package org.nwapw.abacus.window; import org.nwapw.abacus.function.Operator; import org.nwapw.abacus.number.NumberInterface; import org.nwapw.abacus.plugin.PluginListener; import org.nwapw.abacus.plugin.PluginManager; import org.nwapw.abacus.tree.NumberReducer; import org.nwapw.abacus.tree.TreeBuilder; import org.nwapw.abacus.tree.TreeNode; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; /** * The main UI window for the calculator. */ public class Window extends JFrame implements PluginListener { private static final String CALC_STRING = "Calculate"; private static final String SYNTAX_ERR_STRING = "Syntax Error"; private static final String EVAL_ERR_STRING = "Evaluation Error"; private static final String NUMBER_SYSTEM_LABEL = "Number Type:"; private static final String FUNCTION_LABEL = "Functions:"; /** * Array of Strings to which the "calculate" button's text * changes. For instance, in the graph tab, the name will * be "Graph" and not "Calculate". */ private static final String[] BUTTON_NAMES = { CALC_STRING, CALC_STRING }; /** * Array of booleans that determine whether the input * field and the input button are enabled at a particular * index. */ private static boolean[] INPUT_ENABLED = { true, false }; /** * The plugin manager used to retrieve functions. */ private PluginManager manager; /** * The builder used to construct the parse trees. */ private TreeBuilder builder; /** * The reducer used to evaluate the tree. */ private NumberReducer reducer; /** * The last output by the calculator. */ private String lastOutput; /** * The tabbed pane that separates calculator contexts. */ private JTabbedPane pane; /** * The panel where the output occurs. */ private JPanel calculationPanel; /** * The text area reserved for the last output. */ private JTextArea lastOutputArea; /** * The table used for storing history results. */ private JTable historyTable; /** * The table model used for managing history. */ private HistoryTableModel historyModel; /** * The scroll pane for the history area. */ private JScrollPane historyScroll; /** * The panel where the input occurs. */ private JPanel inputPanel; /** * The input text field. */ private JTextField inputField; /** * The "submit" button. */ private JButton inputEnterButton; /** * The side panel for separate configuration. */ private JPanel settingsPanel; /** * Panel for elements relating to number * system selection. */ private JPanel numberSystemPanel; /** * The possible list of number systems. */ private JComboBox numberSystemList; /** * The panel for elements relating to * function selection. */ private JPanel functionSelectPanel; /** * The list of functions available to the user. */ private JComboBox functionList; /** * Action listener that causes the input to be evaluated. */ private ActionListener evaluateListener = (event) -> { if(builder == null) return; TreeNode parsedExpression = builder.fromString(inputField.getText()); if(parsedExpression == null){ lastOutputArea.setText(SYNTAX_ERR_STRING); return; } NumberInterface numberInterface = parsedExpression.reduce(reducer); if(numberInterface == null){ lastOutputArea.setText(EVAL_ERR_STRING);; return; } lastOutput = numberInterface.toString(); historyModel.addEntry(new HistoryTableModel.HistoryEntry(inputField.getText(), parsedExpression, lastOutput)); historyTable.invalidate(); lastOutputArea.setText(lastOutput); inputField.setText(""); }; /** * Array of listeners that tell the input button how to behave * at a given input tab. */ private ActionListener[] listeners = { evaluateListener, null }; /** * Creates a new window with the given manager. * @param manager the manager to use. */ public Window(PluginManager manager){ this(); this.manager = manager; manager.addListener(this); reducer = new NumberReducer(manager); } /** * Creates a new window. */ private Window() { super(); lastOutput = ""; setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setSize(320, 480); inputField = new JTextField(); inputEnterButton = new JButton(CALC_STRING); inputPanel = new JPanel(); inputPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); inputPanel.add(inputField, BorderLayout.CENTER); inputPanel.add(inputEnterButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH); historyModel = new HistoryTableModel(); historyTable = new JTable(historyModel); historyScroll = new JScrollPane(historyTable); lastOutputArea = new JTextArea(lastOutput); lastOutputArea.setEditable(false); calculationPanel = new JPanel(); calculationPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); calculationPanel.add(historyScroll, BorderLayout.CENTER); calculationPanel.add(lastOutputArea, BorderLayout.SOUTH); numberSystemList = new JComboBox<>(); numberSystemPanel = new JPanel(); numberSystemPanel.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); numberSystemPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); numberSystemPanel.add(new JLabel(NUMBER_SYSTEM_LABEL)); numberSystemPanel.add(numberSystemList); numberSystemPanel.setMaximumSize(numberSystemPanel.getPreferredSize()); functionList = new JComboBox<>(); functionSelectPanel = new JPanel(); functionSelectPanel.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); functionSelectPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); functionSelectPanel.add(new JLabel(FUNCTION_LABEL)); functionSelectPanel.add(functionList); functionSelectPanel.setMaximumSize(functionSelectPanel.getPreferredSize()); settingsPanel = new JPanel(); settingsPanel.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); settingsPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(settingsPanel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); settingsPanel.add(numberSystemPanel); settingsPanel.add(functionSelectPanel); pane = new JTabbedPane(); pane.add("Calculator", calculationPanel); pane.add("Settings", settingsPanel); pane.addChangeListener(e -> { int selectionIndex = pane.getSelectedIndex(); boolean enabled = INPUT_ENABLED[selectionIndex]; ActionListener listener = listeners[selectionIndex]; inputEnterButton.setText(BUTTON_NAMES[selectionIndex]); inputField.setEnabled(enabled); inputEnterButton.setEnabled(enabled); for(ActionListener removingListener : inputEnterButton.getActionListeners()){ inputEnterButton.removeActionListener(removingListener); inputField.removeActionListener(removingListener); } if(listener != null){ inputEnterButton.addActionListener(listener); inputField.addActionListener(listener); } }); add(pane, BorderLayout.CENTER); add(inputPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); inputEnterButton.addActionListener(evaluateListener); inputField.addActionListener(evaluateListener); historyTable.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { Point clickPoint = e.getPoint(); if(e.getClickCount() == 2){ int row = historyTable.rowAtPoint(clickPoint); int column = historyTable.columnAtPoint(clickPoint); String toCopy = historyTable.getValueAt(row, column).toString(); Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(new StringSelection(toCopy), null); } } }); } @Override public void onLoad(PluginManager manager) { builder = new TreeBuilder(); for(String function : manager.getAllFunctions()){ builder.registerFunction(function); } for(String operator : manager.getAllOperators()){ Operator operatorObject = manager.operatorFor(operator); builder.registerOperator(operator, operatorObject.getAssociativity(), operatorObject.getType(), operatorObject.getPrecedence()); } } @Override public void onUnload(PluginManager manager) { builder = null; } }