#ifndef LIBABACUS_H #define LIBABACUS_H #include "custom.h" #include "ht.h" #include "impl.h" #include "interpreter.h" #include "lexer.h" #include "parser.h" #include "result.h" #include "table.h" /** * The main struct of libabacus, * which essentially holds all the informatiom * for the library's state and operation. */ struct libab_s { /** * The lexer used to convert a string * to tokens. */ libab_lexer lexer; /** * The parser used to convert * tokens to a tree. */ libab_parser parser; /** * The interpreter used * to run a tree. */ libab_interpreter intr; /** * The table used to store top-level * things like functions and operators. */ libab_ref table; /** * The allocator used to construct number instances. */ libab_impl impl; /** * The number type instance. */ libab_ref type_num; /** * The boolean type instance. */ libab_ref type_bool; /** * The function list type instance. */ libab_ref type_function_list; /** * The unit type instance. */ libab_ref type_unit; /** * Internal; the number basetype. This cannot be a static * variable like other built-in types because it has a free function * specified by the user. */ libab_basetype basetype_num; }; typedef struct libab_s libab; /** * Initializes the libabacus struct as well * as all its internal structures such as the lexer. * @param ab the libabacus instance used to keep state. * @param parse_function function used to parse a number. * @param free_function function used to free the parsed number. * @return the result of the initialization. */ libab_result libab_init(libab* ab, void* (*parse_function)(const char*), void (*free_function)(void*)); /** * Registers an operator with libabacus. * @param ab the libabacus instance to reigster the operator with. * @param op the operator string to register. * @param precedence the precedence of the operator. * @param associativity the associativity of the operator. * @param function the function this operator calls. * @return the result of the initialization. */ libab_result libab_register_operator_infix(libab* ab, const char* op, int precedence, int associativity, const char* function); /** * Registers an operation with libabacus that appears * before its operand. * @param ab the libabacus instance to register the operator with. * @param op the operator string to register. * @param function the function this operator calls. * @return the result of the registration. */ libab_result libab_register_operator_prefix(libab* ab, const char* op, const char* function); /** * Registers an operation with libabacus that appears * after its operand. * @param ab the libabacus instance to register the operator with. * @param op the operator string to register. * @param function the function this operator calls. * @return the result of the registration. */ libab_result libab_register_operator_postfix(libab* ab, const char* op, const char* function); /** * Registers a function with libabacus. * @param ab the libabacus instance used to keep state. * @param name the name of the function. * @param type the type of this operator. * @param func the function that describes the functionality of the function. * @return the result of the registration. */ libab_result libab_register_function(libab* ab, const char* name, libab_ref* type, libab_function_ptr func); /** * Registers a base type with abacus. * @param ab the libabacus instance used to keep state. * @param name the name to register the basetype under. * @param basetype the basetype to register. * @return the result of the registration. */ libab_result libab_register_basetype(libab* ab, const char* name, libab_basetype* basetype); /** * Constructs and resolves a parse type, similarly to how it's done in the * parser. * @param ab the libab instance to use for constructing the type. * @param into the reference to populate with the given type. * @param type the type to parse. * @return the result of the operation. */ libab_result libab_create_type(libab* ab, libab_ref* into, const char* type); /** * Finds and returns the built-in libabacus number type. * @param ab the ab instance for which to return a type. * @return the num basetype. */ libab_basetype* libab_get_basetype_num(libab* ab); /** * Finds and returns the built-in libabacus boolean type. * @param ab the ab instance for which to return a type. * @return the boolean basetype. */ libab_basetype* libab_get_basetype_bool(libab* ab); /** * Finds and returns the built-in libabacus function type. * @param ab the ab instance for which to return a type. * @return the function basetype. */ libab_basetype* libab_get_basetype_function(libab* ab); /** * Finds and returns the built-in libabacus function list type. * @param ab the ab instance for which to return a type. * @return the function list basetype. */ libab_basetype* libab_get_basetype_function_list(libab* ab); /** * Finds and returns the built-in libabacus unit type. * @param ab the ab instance for which to return a type. * @return the unit basetype. */ libab_basetype* libab_get_basetype_unit(libab* ab); /** * Get the type of a number in this libabacus instance. * @param ab the instance to get the type for. * @param into the reference to store the type into. */ void libab_get_type_num(libab* ab, libab_ref* into); /** * Get the type of a boolean in this libabacus instance. * @param ab the instance to get the type for. * @param into the reference to store the type into. */ void libab_get_type_bool(libab* ab, libab_ref* into); /** * Get the type of the function list in this libabacus instance. * @param ab the instance to get the type for. * @param into the ference to store the type into. */ void libab_get_type_function_list(libab* ab, libab_ref* into); /** * Get the type of the unit in this libabacus instance. * @param ab the instance to get the type for. * @param into the reference to store the type into. */ void libab_get_type_unit(libab* ab, libab_ref* into); /** * Gets the unit value form this libab instance. * @param ab the instance to get the unit value from. * @param into the reference into which to store the unit value. */ void libab_get_unit_value(libab* ab, libab_ref* into); /** * Gets the true value form this libab instance. * @param ab the instance to get the true value from. * @param into the reference into which to store the true value. */ void libab_get_true_value(libab* ab, libab_ref* into); /** * Gets the false value form this libab instance. * @param ab the instance to get the false value from. * @param into the reference into which to store the false value. */ void libab_get_false_value(libab* ab, libab_ref* into); /** * Executes the given string of code. * @param ab the libabacus instance to use for executing code. * @param string the string to execute. * @param value the reference into which to store the result. * @return the result of the computation. */ libab_result libab_run(libab* ab, const char* string, libab_ref* value); /** * Runs an already-compiled tree. * @param ab the libabacus instance to use for executing code. * @param tree the tree the run. * @param value the reference into which to store the output. * @return the result of the computation. */ libab_result libab_run_tree(libab* ab, libab_tree* tree, libab_ref* value); /** * Calls a function with the given name and parameters. * @param ab the libabacus instance to use to call the function. * @param function the name of the function to call. * @param into the reference into which to store the result. * @param param_count the number of parameters given to this function. * @return the result of the call. */ libab_result libab_run_function(libab* ab, const char* function, libab_ref* into, size_t param_count, ...); /** * Calls a string in a given surrounding scope. * @param ab the libabacus instance to use to call the function. * @param strign the string to run. * @param scope the scope to use for calling the string. * @param value the reference into which to store the output of the computation. * @return the result of the computation. */ libab_result libab_run_scoped(libab* ab, const char* string, libab_ref* scope, libab_ref* value); /** * Calls a tree in a given scope. * @param ab the libabacus instance to use to call the tree. * @param tree the tree to call. * @param scope the scope to use for the call. * @param value the reference into which to store the output. * @return the result of the call. */ libab_result libab_run_tree_scoped(libab* ab, libab_tree* tree, libab_ref* scope, libab_ref* value); /** * Calls a function with the given name and parameters using a given scope. * @param ab the libabacus instance to use to call the function. * @param function the name of the function to call. * @param scope the scope in which to perform the call. * @param into the reference into which to store the result. * @param param_count the number of parameters given to this function. * @return the result of the call. */ libab_result libab_run_function_scoped(libab* ab, const char* function, libab_ref* scope, libab_ref* into, size_t param_count, ...); /** * Releases all the resources allocated by libabacus. * @param ab the libabacus instance to release. * @return the result of the initialization. */ libab_result libab_free(libab* ab); #endif