{ blog-source, blog-source-localized, pkgs, katex-html }: with pkgs; let website = settings: stdenv.mkDerivation { inherit (settings) src ssl host; name = "blog-static"; version = settings.src.rev; postPatch = with settings.replaceUrl; '' substituteInPlace config.toml --replace ${from} ${to} ''; publicPath = settings.path; extraFlags = (if settings.drafts then " -D " else "") + settings.extraFlags; builder = ./build/builder.sh; buildInputs = [ hugo katex-html ]; }; wrapHost = ssl: host: (if ssl then "https" else "http") + "://${host}"; in { english = settings: website { inherit (settings) host; ssl = settings.ssl or false; drafts = settings.drafts or false; src = blog-source; path = "."; extraFlags = "--config=config.toml,config-gen.toml"; replaceUrl = { from = "https://danilafe.com"; to = wrapHost (settings.ssl or false) settings.host; }; }; russian = settings: website { inherit (settings) host; ssl = settings.ssl or false; drafts = settings.drafts or false; src = blog-source-localized; path = "ru"; extraFlags = ""; replaceUrl = { from = "https://ru.danilafe.com"; to = wrapHost (settings.ssl or false) settings.host; }; }; }