#include "libabacus.h" #include "util.h" #include "value.h" #include "free_functions.h" libab_result libab_interpreter_init(libab_interpreter* intr, libab* ab) { libab_result result; libab_ref unit_data; intr->ab = ab; libab_ref_null(&unit_data); result = libab_create_value_ref(&intr->value_unit, &unit_data, &ab->type_unit); libab_ref_free(&unit_data); return result; } struct interpreter_state { libab* ab; libab_table* base_table; }; void _interpreter_init(struct interpreter_state* state, libab_interpreter* intr) { state->ab = intr->ab; state->base_table = libab_ref_get(&intr->ab->table); } void _interpreter_free(struct interpreter_state* state) {} libab_result _interpreter_create_num_val(struct interpreter_state* state, libab_ref* into, const char* from) { void* data; libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; libab_ref_null(into); if ((data = state->ab->impl.parse_num(from))) { libab_ref_free(into); result = libab_create_value_raw(into, data, &state->ab->type_num); if (result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { ((libab_parsetype*)libab_ref_get(&state->ab->type_num)) ->data_u.base->free_function(data); } } else { result = LIBAB_MALLOC; } if (result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_null(into); } return result; } /** * Checks if the given type reference contains any placeholder types. * @param type the type to check. * @return whether the type has placeholders. */ int _interpreter_type_contains_placeholders(libab_ref* type) { size_t index = 0; int placeholder; libab_ref temp_child; libab_parsetype* parsetype = libab_ref_get(type); placeholder = (parsetype->variant & LIBABACUS_TYPE_F_PLACE) != 0; if (parsetype->variant & LIBABACUS_TYPE_F_PARENT) { for (; index < parsetype->children.size && !placeholder; index++) { libab_ref_vec_index(&parsetype->children, index, &temp_child); placeholder |= _interpreter_type_contains_placeholders(&temp_child); libab_ref_free(&temp_child); } } return placeholder; } void _interpreter_search_type_param(libab_ref_trie* params, libab_ref* scope, const char* name, libab_ref* into) { libab_ref_trie_get(params, name, into); if(libab_ref_get(into) == NULL) { libab_table_search_type_param(libab_ref_get(scope), name, into); } } libab_parsetype* _interpreter_search_type_param_raw(libab_ref_trie* params, libab_ref* scope, const char* name) { libab_ref into; libab_parsetype* to_return; _interpreter_search_type_param(params, scope, name, &into); to_return = libab_ref_get(&into); libab_ref_free(&into); return to_return; } /** * Compares the two types, filling in any missing type parameters * in the respective type tries. * @param left_type the left type to compare. * @param right_type the right type to compare. * @pram left_params the trie into which to store left parameters. * @param right_params the trie into which to store right parameters. * @param result the result of the operation. */ libab_result _interpreter_compare_types(libab_ref* left_type, libab_ref* right_type, libab_ref_trie* left_params, libab_ref_trie* right_params, libab_ref* scope) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; int left_placeholder; int right_placeholder; libab_parsetype* left = libab_ref_get(left_type); libab_parsetype* right = libab_ref_get(right_type); left_placeholder = left->variant & LIBABACUS_TYPE_F_PLACE; right_placeholder = right->variant & LIBABACUS_TYPE_F_PLACE; if (left_placeholder && right_placeholder) { result = LIBAB_AMBIGOUS_TYPE; } else { if (left_placeholder) { const char* name = left->data_u.name; left = _interpreter_search_type_param_raw(left_params, scope, name); if (left == NULL) { if (!_interpreter_type_contains_placeholders(right_type)) { result = libab_ref_trie_put(left_params, name, right_type); } else { result = LIBAB_AMBIGOUS_TYPE; } } } else if (right_placeholder) { const char* name = right->data_u.name; right = _interpreter_search_type_param_raw(right_params, scope, name); if (right == NULL) { if (!_interpreter_type_contains_placeholders(left_type)) { result = libab_ref_trie_put(right_params, name, left_type); } else { result = LIBAB_AMBIGOUS_TYPE; } } } if (left != NULL && right != NULL) { size_t index = 0; libab_ref temp_left; libab_ref temp_right; result = (left->data_u.base == right->data_u.base) ? LIBAB_SUCCESS : LIBAB_MISMATCHED_TYPE; if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS && (left->variant & LIBABACUS_TYPE_F_PARENT || right->variant & LIBABACUS_TYPE_F_PARENT)) { result = (left->variant & right->variant & LIBABACUS_TYPE_F_PARENT) ? LIBAB_SUCCESS : LIBAB_MISMATCHED_TYPE; if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = (left->children.size == right->children.size) ? LIBAB_SUCCESS : LIBAB_MISMATCHED_TYPE; } for (; index < left->children.size && result == LIBAB_SUCCESS; index++) { libab_ref_vec_index(&left->children, index, &temp_left); libab_ref_vec_index(&right->children, index, &temp_right); result = _interpreter_compare_types( &temp_left, &temp_right, left_params, right_params, scope); libab_ref_free(&temp_left); libab_ref_free(&temp_right); } } } } return result; } /** * Copies a type, substituting type parameters for their copies * from the parameter trie. * @param type the type to copy. * @param params the type parameter map. * @param into the copy destination. * @return result the result of the operation. */ libab_result _interpreter_copy_resolved_type(libab_ref* type, libab_ref_trie* params, libab_ref* scope, libab_ref* into) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; libab_parsetype* copy; libab_parsetype* original; original = libab_ref_get(type); if (original->variant & LIBABACUS_TYPE_F_PLACE) { _interpreter_search_type_param(params, scope, original->data_u.name, into); } else if ((copy = malloc(sizeof(*copy)))) { size_t index = 0; copy->variant = original->variant; copy->data_u.base = original->data_u.base; if (copy->variant & LIBABACUS_TYPE_F_PARENT) { libab_ref child_copy; libab_ref temp_child; result = libab_ref_vec_init(©->children); for (; index < original->children.size && result == LIBAB_SUCCESS; index++) { libab_ref_vec_index(&original->children, index, &temp_child); result = _interpreter_copy_resolved_type(&temp_child, params, scope, &child_copy); if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = libab_ref_vec_insert(©->children, &child_copy); } if (result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_parsetype_free(copy); } libab_ref_free(&child_copy); libab_ref_free(&temp_child); } if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = libab_ref_new(into, copy, free_parsetype); if (result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { free_parsetype(copy); } } } } else { result = LIBAB_MALLOC; } if (result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_null(into); } return result; } /** * Gets a type of with its template types substituted with types * from the parameters trie. * @param type the type into which to substitute. * @param params the map of param names to their types. * @param into the reference into which to store the type. */ libab_result _interpreter_resolve_type_params(libab_ref* type, libab_ref_trie* params, libab_ref* scope, libab_ref* into) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; if (_interpreter_type_contains_placeholders(type)) { result = _interpreter_copy_resolved_type(type, params, scope, into); } else { libab_ref_copy(type, into); } return result; } /** * Takes a list of types and a list of parameters that have to match these types, * and computes the actual types that these parameters should be given, storing them * into a third, pre-initialized vector. On error, clears the output vector. * @param reference_types the types to check against. * @param params the paramters to check. * @param types the destination for the new types. */ libab_result _interpreter_check_types(libab_ref_vec* reference_types, libab_ref_vec* params, libab_ref_vec* types, libab_ref* scope, libab_ref_trie* param_map) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; libab_ref_trie function_params; libab_ref_trie_init(&function_params); if (params->size >= reference_types->size) { result = LIBAB_BAD_CALL; } else { libab_ref_trie child_params; libab_ref left_temp; libab_ref right_value_temp; libab_ref* right_temp; libab_ref produced_type; size_t index = 0; for (; index < params->size && result == LIBAB_SUCCESS; index++) { libab_ref_trie_init(&child_params); libab_ref_vec_index(reference_types, index, &left_temp); libab_ref_vec_index(params, index, &right_value_temp); right_temp = &((libab_value*)libab_ref_get(&right_value_temp))->type; result = _interpreter_compare_types( &left_temp, right_temp, &function_params, &child_params, scope); if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = _interpreter_resolve_type_params( right_temp, &child_params, scope, &produced_type); if (result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_free(&produced_type); } } if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = libab_ref_vec_insert(types, &produced_type); libab_ref_free(&produced_type); } libab_ref_free(&left_temp); libab_ref_free(&right_value_temp); libab_ref_trie_free(&child_params); } } if(result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { *param_map = function_params; } else { libab_ref_trie_free(&function_params); libab_ref_vec_clear(types); } return result; } /** * Checks through a list of functions, and finds a function that matches the given * paramters. * @param function_value the list of functions to search. * @param parmas the parameters that the function must be able to accept. * @param new_types the types that the parameters have to be cast to to be accepted * by this function. This variable is only initialized if a match is found. * @param match the reference into which to store the function value to call, if any. * @return the result of the operation. */ libab_result _interpreter_find_match(libab_function_list* function_values, libab_ref_vec* params, libab_ref_vec* new_types, libab_ref_trie* param_map, libab_ref* match, int partial) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; size_t index = 0; size_t list_size = libab_function_list_size(function_values); int found_match = 0; libab_ref_trie temp_param_map; libab_ref_vec temp_new_types; libab_ref temp_function_value; libab_value* temp_value; libab_parsetype* temp_function_type; libab_function* temp_function; libab_ref_null(match); result = libab_ref_vec_init(&temp_new_types); for (; index < list_size && result == LIBAB_SUCCESS; index++) { libab_function_list_index(function_values, index, &temp_function_value); temp_value = libab_ref_get(&temp_function_value); temp_function_type = libab_ref_get(&temp_value->type); temp_function = libab_ref_get(&temp_value->data); if (((temp_function_type->children.size == params->size + 1) && !partial) || ((temp_function_type->children.size > params->size + 1) && partial)) { /* We found a function that has the correct number of parameters. */ result = _interpreter_check_types( &temp_function_type->children, params, &temp_new_types, &temp_function->scope, &temp_param_map); if (result == LIBAB_MISMATCHED_TYPE) { /* Mismatch is OK. */ result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; } else if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { /* Function matched; now, check for other matching calls. * More than one matching calls = ambigous call. */ if (!found_match) { /* We haven't found a match previously. Copy data into * new_types, and use new memory for temp list. */ found_match = 1; *new_types = temp_new_types; *param_map = temp_param_map; libab_ref_free(match); libab_ref_copy(&temp_function_value, match); result = libab_ref_vec_init(&temp_new_types); if (result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_vec_free(new_types); } } else { /* We've found a match previously. So, new_types are * initialized, and the call is ambigous. Free all data. */ libab_ref_vec_free(new_types); libab_ref_vec_free(&temp_new_types); libab_ref_trie_free(param_map); libab_ref_trie_free(&temp_param_map); result = LIBAB_AMBIGOUS_CALL; } } else { /* Something bad happened. Free data as best as we can. */ libab_ref_vec_free(&temp_new_types); if (found_match) { libab_ref_vec_free(new_types); libab_ref_trie_free(param_map); } } } libab_ref_free(&temp_function_value); } if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_vec_free(&temp_new_types); } else { libab_ref_free(match); libab_ref_null(match); } return result; } /** * Create a new value with the same data and a new type. * @param param the value to cast. * @param type the new type. * @param into the reference into which to store the new value. */ libab_result _interpreter_cast_param(libab_ref* param, libab_ref* type, libab_ref_vec* into) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; libab_value* old_value = libab_ref_get(param); libab_ref new_value; result = libab_create_value_ref(&new_value, &old_value->data, type); if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = libab_ref_vec_insert(into, &new_value); } libab_ref_free(&new_value); return result; } /** * Casts a list of parameters to the given list of types. * @param params the parameters to cast. * @param new_types the types to cast to. * @param into the pre-initialized vector to store the new values into. * @return the result of any allocations. */ libab_result _interpreter_cast_params(libab_ref_vec* params, libab_ref_vec* new_types, libab_ref_vec* into) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; size_t index = 0; libab_ref temp_param; libab_ref temp_type; for (; index < params->size && result == LIBAB_SUCCESS; index++) { libab_ref_vec_index(params, index, &temp_param); libab_ref_vec_index(new_types, index, &temp_type); result = _interpreter_cast_param(&temp_param, &temp_type, into); libab_ref_free(&temp_param); libab_ref_free(&temp_type); } return result; } /** * Calls a tree-based function with the given parameters. * @param tree the tree function to call. * @param the parameters to give to the function. * @param into the reference to store the result into; * @return the result of the call. */ libab_result _interpreter_call_tree(libab_tree* tree, libab_ref_vec* params, libab_ref* into) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; return result; } /** * Calls the given behavior with the given parameters. * @param state the state in which to perform the call. * @param behavior the behavior to clal. * @param params the parameters to give to the behavior. * @param into the reference into which to store the result of the call. * @return libab_result the result of the call. */ libab_result _interpreter_call_behavior(struct interpreter_state* state, libab_behavior* behavior, libab_ref_vec* params, libab_ref* scope, libab_ref* into) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; if (behavior->variant == BIMPL_INTERNAL) { result = behavior->data_u.internal(state->ab, params, into); } else { result = _interpreter_call_tree(behavior->data_u.tree, params, into); } return result; } /** * Copies a function without copying its partial application parameters. * @param function the function to copy. * @param into the reference to store the copy into. */ libab_result _interpreter_copy_function_basic(libab_ref* function, libab_ref* scope, libab_ref* into) { libab_function* func = libab_ref_get(function); void (*free_function)(void*) = function->count->free_func; return libab_create_function_behavior(into, free_function, &func->behavior, scope); } libab_result _interpreter_copy_function_with_params(libab_ref* function, libab_ref_vec* params, libab_ref* scope, libab_ref* into) { int index = 0; libab_ref param; libab_function* func; libab_result result = _interpreter_copy_function_basic(function, scope, into); func = libab_ref_get(into); for(; index < params->size && result == LIBAB_SUCCESS; index++) { libab_ref_vec_index(params, index, ¶m); result = libab_ref_vec_insert(&func->params, ¶m); libab_ref_free(¶m); } if(result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_free(into); libab_ref_null(into); } return result; } libab_result _interpreter_copy_type_offset(libab_ref* type, size_t offset, libab_ref* into) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; libab_parsetype* new_type; libab_parsetype* copy_of = libab_ref_get(type); size_t index = 0; if((new_type = malloc(sizeof(*new_type)))) { new_type->variant = copy_of->variant; new_type->data_u = copy_of->data_u; result = libab_ref_vec_init(&new_type->children); if(result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref child_type_ref; for(; index < copy_of->children.size - 1 - offset && result == LIBAB_SUCCESS; index++) { libab_ref_vec_index(©_of->children, offset + index, &child_type_ref); result = libab_ref_vec_insert(&new_type->children, &child_type_ref); libab_ref_free(&child_type_ref); } if(result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_vec_free(&new_type->children); } } } else { result = LIBAB_MALLOC; } if(result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = libab_ref_new(into, new_type, type->count->free_func); if(result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_parsetype_free(new_type); } } if(result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_null(into); } return result; } libab_result _interpreter_partially_apply(struct interpreter_state* state, libab_ref* function, libab_ref_vec* params, libab_ref* scope, libab_ref* into) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; libab_value* value; libab_ref new_type; libab_ref new_function; value = libab_ref_get(function); libab_ref_null(&new_type); result = _interpreter_copy_function_with_params(&value->data, params, scope, &new_function); if(result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_free(&new_type); result = _interpreter_copy_type_offset(&value->type, 0, &new_type); } if(result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = libab_create_value_ref(into, &new_function, &new_type); } else { libab_ref_null(into); } libab_ref_free(&new_function); libab_ref_free(&new_type); return result; } libab_result _interpreter_foreach_insert_param(const libab_ref* param, const char* key, va_list args) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; libab_table_entry* entry; if ((entry = malloc(sizeof(*entry)))) { entry->variant = ENTRY_TYPE_PARAM; libab_ref_copy(param, &entry->data_u.type_param); } else { result = LIBAB_MALLOC; } if(result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = libab_table_put(libab_ref_get(va_arg(args, libab_ref*)), key, entry); if(result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_free(&entry->data_u.type_param); free(entry); } } return result; } libab_result _interpreter_create_scope(libab_ref* into, libab_ref* parent_scope, libab_ref_trie* param_map) { libab_result result = libab_create_table(into, parent_scope); if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = libab_ref_trie_foreach(param_map, _interpreter_foreach_insert_param, into); if(result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_free(into); libab_ref_null(into); } } return result; } /** * Calls a function with the given, compatible paramters. * @param state the state to use to call the function. * @param to_call the function value to call. * @param params the parameters to pass to the function. * @param into the reference into which to store the result. * @return the result of the call. */ libab_result _interpreter_perform_function_call(struct interpreter_state* state, libab_ref* to_call, libab_ref_vec* params, libab_ref_trie* param_map, libab_ref* into) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; libab_value* function_value; libab_function* function; libab_parsetype* function_type; libab_ref new_scope; size_t new_params; function_value = libab_ref_get(to_call); function = libab_ref_get(&function_value->data); function_type = libab_ref_get(&function_value->type); new_params = params->size - function->params.size; result = _interpreter_create_scope(&new_scope, &function->scope, param_map); if(result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_null(into); } else if (function_type->children.size - new_params == 1) { result = _interpreter_call_behavior(state, &function->behavior, params, &new_scope, into); } else { result = _interpreter_partially_apply(state, to_call, params, &new_scope, into); } libab_ref_free(&new_scope); return result; } /** * Casts the parameters to the given new types, then calls a function. * @param state the state to use to call. * @param to_call the function to call. * @param params the parameters to cast then pass to the function. * @param new_types the types to cast the params to. * @param into the reference to store the result of the call into. * @return the result of the call. */ libab_result _interpreter_cast_and_perform_function_call( struct interpreter_state* state, libab_ref* to_call, libab_ref_vec* params, libab_ref_vec* new_types, libab_ref_trie* param_map, libab_ref* into) { libab_result result; libab_ref_vec new_params; libab_value* function_value; libab_function* function; function_value = libab_ref_get(to_call); function = libab_ref_get(&function_value->data); result = libab_ref_vec_init_copy(&new_params, &function->params); if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = _interpreter_cast_params(params, new_types, &new_params); if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = _interpreter_perform_function_call(state, to_call, &new_params, param_map, into); } libab_ref_vec_free(&new_params); } return result; } /** * Calls a function list with the given parameters. * @param state the state to use to call the list. * @param list the list to call. * @param params the parameters to pass to the function list. * @param into the reference into which to store the result of the call. * @return the result of the call. */ libab_result _interpreter_call_function_list(struct interpreter_state* state, libab_function_list* list, libab_ref_vec* params, libab_ref* into) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; libab_ref_vec new_types; libab_ref to_call; libab_ref_trie param_map; libab_ref_null(into); result = _interpreter_find_match(list, params, &new_types, ¶m_map, &to_call, 0); if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { if (libab_ref_get(&to_call) == NULL) { result = _interpreter_find_match(list, params, &new_types, ¶m_map, &to_call, 1); } } if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS && libab_ref_get(&to_call) == NULL) { result = LIBAB_BAD_CALL; } if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_free(into); result = _interpreter_cast_and_perform_function_call(state, &to_call, params, &new_types, ¶m_map, into); libab_ref_trie_free(¶m_map); libab_ref_vec_free(&new_types); } libab_ref_free(&to_call); return result; } /** * Calls a function with the given parameters. * @param state the state to use to call the. * @param function the function to call. * @param params the parameters to pass to the function. * @param into the reference into which to store the result of the call. * @return the result of the call. */ libab_result _interpreter_call_function(struct interpreter_state* state, libab_ref* function, libab_ref_vec* params, libab_ref* into) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; libab_ref_vec temp_new_types; libab_ref_trie param_map; libab_value* function_value; libab_parsetype* function_type; libab_function* function_instance; function_value = libab_ref_get(function); function_type = libab_ref_get(&function_value->type); function_instance = libab_ref_get(&function_value->data); libab_ref_null(into); result = libab_ref_vec_init(&temp_new_types); if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = _interpreter_check_types(&function_type->children, params, &temp_new_types, &function_instance->scope, ¶m_map); if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_free(into); result = _interpreter_cast_and_perform_function_call( state, function, params, &temp_new_types, ¶m_map, into); libab_ref_trie_free(¶m_map); } libab_ref_vec_free(&temp_new_types); } return result; } /** * Attempts to call a value of unknown type. * @param state the state in which to run the code. * @param value the value which is being called. * @param params the parameters given to the value. * @param into the reference into which to store the output of the call. * @return the result of the call. */ libab_result _interpreter_try_call(struct interpreter_state* state, libab_ref* value, libab_ref_vec* params, libab_ref* into) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; libab_value* callee_value; libab_parsetype* callee_type; libab_basetype* callee_basetype; callee_value = libab_ref_get(value); callee_type = libab_ref_get(&callee_value->type); callee_basetype = callee_type->data_u.base; if (callee_basetype == libab_get_basetype_function_list(state->ab)) { result = _interpreter_call_function_list( state, libab_ref_get(&callee_value->data), params, into); } else if (callee_basetype == libab_get_basetype_function(state->ab)) { result = _interpreter_call_function(state, value, params, into); } else { libab_ref_null(into); result = LIBAB_BAD_CALL; } return result; } libab_result _interpreter_run(struct interpreter_state* state, libab_tree* tree, libab_ref* into, libab_ref* scope, int force_scope); libab_result _interpreter_require_value(libab_ref* scope, const char* name, libab_ref* into) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; libab_table_search_value(libab_ref_get(scope), name, into); if(libab_ref_get(into) == NULL) { result = LIBAB_UNEXPECTED; } return result; } libab_result _interpreter_call_operator(struct interpreter_state* state, libab_operator* to_call, libab_ref* into, libab_ref* scope, ...) { va_list args; libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; libab_ref function_value; libab_ref_vec params; libab_ref temp; libab_ref_null(&function_value); va_start(args, scope); result = libab_ref_vec_init(¶ms); if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { /* Get first parameter. */ result = _interpreter_run(state, va_arg(args, libab_tree*), &temp, scope, 0); if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = libab_ref_vec_insert(¶ms, &temp); } libab_ref_free(&temp); /* If infix, get second parameter. */ if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS && to_call->variant == OPERATOR_INFIX) { result = _interpreter_run(state, va_arg(args, libab_tree*), &temp, scope, 0); if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = libab_ref_vec_insert(¶ms, &temp); } libab_ref_free(&temp); } if(result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_free(&function_value); result = _interpreter_require_value(scope, to_call->function, &function_value); } if(result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = _interpreter_try_call(state, &function_value, ¶ms, into); } libab_ref_vec_free(¶ms); } va_end(args); libab_ref_free(&function_value); return result; } libab_result _interpreter_run_function_node(struct interpreter_state* state, libab_tree* tree, libab_ref* into, libab_ref* scope) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; libab_ref param; libab_ref callee; libab_ref_vec params; size_t count = 0; void* child; libab_ref_null(¶m); result = libab_ref_vec_init(¶ms); for (; count < tree->children.size - 1 && result == LIBAB_SUCCESS; count++) { libab_ref_free(¶m); child = vec_index(&tree->children, count); result = _interpreter_run(state, child, ¶m, scope, 0); if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = libab_ref_vec_insert(¶ms, ¶m); } if (result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_vec_free(¶ms); } } libab_ref_free(¶m); if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = _interpreter_run( state, vec_index(&tree->children, tree->children.size - 1), &callee, scope, 0); if (result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_vec_free(¶ms); } } if (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = _interpreter_try_call(state, &callee, ¶ms, into); libab_ref_free(&callee); libab_ref_vec_free(¶ms); } else { libab_ref_null(into); } return result; } int _interpreter_compare_function_param( const void* left, const void* right) { const libab_tree* data = right; return data->variant == TREE_FUN_PARAM; } int _interpreter_foreach_resolve_function_param( void* data, va_list args) { libab_tree* tree = data; libab_ref* scope = va_arg(args, libab_ref*); libab_parsetype* type = libab_ref_get(&tree->type); return libab_resolve_parsetype(type, libab_ref_get(scope)); } libab_result _interpreter_resolve_function_params( struct interpreter_state* state, libab_tree* tree, libab_ref* scope) { return vec_foreach(&tree->children, NULL, _interpreter_compare_function_param, _interpreter_foreach_resolve_function_param, scope); } int _interpreter_foreach_insert_function_param( void* data, va_list args) { libab_tree* tree = data; libab_ref_vec* into = va_arg(args, libab_ref_vec*); return libab_ref_vec_insert(into, &tree->type); } libab_result _interpreter_create_function_type( struct interpreter_state* state, libab_tree* tree, libab_parsetype** type) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; libab_basetype* funciton_type = libab_get_basetype_function(state->ab); if((*type = malloc(sizeof(**type)))) { (*type)->variant = LIBABACUS_TYPE_F_PARENT | LIBABACUS_TYPE_F_RESOLVED; (*type)->data_u.base = funciton_type; result = libab_ref_vec_init(&(*type)->children); } else { result = LIBAB_MALLOC; } if(result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = vec_foreach(&tree->children, NULL, _interpreter_compare_function_param, _interpreter_foreach_insert_function_param, &(*type)->children); if(result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = libab_ref_vec_insert(&(*type)->children, &tree->type); } if(result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_vec_free(&(*type)->children); } } if(result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { