : Int? = nil) update_data = {} of String => Int64 | Int32 | String update_data["timeout"] = timeout last_update_id.try { |id| update_data["offset"] = id } response = HTTP::Client.get(API_URL + api_key + "/getUpdates", headers: HTTP::Headers{"User-agent" => "Telepathy", "Content-type" => "application/json" }, body: update_data.to_json) return Response(Array(Update)).from_json(response.body).result end def send_message(api_key : String, chat_id : String | Int64, text : String, parse_mode : ParseMode = ParseMode::Normal, disable_web_preview : Bool = false, disable_notification : Bool = false, reply_to_message_id : Int64? = nil) message_data = { "chat_id" => chat_id, "text" => text } of String => Int64 | String | Bool message_data["disable_web_preview"] = true if disable_web_preview message_data["disable_notification"] = true if disable_notification if parse_mode == ParseMode::Markdown message_data["parse_mode"] = "Markdown" elsif parse_mode == ParseMode::HTML message_data["parse_mode"] = "HTML" end reply_to_message_id.try { |id| message_data["reply_to_message_id"] = id } HTTP::Client.get(API_URL + api_key + "/sendMessage", headers: HTTP::Headers{"User-agent" => "Telepathy", "Content-type" => "application/json" }, body: message_data.to_json) end def send_photo(api_key : String, chat_id : String | Int64, photo : String | File, caption : String? = nil, disable_notification : Bool = false, reply_to_message_id : Int64? = nil) IO.pipe do |reader, writer| channel = Channel(String).new(1) spawn do do |formdata| channel.send(formdata.content_type) case chat_id when String formdata.field("chat_id", when Int64 formdata.field("chat_id", end formdata.field("disable_notification", disable_notification.to_s) caption.try { |caption| formdata.field("caption", caption) } reply_to_message_id.try { |id| formdata.field("reply_to_message_id", id) } case photo when String formdata.field("photo", when File photo_file = formdata.file("photo", photo_file, File.basename(photo_file.path))) end end writer.close end response = HTTP::Client.get(API_URL + api_key + "/sendPhoto", headers: HTTP::Headers{"User-agent" => "Telepathy", "Content-type" => channel.receive }, body: reader) end end end