package org.nwapw.abacus.window; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; /** * The main UI window for the calculator. */ public class Window extends JFrame { /** * A collection of outputs from the calculator. */ private String history; /** * The last output by the calculator. */ private String lastOutput; /** * The panel where the output occurs. */ private JPanel outputPanel; /** * The text area reserved for the last output. */ private JTextArea lastOutputArea; /** * The text area used for all history output. */ private JTextArea historyArea; /** * The scroll pane for the history area. */ private JScrollPane historyAreaScroll; /** * The panel where the input occurs. */ private JPanel inputPanel; /** * The input text field. */ private JTextField inputField; /** * The "submit" button. */ private JButton inputEnterButton; /** * The side panel for separate configuration. */ private JPanel sidePanel; /** * Panel for elements relating to number * system selection. */ private JPanel numberSystemPanel; /** * The possible list of number systems. */ private JComboBox numberSystemList; /** * The panel for elements relating to * function selection. */ private JPanel functionSelectPanel; /** * The list of functions available to the user. */ private JComboBox functionList; /** * The button used to select a function. */ private JButton functionSelectButton; public Window() { super(); history = ""; lastOutput = ""; setSize(640, 480); inputField = new JTextField(); inputEnterButton = new JButton("Calculate"); inputPanel = new JPanel(); inputPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); inputPanel.add(inputField, BorderLayout.CENTER); inputPanel.add(inputEnterButton, BorderLayout.EAST); historyArea = new JTextArea(history); historyAreaScroll = new JScrollPane(historyArea); lastOutputArea = new JTextArea(lastOutput); lastOutputArea.setEditable(false); lastOutputArea.setText(":)"); outputPanel = new JPanel(); outputPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); outputPanel.add(historyAreaScroll, BorderLayout.CENTER); outputPanel.add(lastOutputArea, BorderLayout.SOUTH); numberSystemList = new JComboBox<>(); numberSystemPanel = new JPanel(); numberSystemPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); numberSystemPanel.add(new JLabel("Number Type:"), BorderLayout.NORTH); numberSystemPanel.add(numberSystemList, BorderLayout.CENTER); functionList = new JComboBox<>(); functionSelectButton = new JButton("Select"); functionSelectPanel = new JPanel(); functionSelectPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); functionSelectPanel.add(new JLabel("Functions:"), BorderLayout.NORTH); functionSelectPanel.add(functionList, BorderLayout.CENTER); functionSelectPanel.add(functionSelectButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH); sidePanel = new JPanel(); sidePanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); sidePanel.add(numberSystemPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); sidePanel.add(functionSelectPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); add(outputPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); add(sidePanel, BorderLayout.EAST); add(inputPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } }