package org.nwapw.abacus.fx; import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener; import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.collections.transformation.FilteredList; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.scene.control.*; import javafx.scene.control.cell.CheckBoxListCell; import javafx.scene.text.Text; import javafx.util.Callback; import javafx.util.StringConverter; import org.nwapw.abacus.Abacus; import org.nwapw.abacus.config.Configuration; import org.nwapw.abacus.function.Documentation; import org.nwapw.abacus.function.DocumentationType; import org.nwapw.abacus.number.ComputationInterruptedException; import org.nwapw.abacus.number.NumberInterface; import org.nwapw.abacus.plugin.ClassFinder; import org.nwapw.abacus.plugin.PluginListener; import org.nwapw.abacus.plugin.PluginManager; import org.nwapw.abacus.plugin.StandardPlugin; import org.nwapw.abacus.tree.TreeNode; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Set; import; /** * The controller for the abacus FX UI, responsible * for all the user interaction. */ public class AbacusController implements PluginListener { /** * The file used for saving and loading configuration. */ public static final File CONFIG_FILE = new File("config.toml"); /** * The title for the apply alert dialog. */ private static final String APPLY_MSG_TITLE = "\"Apply\" Needed"; /** * The text for the header of the apply alert dialog. */ private static final String APPLY_MSG_HEADER = "The settings have not been applied."; /** * The text for the dialog that is shown if settings haven't been applied. */ private static final String APPLY_MSG_TEXT = "You have made changes to the configuration, however, you haven't pressed \"Apply\". " + "The changes to the configuration will not be present in the calculator until \"Apply\" is pressed."; /** * Constant string that is displayed if the text could not be lexed or parsed. */ private static final String ERR_SYNTAX = "Syntax Error"; /** * Constant string that is displayed if the tree could not be reduced. */ private static final String ERR_EVAL = "Evaluation Error"; /** * Constant string that is displayed if the calculations are stopped before they are done. */ private static final String ERR_STOP = "Stopped"; /** * Constant string that is displayed if the calculations are interrupted by an exception. */ private static final String ERR_EXCEPTION = "Exception Thrown"; @FXML private TabPane coreTabPane; @FXML private Tab calculateTab; @FXML private Tab settingsTab; @FXML private Tab functionListTab; @FXML private TableView historyTable; @FXML private TableColumn inputColumn; @FXML private TableColumn parsedColumn; @FXML private TableColumn outputColumn; @FXML private Text outputText; @FXML private TextField inputField; @FXML private Button inputButton; @FXML private Button stopButton; @FXML private ComboBox numberImplementationBox; @FXML private ListView enabledPluginView; @FXML private TextField computationLimitField; @FXML private ListView functionListView; @FXML private TextField functionListSearchField; /** * The list of history entries, created by the users. */ private ObservableList historyData; /** * The abacus instance used for calculations and all * other main processing code. */ private ObservableList numberImplementationOptions; /** * The list of plugin objects that can be toggled on and off, * and, when reloaded, get added to the plugin manager's black list. */ private ObservableList enabledPlugins; /** * The list of functions that are registered in the calculator. */ private ObservableList functionList; /** * The filtered list displayed to the user. */ private FilteredList functionFilter; /** * The abacus instance used for changing the plugin configuration. */ private Abacus abacus; /** * Boolean which represents whether changes were made to the configuration. */ private boolean changesMade; /** * Whether an alert about changes to the configuration was already shown. */ private boolean reloadAlertShown; /** * The alert shown when a press to "apply" is needed. */ private Alert reloadAlert; /** * The runnable that takes care of killing computations that take too long. */ private final Runnable TIMER_RUNNABLE = () -> { try { Configuration abacusConfig = abacus.getConfiguration(); if(abacusConfig.getComputationDelay() == 0) return; Thread.sleep((long) (abacusConfig.getComputationDelay() * 1000)); performStop(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } }; /** * The runnable used to perform the calculation. */ private final Runnable CALCULATION_RUNNABLE = new Runnable() { private String attemptCalculation(){ try { TreeNode constructedTree = abacus.parseString(inputField.getText()); if (constructedTree == null) { return ERR_SYNTAX; } NumberInterface evaluatedNumber = abacus.evaluateTree(constructedTree); if (evaluatedNumber == null) { return ERR_EVAL; } String resultingString = evaluatedNumber.toString(); historyData.add(new HistoryModel(inputField.getText(), constructedTree.toString(), resultingString)); return resultingString; } catch (ComputationInterruptedException exception) { return ERR_STOP; } catch (RuntimeException exception){ exception.printStackTrace(); return ERR_EXCEPTION; } } @Override public void run() { String calculation = attemptCalculation(); Platform.runLater(() -> { outputText.setText(calculation); inputField.setText(""); inputButton.setDisable(false); stopButton.setDisable(true); }); } }; /** * The thread that is waiting to pause the calculation. */ private Thread computationLimitThread; /** * The thread in which the computation runs. */ private Thread calculationThread; /** * Alerts the user if the changes they made * have not yet been applied. */ private void alertIfApplyNeeded(boolean ignorePrevious) { if (changesMade && (!reloadAlertShown || ignorePrevious)) { reloadAlertShown = true; reloadAlert.showAndWait(); } } @FXML public void initialize() { Callback, TableCell> cellFactory = param -> new CopyableCell<>(); Callback, ListCell> pluginCellFactory = param -> new CheckBoxListCell<>(ToggleablePlugin::enabledProperty, new StringConverter() { @Override public String toString(ToggleablePlugin object) { return object.getClassName().substring(object.getClassName().lastIndexOf('.') + 1); } @Override public ToggleablePlugin fromString(String string) { return new ToggleablePlugin(true, string); } }); functionList = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); functionFilter = new FilteredList<>(functionList, (s) -> true); functionListView.setItems(functionFilter); functionListSearchField.textProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> functionFilter.setPredicate((newValue.length() == 0) ? ((s) -> true) : ((s) -> s.matches(newValue)))); functionListView.setCellFactory(param -> new DocumentationCell()); historyData = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); historyTable.setItems(historyData); numberImplementationOptions = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); numberImplementationBox.setItems(numberImplementationOptions); numberImplementationBox.getSelectionModel().selectedIndexProperty().addListener(e -> changesMade = true); historyTable.getSelectionModel().setCellSelectionEnabled(true); enabledPlugins = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); enabledPluginView.setItems(enabledPlugins); enabledPluginView.setCellFactory(pluginCellFactory); inputColumn.setCellFactory(cellFactory); inputColumn.setCellValueFactory(cell -> cell.getValue().inputProperty()); parsedColumn.setCellFactory(cellFactory); parsedColumn.setCellValueFactory(cell -> cell.getValue().parsedProperty()); outputColumn.setCellFactory(cellFactory); outputColumn.setCellValueFactory(cell -> cell.getValue().outputProperty()); coreTabPane.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { if (oldValue.equals(settingsTab)) alertIfApplyNeeded(true); }); abacus = new Abacus(new Configuration(CONFIG_FILE)); PluginManager abacusPluginManager = abacus.getPluginManager(); abacusPluginManager.addListener(this); abacusPluginManager.addInstantiated(new StandardPlugin(abacus.getPluginManager())); try { ClassFinder.loadJars("plugins").forEach(abacusPluginManager::addClass); } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } abacusPluginManager.reload(); computationLimitField.setText(Double.toString(abacus.getConfiguration().getComputationDelay())); computationLimitField.textProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { if(!newValue.matches("(\\d+(\\.\\d*)?)?")) { computationLimitField.setText(oldValue); } else { changesMade = true; } }); changesMade = false; reloadAlertShown = false; reloadAlert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.WARNING); reloadAlert.setTitle(APPLY_MSG_TITLE); reloadAlert.setHeaderText(APPLY_MSG_HEADER); reloadAlert.setContentText(APPLY_MSG_TEXT); } @FXML public void performCalculation() { inputButton.setDisable(true); stopButton.setDisable(false); calculationThread = new Thread(CALCULATION_RUNNABLE); calculationThread.start(); computationLimitThread = new Thread(TIMER_RUNNABLE); computationLimitThread.start(); } @FXML public void performStop(){ if(calculationThread != null) { calculationThread.interrupt(); calculationThread = null; } if(computationLimitThread != null){ computationLimitThread.interrupt(); computationLimitThread = null; } } @FXML public void performSaveAndReload() { performSave(); performReload(); changesMade = false; reloadAlertShown = false; } @FXML public void performReload() { alertIfApplyNeeded(true); abacus.getPluginManager().reload(); } @FXML public void performSave() { Configuration configuration = abacus.getConfiguration(); configuration.setNumberImplementation(numberImplementationBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem()); Set disabledPlugins = configuration.getDisabledPlugins(); disabledPlugins.clear(); for (ToggleablePlugin pluginEntry : enabledPlugins) { if (!pluginEntry.isEnabled()) disabledPlugins.add(pluginEntry.getClassName()); } if(computationLimitField.getText().matches("\\d*(\\.\\d+)?") && computationLimitField.getText().length() != 0) configuration.setComputationDelay(Double.parseDouble(computationLimitField.getText())); configuration.saveTo(CONFIG_FILE); changesMade = false; reloadAlertShown = false; } @Override public void onLoad(PluginManager manager) { Configuration configuration = abacus.getConfiguration(); Set disabledPlugins = configuration.getDisabledPlugins(); numberImplementationOptions.addAll(abacus.getPluginManager().getAllNumberImplementations()); String actualImplementation = configuration.getNumberImplementation(); String toSelect = (numberImplementationOptions.contains(actualImplementation)) ? actualImplementation : ""; numberImplementationBox.getSelectionModel().select(toSelect); for (Class pluginClass : abacus.getPluginManager().getLoadedPluginClasses()) { String fullName = pluginClass.getName(); ToggleablePlugin plugin = new ToggleablePlugin(!disabledPlugins.contains(fullName), fullName); plugin.enabledProperty().addListener(e -> changesMade = true); enabledPlugins.add(plugin); } PluginManager pluginManager = abacus.getPluginManager(); functionList.addAll(manager.getAllFunctions().stream().map(name -> pluginManager.documentationFor(name, DocumentationType.FUNCTION)) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new))); functionList.sort((a, b) -> { if(a == null && b == null) return 0; else if(a == null) return -1; else if(b == null) return 1; else return a.getCodeName().compareTo(b.getCodeName()); }); } @Override public void onUnload(PluginManager manager) { functionList.clear(); enabledPlugins.clear(); numberImplementationOptions.clear(); } }