diff --git a/content/blog/00_spa_agda_intro.md b/content/blog/00_spa_agda_intro.md
index 1b9ff0e..175f258 100644
--- a/content/blog/00_spa_agda_intro.md
+++ b/content/blog/00_spa_agda_intro.md
@@ -104,5 +104,5 @@ Here are the posts that I’ve written so far for this series:
* {{< draftlink "Lattices of Finite Height" "03_spa_agda_fixed_height" >}}
* {{< draftlink "The Fixed-Point Algorithm" "04_spa_agda_fixedpoint" >}}
* {{< draftlink "Our Programming Language" "05_spa_agda_semantics" >}}
-* {{< draftlink "Control Flow Graphs" "06_spa_agda_cfg" >}}.
-* {{< draftlink "Connecting Semantics and Control Flow Graphs" "07_spa_agda_semantics_and_cfg" >}}.
+* {{< draftlink "Control Flow Graphs" "06_spa_agda_cfg" >}}
+* {{< draftlink "Connecting Semantics and Control Flow Graphs" "07_spa_agda_semantics_and_cfg" >}}
diff --git a/content/blog/05_spa_agda_semantics/index.md b/content/blog/05_spa_agda_semantics/index.md
index cf0fdfc..b08ee5e 100644
--- a/content/blog/05_spa_agda_semantics/index.md
+++ b/content/blog/05_spa_agda_semantics/index.md
@@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ will be guaranteed to always execute without any decisions or jumps.
The reason for this will become clearer in subsequent posts; I will foreshadow
a bit by saying that consecutive simple statements can be placed into a single
[basic block](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_block).
The following is a group of three simple statements:
diff --git a/content/blog/06_spa_agda_cfg/if-cfg.dot b/content/blog/06_spa_agda_cfg/if-cfg.dot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a45973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/blog/06_spa_agda_cfg/if-cfg.dot
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+digraph G {
+ graph[dpi=300 fontsize=14 fontname="Courier New"];
+ node[shape=rectangle style="filled" fillcolor="#fafafa" penwidth=0.5 color="#aaaaaa"];
+ edge[arrowsize=0.3 color="#444444"]
+ node_begin [label="x = ...;\lx\l"]
+ node_then [label="x = 1\l"]
+ node_else [label="x = 0\l"]
+ node_end [label="y = x\l"]
+ node_begin -> node_then
+ node_begin -> node_else
+ node_then -> node_end
+ node_else -> node_end
diff --git a/content/blog/06_spa_agda_cfg/if-cfg.png b/content/blog/06_spa_agda_cfg/if-cfg.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5263208
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/blog/06_spa_agda_cfg/if-cfg.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ce3dc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/blog/06_spa_agda_cfg/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+title: "Implementing and Verifying \"Static Program Analysis\" in Agda, Part 6: Control Flow Graphs"
+series: "Static Program Analysis in Agda"
+description: "In this post, I show how I show an Agda definition of control flow graph building"
+date: 2024-11-13T17:32:42-07:00
+tags: ["Agda", "Programming Languages"]
+draft: true
+In the previous section, I've given a formal definition of the programming
+language that I've been trying to analyze. This formal definition serves
+as the "ground truth" for how our little imperative programs are executed;
+however, program analyses (especially in practice) seldom use the formal semantics
+as their subject matter. Instead, they focus on more pragmatic program
+representations from the world of compilers. One such representation are
+_Control Flow Graphs (CFGs)_.
+Let's start by building some informal intuition. CFGs are pretty much what
+their name suggests. They are a type of [graph](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_(discrete_mathematics)).
+Edges in CFGs represent how execution might jump from one piece of code to
+another (how control might flow).
+For example, take the below program.
+x = ...;
+if x {
+ x = 1;
+} else {
+ x = 0;
+y = x;
+The CFG might look like this:
+{{< figure src="if-cfg.png" label="CFG for simple `if`-`else` code." class="small" >}}
+Here, the initialization of `x` with `...`, as well as the `if` condition (just `x`),
+are guaranteed to execute one after another, so they occupy a single node. From there,
+depending on the condition, the control flow can jump to one of the
+branches of the `if` statement: the "then" branch if the condition is true,
+and the "else" branch if the condition is false. As a result, there are two
+arrows coming out of the initial node. Once either branch is executed, control
+always jumps to the code right after the `if` statement (the `y = x`). Thus,
+both the `x = 1` and `x = 0` nodes have a single arrow to the `y = x` node.
