#ifndef LIBABACUS_UTIL_H #define LIBABACUS_UTIL_H #include "function_list.h" #include "libds.h" #include "liblex.h" #include "parsetype.h" #include "result.h" #include "table.h" #include "libabacus.h" #include /** * Converts a result code from liblex to libabacus. * @param to_convert the code to convert. * @return the libabacus equivalent of the error code. */ libab_result libab_convert_lex_result(liblex_result to_convert); /** * Converts a result code from libds to libabacus. * @param to_convert the code to convert. * @return the libabacus equivalent of the error code. */ libab_result libab_convert_ds_result(libds_result to_convert); /** * Copies a range of the given string into a new, null-terminated string * allocated on the heap. * @param destination the pointer to populate with the newly created string. * @param source the source from which to pull character information from. * @param from the index (inclusive) at which to begin copying. * @param to the index (exclusive) at which to end copying. * @return the result of the operation. */ libab_result libab_copy_string_range(char** destination, const char* source, size_t from, size_t to); /** * Copies the given string, starting at 0 and copying length bytes. * @param destination the pointer to populate with the newly created string. * @param source to source string to copy. * @param length the number of bytes to copy. * @return the result of the operation. */ libab_result libab_copy_string_size(char** destination, const char* source, size_t length); /** * Copies the entire string into a null-terminated string allocated * on the heap. * @param destination the pointer to populate with the newly allocated string. * @param source the source string to copy. * @return the result of the operation. */ libab_result libab_copy_string(char** destination, const char* source); /** * Resolves the given parsetype, looking through the scope to find all the * referenced base types, if applicable. * @param to_resolve the parsetype to resolve. * @param scope the scope to use for resolving the type info. */ libab_result libab_resolve_parsetype_inplace(libab_parsetype* to_resolve, libab_table* scope); /** * Resolves the given parsetype, looking through the scope to find * all referenced base types, and creates a copy with these basetypes. * @param to_resolve the parsetype to resolve. * @param scope the scope to use for resolving the type info. * @return the result of the operation. */ libab_result libab_resolve_parsetype_copy(libab_parsetype* to_resolve, libab_table* scope, libab_ref* into); /** * Creates a new type instance, and stores it into the given reference. * @param to_instantiate the basetype to instantiate. * @param into the reference to store the new type into. * @param n the number of type parameters. * @return the result of the instantiation. */ libab_result libab_instantiate_basetype(libab_basetype* to_instantiate, libab_ref* into, size_t n, ...); /** * Creates a new libab_table, and stores it into the given reference. * @param ab the libabacus instance in which the table is being created. * @param into the reference to store the table into. * @param parent the parent reference to store. * @return the result of the instantiation. */ libab_result libab_create_table(libab* ab, libab_ref* into, libab_ref* parent); /** * Allocates a new reference counted value with the given type and data. * @param into the reference to store the allocated data into. * @param data the type-specific data this value holds. * @param type the type to give the value. * @return the result of necessary allocations. */ libab_result libab_create_value_ref(libab* ab, libab_ref* into, libab_ref* data, libab_ref* type); /** * Allocates a new reference counted value with the given type and data. * @param into the reference to store the allocated data into. * @param data the type-specific data this value holds. * @param type the type to give the value. * @return the result of necessary allocations. */ libab_result libab_create_value_raw(libab* ab, libab_ref* into, void* data, libab_ref* type); /** * Overloads a function of the given name. * @param table the table to insert the function into. * @param name the name of the function. * @param function the function to register. * @return the result of the overload. */ libab_result libab_overload_function(libab* ab, libab_table* table, const char* name, libab_ref* function); /** * Allocates a function that uses internal code to run. * @param into the reference into which to store the new function. * @param free_function the free function used to free function instances. * @param fun the function implementation. * @param scope the scope in which this function was declared. * @return libab_result the result of any necessary allocations. */ libab_result libab_create_function_internal(libab* ab, libab_ref* into, void (*free_function)(void*), libab_function_ptr fun, libab_ref* scope); /** * Allocates a function that uses a tree to run. * @param into the reference into which to store the new function. * @param free_function the free function used to free function instances. * @param tree the function implementation. * @param scope the scope in which this function was declared. * @return libab_result the result of any necessary allocations. */ libab_result libab_create_function_tree(libab* ab, libab_ref* into, void (*free_function)(void*), libab_tree* tree, libab_ref* scope); /** * Allocates a function that uses a given behavior to run. * @param into the reference into which to store the new function. * @param free_function the free function used to free function instances. * @param behavior the behavior that dictates what the function does. * @param scope the scope in which this function was declared. * @return libab_result the result of any necessary allocations. */ libab_result libab_create_function_behavior(libab* ab, libab_ref* into, void (*free_function)(void*), libab_behavior* behavior, libab_ref* scope); /** * Creates a function list object, storing it in to the given reference. * @param into the reference to store into. * @param the function_list type. * @return the result of the allocations. */ libab_result libab_create_function_list(libab* ab, libab_ref* into, libab_ref* type); /** * Creates a new table entry that holds the given value. * @param table the table to store the entry into. * @param key the key under which to store the value. * @param value the value to store into the table. * @param result the result of the operation. */ libab_result libab_put_table_value(libab_table* table, const char* key, libab_ref* value); /** * Gets the basetype of a parsetype. * @param type the parsetype to get the basetype of. * @param scope the scope to use for searches. * @return the basetype. */ libab_basetype* libab_get_basetype(libab_parsetype* type, libab_table* scope); /** * Returns the data stored in the given reference to a libab_value. * This is not the same as libab_ref_get: libab_ref_get will return directly * the data pointed to by the ference. libab_unwrap_value assumes the reference * it's given is that to a libab_value, extracts it, then extracts its data * field. * @param ref the reference to unwrap. * @return the resulting data. */ void* libab_unwrap_value(libab_ref* ref); /** * Similar to unwrap_value; Assumes the vector is a vector of * values, and unwraps the value at the given index. * @param vec the vector to unwrap a value from. * @param index the index to look up. * @return the value at the given index. */ void* libab_unwrap_param(libab_ref_vec* vec, size_t index); /** * Sanitizes a string to avoid liblex compilation errors. * @param to the buffer to store the sanitized string to. * @param from the string to sanitize. * @param buffer_size the size of the to buffer. */ void libab_sanitize(char* to, const char* from, size_t buffer_size); /** * Creates a new instance of libabacus allocated on the heap. * @param into the pointer into which to store the newly allocated libab instance. * @param parse_function the function used to parse numbers. * @param free_function the function used to free parsed numbers. */ libab_result libab_create_instance(libab** into, void* (*parse_function)(const char*), void (*free_function)(void*)); /** * Destroys the given libabacus instance allocated on the stack. * @param into the reference to destroy. */ void libab_destroy_instance(libab* into); #endif