package org.nwapw.abacus.tree /** * A tree node that holds a function call. * * The function call node can hold any number of children, and passes the to the appropriate reducer, * but that is its sole purpose. * * @param function the function string. */ data class FunctionNode(val function: String) : TreeNode() { /** * List of function parameters added to this node. */ val children: MutableList = mutableListOf() override fun reduce(reducer: Reducer): T? { val children = Array(children.size, { children[it].reduce(reducer) ?: return null; }) return reducer.reduceNode(this, *children) } override fun toString(): String { val buffer = StringBuffer() buffer.append(function) buffer.append('(') for (i in 0 until children.size) { buffer.append(children[i].toString()) buffer.append(if (i == children.size - 1) ")" else ",") } return super.toString() } /** * Appends a child to this node's list of children. * * @node the node to append. */ fun appendChild(node: TreeNode){ children.add(node) } /** * Prepends a child to this node's list of children. * * @node the node to prepend. */ fun prependChild(node: TreeNode){ children.add(0, node) } }