{ stdenv, lib, hugo, fetchgit, pkgs, nodejs, ruby }: let url = "https://dev.danilafe.com/Web-Projects/blog-static.git"; requiredPackages = import ./required-packages.nix { inherit pkgs nodejs; }; website = settings: stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "blog-static"; version = settings.rev; src = fetchgit { inherit url; inherit (settings) rev sha256; fetchSubmodules = true; }; urlSub = let regexEscape = lib.escape [ "/" "(" ")" "[" "]" "+" "*" "\\" ]; in if (settings ? replaceUrl) then (with settings.replaceUrl; "s/${regexEscape from}/${regexEscape to}/g") else ""; publicPath = settings.path; extraFlags = if settings.drafts then " -D " else ""; builder = ./builder.sh; converter = ./convert.rb; server = ./katexserver.js; buildInputs = [ hugo nodejs requiredPackages."katex-0.11.1" requiredPackages.express requiredPackages.body-parser (ruby.withPackages (ps: [ ps.nokogiri ])) ]; }; rev = "43dfee56cc59a8fec62ea98407e96cf38db8b036"; sha256 = "1wbxwp1zb9il8l5pcc006zpk3ha0qjxqp8mlz3r18qbsliqy1jjh"; localizationRev = "0b5748cc5a19b5d1d78bfcfa58d4027cc10524dd"; localizationSha256 = "12pqh534z3ppvgzy0a77s9j1qzzmiyxwvlmh5y76pccf32wvi9wz"; in { english = website { inherit rev sha256; path = "."; drafts = false; }; drafts = { english = website { inherit rev sha256; path = "."; drafts = true; replaceUrl = { from = "https://danilafe.com"; to = "http://drafts.danilafe.com"; }; }; russian = website { rev = localizationRev; sha256 = localizationSha256; path = "ru"; drafts = true; replaceUrl = { from = "https://ru.danilafe.com"; to = "http://drafts.ru.danilafe.com"; }; }; }; }