package org.nwapw.abacus.number; /** * An interface used to represent a number. */ public abstract class NumberInterface { /** * Check if the thread was interrupted and * throw an exception to end the computation. */ private static void checkInterrupted(){ if(Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) throw new ComputationInterruptedException(); } /** * The maximum precision to which this number operates. * * @return the precision. */ public abstract int getMaxPrecision(); /** * Multiplies this number by another, returning * a new number instance. * * @param multiplier the multiplier * @return the result of the multiplication. */ protected abstract NumberInterface multiplyInternal(NumberInterface multiplier); /** * Multiplies this number by another, returning * a new number instance. Also, checks if the * thread has been interrupted, and if so, throws * an exception. * * @param multiplier the multiplier * @return the result of the multiplication. */ public final NumberInterface multiply(NumberInterface multiplier){ checkInterrupted(); return multiplyInternal(multiplier); } /** * Divides this number by another, returning * a new number instance. * * @param divisor the divisor * @return the result of the division. */ protected abstract NumberInterface divideInternal(NumberInterface divisor); /** * Divides this number by another, returning * a new number instance. Also, checks if the * thread has been interrupted, and if so, throws * an exception. * * @param divisor the divisor * @return the result of the division. */ public final NumberInterface divide(NumberInterface divisor){ checkInterrupted(); return divideInternal(divisor); } /** * Adds this number to another, returning * a new number instance. * * @param summand the summand * @return the result of the summation. */ protected abstract NumberInterface addInternal(NumberInterface summand); /** * Adds this number to another, returning * a new number instance. Also, checks if the * thread has been interrupted, and if so, throws * an exception. * * @param summand the summand * @return the result of the summation. */ public final NumberInterface add(NumberInterface summand){ checkInterrupted(); return addInternal(summand); } /** * Subtracts another number from this number, * a new number instance. * * @param subtrahend the subtrahend. * @return the result of the subtraction. */ protected abstract NumberInterface subtractInternal(NumberInterface subtrahend); /** * Subtracts another number from this number, * a new number instance. Also, checks if the * thread has been interrupted, and if so, throws * an exception. * * @param subtrahend the subtrahend. * @return the result of the subtraction. */ public final NumberInterface subtract(NumberInterface subtrahend){ checkInterrupted(); return subtractInternal(subtrahend); } /** * Returns a new instance of this number with * the sign flipped. * * @return the new instance. */ protected abstract NumberInterface negateInternal(); /** * Returns a new instance of this number with * the sign flipped. Also, checks if the * thread has been interrupted, and if so, throws * an exception. * * @return the new instance. */ public final NumberInterface negate(){ checkInterrupted(); return negateInternal(); } /** * Raises this number to an integer power. * * @param exponent the exponent to which to take the number. * @return the resulting value. */ protected abstract NumberInterface intPowInternal(int exponent); /** * Raises this number to an integer power. Also, checks if the * thread has been interrupted, and if so, throws * an exception. * * @param exponent the exponent to which to take the number. * @return the resulting value. */ public final NumberInterface intPow(int exponent){ checkInterrupted(); return intPowInternal(exponent); } /** * Compares this number to another. * * @param number the number to compare to. * @return same as; */ public abstract int compareTo(NumberInterface number); /** * Same as Math.signum(). * * @return 1 if this number is positive, -1 if this number is negative, 0 if this number is 0. */ public abstract int signum(); /** * Returns the least integer greater than or equal to the number. * * @return the least integer greater or equal to the number, if int can hold the value. */ protected abstract NumberInterface ceilingInternal(); /** * Returns the least integer greater than or equal to the number. * Also, checks if the thread has been interrupted, and if so, throws * an exception. * * @return the least integer bigger or equal to the number. */ public final NumberInterface ceiling(){ checkInterrupted(); return ceilingInternal(); } /** * Return the greatest integer less than or equal to the number. * * @return the greatest integer smaller or equal the number. */ protected abstract NumberInterface floorInternal(); /** * Return the greatest integer less than or equal to the number. * Also, checks if the thread has been interrupted, and if so, throws * an exception. * * @return the greatest int smaller than or equal to the number. */ public final NumberInterface floor(){ checkInterrupted(); return floorInternal(); } /** * Returns the fractional part of the number. * * @return the fractional part of the number. */ protected abstract NumberInterface fractionalPartInternal(); /** * Returns the fractional part of the number, specifically x - floor(x). * Also, checks if the thread has been interrupted, * and if so, throws an exception. * @return the fractional part of the number. */ public final NumberInterface fractionalPart(){ checkInterrupted(); return fractionalPartInternal(); } /** * Returns the integer representation of this number, discarding any fractional part, * if int can hold the value. * * @return the integer value of this number. */ public abstract int intValue(); /** * Promotes this class to another number class. * * @param toClass the class to promote to. * @return the resulting new instance. */ protected abstract NumberInterface promoteToInternal(Class toClass); /** * Promotes this class to another number class. Also, checks if the * thread has been interrupted, and if so, throws * an exception. * * @param toClass the class to promote to. * @return the resulting new instance. */ public final NumberInterface promoteTo(Class toClass) { checkInterrupted(); return promoteToInternal(toClass); } /** * Returns the smallest error this instance can tolerate depending * on its precision and value. * @return the smallest error that should be permitted in calculations. */ public abstract NumberInterface getMaxError(); }