free(*type); *type = NULL; } return result; } libab_result _interpreter_wrap_function_type( struct interpreter_state* state, libab_tree* tree, libab_ref* into) { libab_parsetype* type; libab_result result = _interpreter_create_function_type(state, tree, &type); if(result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = libab_ref_new(into, type, free_parsetype); } if(result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_null(into); } return result; } libab_result _interpreter_create_function_value( struct interpreter_state* state, libab_tree* tree, libab_ref* scope, libab_ref* into) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; libab_ref function, type; libab_ref_null(&type); libab_ref_null(into); result = libab_create_function_tree(&function, free_function, tree, scope); if(result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_free(&type); result = _interpreter_wrap_function_type(state, tree, &type); } if(result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_free(into); result = libab_create_value_ref(into, &function, &type); } if(result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_free(into); libab_ref_null(into); } libab_ref_free(&function); libab_ref_free(&type); return result; } libab_result _interpreter_run(struct interpreter_state* state, libab_tree* tree, libab_ref* into, libab_ref* scope, int force_scope) { libab_result result = LIBAB_SUCCESS; libab_ref new_scope; int needs_scope = libab_tree_has_scope(tree->variant) || force_scope; if (needs_scope) { result = libab_create_table(&new_scope, scope); scope = &new_scope; } if (result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { } else if (tree->variant == TREE_BASE || tree->variant == TREE_BLOCK) { size_t index = 0; libab_get_unit_value(state->ab, into); while (result == LIBAB_SUCCESS && index < tree->children.size) { libab_ref_free(into); result = _interpreter_run(state, vec_index(&tree->children, index), into, scope, 0); index++; } } else if (tree->variant == TREE_NUM) { result = _interpreter_create_num_val(state, into, tree->string_value); } else if (tree->variant == TREE_VOID) { libab_get_unit_value(state->ab, into); } else if (tree->variant == TREE_ID) { result = _interpreter_require_value(scope, tree->string_value, into); } else if (tree->variant == TREE_CALL) { result = _interpreter_run_function_node(state, tree, into, scope); } else if (tree->variant == TREE_OP) { libab_operator* to_call = libab_table_search_operator( libab_ref_get(scope), tree->string_value, OPERATOR_INFIX); result = _interpreter_call_operator(state, to_call, into, scope, vec_index(&tree->children, 0), vec_index(&tree->children, 1)); } else if (tree->variant == TREE_PREFIX_OP) { libab_operator* to_call = libab_table_search_operator( libab_ref_get(scope), tree->string_value, OPERATOR_PREFIX); result = _interpreter_call_operator(state, to_call, into, scope, vec_index(&tree->children, 0)); } else if (tree->variant == TREE_POSTFIX_OP) { libab_operator* to_call = libab_table_search_operator( libab_ref_get(scope), tree->string_value, OPERATOR_POSTFIX); result = _interpreter_call_operator(state, to_call, into, scope, vec_index(&tree->children, 0)); } else if (tree->variant == TREE_FUN) { libab_ref function; result = _interpreter_create_function_value(state, tree, scope, &function); if(result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { result = libab_put_table_value(libab_ref_get(scope), tree->string_value, &function); if(result != LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_free(&function); libab_ref_null(&function); } } libab_ref_copy(&function, into); libab_ref_free(&function); } else { libab_get_unit_value(state->ab, into); } if (needs_scope) { libab_ref_free(&new_scope); } return result; } libab_result libab_interpreter_run(libab_interpreter* intr, libab_tree* tree, libab_ref* into) { struct interpreter_state state; libab_result result; _interpreter_init(&state, intr); result = _interpreter_run(&state, tree, into, &state.ab->table, 1); _interpreter_free(&state); return result; } libab_result libab_interpreter_run_function(libab_interpreter* intr, const char* function, libab_ref_vec* params, libab_ref* into) { struct interpreter_state state; libab_ref function_value; libab_result result; _interpreter_init(&state, intr); libab_ref_null(into); result = _interpreter_require_value(&state.ab->table, function, &function_value); if(result == LIBAB_SUCCESS) { libab_ref_free(into); _interpreter_try_call(&state, &function_value, params, into); } _interpreter_free(&state); libab_ref_free(&function_value); return result; } void libab_interpreter_unit_value(libab_interpreter* intr, libab_ref* into) { libab_ref_copy(&intr->value_unit, into); } void libab_interpreter_free(libab_interpreter* intr) { libab_ref_free(&intr->value_unit); }