module Bergamot.Rules exposing (..) import Bergamot.Syntax exposing (Term, Metavariable, UnificationVar, unify, emptyUnificationState, instantiate, instantiateList, emptyInstantiationState, resetVars, InstantiationState, UnificationState) import Bergamot.Search as Search exposing (Search) import Debug type alias Rule = { name : String , conclusion : Term Metavariable , premises : List (Term Metavariable) } type ProofTree = MkProofTree { name : String , conclusion : Term UnificationVar , premises : List ProofTree } type alias RuleEnv = { rules : List Rule } type alias ProveState = { unificationState : UnificationState , instantiationState : InstantiationState } type alias Prover a = RuleEnv -> ProveState -> Search (a, ProveState) andThen : (a -> Prover b) -> Prover a -> Prover b andThen f p env ps = p env ps |> Search.andThen (\(a, psp) -> (f a) env psp) map : (a -> b) -> Prover a -> Prover b map f p env ps = p env ps |> (Tuple.mapFirst f) interleave : Prover a -> Prover a -> Prover a interleave p1 p2 env ps = Search.interleave (p1 env ps) (p2 env ps) pure : a -> Prover a pure a env ps = Search.pure (a, ps) fail : Prover a fail env ps = getEnv : Prover RuleEnv getEnv env ps = Search.pure (env, ps) rule : Term UnificationVar -> Rule -> Prover ProofTree rule t r env ps = let (conc, is) = instantiate r.conclusion ps.instantiationState (prems, isp) = instantiateList r.premises is in case unify t conc ps.unificationState of Nothing -> Just (tp, usp) -> let psp = { ps | instantiationState = resetVars isp , unificationState = usp } in provePremises prems env psp |> (Tuple.mapFirst (\trees -> MkProofTree { name =, conclusion = tp, premises = trees })) provePremises : List (Term UnificationVar) -> Prover (List ProofTree) provePremises l = case l of t :: ts -> prove t |> andThen (\tree -> map (\trees -> tree :: trees) (provePremises ts)) [] -> pure [] prove : Term UnificationVar -> Prover ProofTree prove t = getEnv |> andThen (List.foldl (\r -> interleave (rule t r)) fail << .rules) single : RuleEnv -> Prover a -> Maybe a single env p = p env { instantiationState = emptyInstantiationState, unificationState = emptyUnificationState } |> |> (Tuple.first << Tuple.first)