module Bergamot.Latex exposing (..) import Bergamot.Syntax as Syntax exposing (..) import Bergamot.Rules as Rules exposing (..) import Bergamot.Utils exposing (..) import Debug type Void = Void Void absurd : Void -> a absurd (Void v) = absurd v renderTermViaRules : RuleEnv -> Term Void -> Maybe String renderTermViaRules env t = Call "latex" [ absurd t, Var (MkMetavariable "s")] |> prove |> Rules.andThen reifyProofTree |> single env |> Maybe.andThen (\(MkProofTree node) -> case node.conclusion of Call "latex" [_, StringLit s] -> Just s _ -> Nothing) renderRuleViaRules : RuleEnv -> Rule -> Maybe String renderRuleViaRules env r = let quotedPrems = (Syntax.andThen quoteMetavariable) r.premises quotedConc = Syntax.andThen quoteMetavariable r.conclusion buildStr conc prems = String.concat [ "\\cfrac{" , String.join "\\quad " prems , "}{" , conc , "}\\ \\texttt{" , , "}" ] in renderTermViaRules env quotedConc |> Maybe.andThen (\conc -> sequenceMaybes ( (renderTermViaRules env) quotedPrems) |> (\prems -> buildStr conc prems)) quoteMetavariable : Metavariable -> Term Void quoteMetavariable v = Call "metavariable" [StringLit <| metavariableToLatex v] termToLatex : (a -> String) -> Term a -> String termToLatex f t = case t of Call "intlit" [t1] -> termToLatex f t1 Call "strlit" [t1] -> termToLatex f t1 Call "var" [t1] -> termToLatex f t1 Call "plus" [t1, t2] -> termToLatex f t1 ++ " + " ++ termToLatex f t2 Call "pair" [t1, t2] -> "(" ++ termToLatex f t1 ++ ", " ++ termToLatex f t2 ++ ")" Call "abs" [t1, t2, t3] -> "\\lambda " ++ termToLatex f t1 ++ " : " ++ termToLatex f t2 ++ ".\\ " ++ termToLatex f t3 Call "app" [t1, t2] -> termToLatex f t1 ++ "\\ " ++ termToLatex f t2 Call "type" [t1, t2] -> termToLatex f t1 ++ " : " ++ termToLatex f t2 Call "type" [t1, t2, t3] -> termToLatex f t1 ++ "\\vdash " ++ termToLatex f t2 ++ " : " ++ termToLatex f t3 Call "tpair" [t1, t2] -> termToLatex f t1 ++ "\\times" ++ termToLatex f t2 Call "tarr" [t1, t2] -> termToLatex f t1 ++ "\\to" ++ termToLatex f t2 Call "extend" [t1, t2, t3] -> termToLatex f t1 ++ ",\\ " ++ termToLatex f t2 ++ " : " ++ termToLatex f t3 Call "inenv" [t1, t2, t3] -> termToLatex f t1 ++ " : " ++ termToLatex f t2 ++ " \\in " ++ termToLatex f t3 Call "empty" [] -> "\\varnothing" Call s [] -> "\\text{" ++ s ++ "}" Call s ts -> "\\text{" ++ s ++ "}(" ++ String.join "," ( (termToLatex f) ts) ++ ")" Var x -> f x IntLit i -> String.fromInt i StringLit s -> "\\texttt{" ++ "\"" ++ encodeLatex (encodeStr s) ++ "\"" ++ "}" metavariableToLatex : Metavariable -> String metavariableToLatex (MkMetavariable s) = let noQuestion = String.dropLeft 1 s in if String.startsWith "tau" noQuestion then "\\" ++ noQuestion else if String.startsWith "Gamma" noQuestion then "\\" ++ noQuestion else noQuestion ruleToLatex : Rule -> String ruleToLatex r = "\\cfrac{" ++ String.join "\\quad " ( (termToLatex metavariableToLatex) r.premises) ++ "}{" ++ termToLatex metavariableToLatex r.conclusion ++ "}\\ \\texttt{" ++ ++ "}" unificationVarToLatex : UnificationVar -> String unificationVarToLatex (MkUnificationVar s) = s proofTreeToLatex : ProofTree -> String proofTreeToLatex (MkProofTree node) = "\\cfrac{" ++ String.join "\\quad \\quad " ( proofTreeToLatex node.premises) ++ "}{" ++ termToLatex unificationVarToLatex node.conclusion ++ "}\\ \\texttt{" ++ ++ "}"