package org.nwapw.abacus.context import org.nwapw.abacus.number.NumberInterface import org.nwapw.abacus.plugin.NumberImplementation import org.nwapw.abacus.tree.Reducer import org.nwapw.abacus.tree.nodes.TreeNode /** * A reduction context that is mutable. * @param parent the parent of this context. * @param numberImplementation the number implementation used in this context. * @param reducer the reducer used in this context */ class MutableEvaluationContext(parent: EvaluationContext? = null, numberImplementation: NumberImplementation? = null, reducer: Reducer? = null) : EvaluationContext(parent, numberImplementation, reducer) { override var numberImplementation: NumberImplementation? = super.numberImplementation override var reducer: Reducer? = super.reducer /** * Writes data stored in the [other] context over data stored in this one. * @param other the context from which to copy data. */ fun apply(other: EvaluationContext) { if(other.numberImplementation != null) numberImplementation = other.numberImplementation if(other.reducer != null) reducer = other.reducer for(name in other.variables) { setVariable(name, other.getVariable(name) ?: continue) } for(name in other.definitions) { setDefinition(name, other.getDefinition(name) ?: continue) } } /** * Sets a variable to a certain [value]. * @param name the name of the variable. * @param value the value of the variable. */ fun setVariable(name: String, value: NumberInterface) { variableMap[name] = value } /** * Set a definition to a certain [value]. * @param name the name of the definition. * @param value the value of the definition. */ fun setDefinition(name: String, value: TreeNode) { definitionMap[name] = value } /** * Clears the variables defined in this context. */ fun clearVariables(){ variableMap.clear() } /** * Clears the definitions defined in this context. */ fun clearDefinitions(){ definitionMap.clear() } }