diff --git a/content/blog/00_compiler_intro.md b/content/blog/00_compiler_intro.md index 3db84b5..bc00656 100644 --- a/content/blog/00_compiler_intro.md +++ b/content/blog/00_compiler_intro.md @@ -144,3 +144,5 @@ Here are the posts that I've written so far for this series: * [Garbage Collection]({{< relref "09_compiler_garbage_collection.md" >}}) * [Polymorphism]({{< relref "10_compiler_polymorphism.md" >}}) * [Polymorphic Data Types]({{< relref "11_compiler_polymorphic_data_types.md" >}}) +* [Let/In and Lambdas]({{< relref "12_compiler_let_in_lambda/index.md" >}}) + diff --git a/content/blog/11_compiler_polymorphic_data_types.md b/content/blog/11_compiler_polymorphic_data_types.md index 199dfe2..97486fe 100644 --- a/content/blog/11_compiler_polymorphic_data_types.md +++ b/content/blog/11_compiler_polymorphic_data_types.md @@ -396,4 +396,5 @@ Result: 4 This looks good! We have added support for polymorphic data types to our compiler. We are now free to move on to `let/in` expressions, __lambda functions__, and __Input/Output__, -as promised! I'll see you then! +as promised, starting with [part 12]({{< relref "12_compiler_let_in_lambda/index.md" >}}) - `let/in` +and lambdas!