source $stdenv/setup # Set up Ruby to use UTF-8 export RUBYOPT="-KU -E utf-8:utf-8" # Copy files to a mutable directory. cp -r $src/* . # We'll generate some static files so make static writable chmod -R u+w static # Build site with Hugo hugo $hugoFlags --config=config.toml,config-gen.toml # Create generated files # Can't do submodules because nix flake inputs get their .git deleted mkdir -p static/graph && ruby ./analyze.rb > static/graph/graph.gen.js # Graph files stork build --input public/index.toml --output static/ # Search index cp $resume/Resume-Danila-Fedorin.pdf static/Resume-Danila-Fedorin.pdf # Static folder changed, re-run Hugo hugo $hugoFlags --config=config.toml,config-gen.toml # Output result mkdir $out cp -r public/$publicPath/* $out/ # Render math in HTML and XML files. find $out/ -regex "$out/.*\.html" | xargs katex-html