#ifndef LIBABACUS_CUSTOM_H #define LIBABACUS_CUSTOM_H #include "parsetype.h" /** * A function pointer that is called * to execute a certain type of function. */ typedef void(*libab_function_ptr)(); /** * The variant of the operator that * has been registered with libabacus. */ enum libab_operator_variant_e { OPERATOR_PREFIX, OPERATOR_INFIX, OPERATOR_POSTFIX }; /** * The common information * that both operators and functions shared. */ struct libab_behavior_s { /** * The function that handles the parameters. */ libab_function_ptr function; /** * The type of the function. */ libab_ref type; }; /** * A struct that holds informatiion * about an operator that has been * registered with libabacus. */ struct libab_operator_s { /** * The type of the operator (infix, prefix, postfix). * Corresponds to token types associated with * each operator. */ enum libab_operator_variant_e type; /** * The precedence of the operator. */ int precedence; /** * The associativity of the operator. */ int associativity; /** * The behavior of this operator. */ struct libab_behavior_s behavior; }; /** * A struct that holds information * about an function that has been * registered with libabacus. */ struct libab_function_s { /** * The behavior of this function. */ struct libab_behavior_s behavior; }; typedef enum libab_operator_variant_e libab_operator_variant; typedef struct libab_behavior_s libab_behavior; typedef struct libab_operator_s libab_operator; typedef struct libab_function_s libab_function; /** * Frees the given behavior. * @param behavior the behavior to free. */ void libab_behavior_free(libab_behavior* behavior); /** * Frees the given operator. * @param op the operator to free. */ void libab_operator_free(libab_operator* op); /** * Frees the given function. * @param fun the function to free. */ void libab_function_free(libab_function* fun); #endif