+As another example, if you had a loop:
+x = ...;
+while x {
+ x = x - 1;
+y = x;
+The CFG would look like this:
+{{< figure src="while-cfg.png" label="CFG for simple `while` code." class="small" >}}
+Here, condition of the loop (`x`) is not always guaranteed to execute together
+with the code that initializes `x`. That's because the condition of the loop
+is checked after every iteration, whereas the code before the loop is executed
+only once. As a result, `x = ...` and `x` occupy distinct CFG nodes. From there,
+the control flow can proceed in two different ways, depending on the value
+of `x`. If `x` is truthy, the program will proceed to the loop body (decrementing `x`).
+If `x` is falsy, the program will skip the loop body altogether, and go to the
+code right after the loop (`y = x`). This is indicated by the two arrows
+going out of the `x` node. After executing the body, we return to the condition
+of the loop to see if we need to run another iteration. Because of this, the
+decrementing node has an arrow back to the loop condition.
+Now, let's be a bit more precise. Control Flow Graphs are defined as follows:
+* __The nodes__ are [_basic blocks_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_block).
+ Paraphrasing Wikipedia's definition, a basic block is a piece of code that
+ has only one entry point and one exit point.
+ The one-entry-point rule means that it's not possible to jump into the middle
+ of the basic block, executing only half of its instructions. The execution of
+ a basic block always begins at the top. Symmetrically, the one-exit-point
+ rule means that you can't jump away to other code (even within the same block),
+ skipping some instructions. The execution of a basic block always ends at
+ the bottom.
+ As a result of these constraints, when running a basic block, you are
+ guaranteed to execute every instruction in exactly the order they occur in,
+ and execute each instruction exactly once.
+* __The edges__ are jumps between basic blocks. We've already seen how
+ `if` and `while` statements introduce these jumps.
+Basic blocks can only be made of code that doen't jump (otherwise,
+we violate the single-exit-point policy). In the previous post,
+we defined exactly this kind of code as [simple statements]({{< relref "05_spa_agda_semantics#introduce-simple-statements" >}}).
+So, in our control flow graph, nodes will be sequences of simple statements.
+### Control Flow Graphs in Agda
+#### Basic Definition
+At an abstract level, it's easy to say "it's just a graph where X is Y" about
+anything. It's much harder to give a precise definition of such a graph,
+particularly if you want to rule out invalid graphs (e.g., ones with edges
+pointing nowhere). In Agda, I chose the represent a two lists: one of nodes,
+and one of edges. Each node is simply a list of `BasicStmt`s, as
+I described in a preceding paragraph. An edge is simply a pair of numbers,
+each number encoding the index of the node connected by the edge.
+Here's where it gets a little complicated. I don't want to use plain natural
+numbers for indices, because that means you can easily introduce "broken" edge.
+For example, what if you have 4 nodes, and you have an edge `(5, 5)`? Therefore,
+I picked the finite natural numbers represented by [`Fin`](https://agda.github.io/agda-stdlib/v2.0/Data.Fin.Base.html#1154).
+data Fin : ℕ → Set where
+ zero : Fin (suc n)
+ suc : (i : Fin n) → Fin (suc n)
+Specifically, `Fin n` is the type of natural numbers less than `n`. Following
+this definition, `Fin 3` represents the numbers `0`, `1` and `2`. These are
+represented using the same constructors as `Nat`: `zero` and `suc`. The type
+of `zero` is `Fin (suc n)` for any `n`; this makes sense because zero is less
+than any number plus one. For `suc,` the bound `n` of the input `i` is incremented
+by one, leading to another `suc n` in the final type. This makes sense because if
+`i < n`, then `i + 1 < n + 1`. I've previously explained this data type
+[in another post on this site]({{< relref "01_aoc_coq#aside-vectors-and-finite-mathbbn" >}}).
+Here's my definition of `Graph`s written using `Fin`:
+{{< codelines "Agda" "agda-spa/Language/Graphs.agda" 24 39 >}}
+I explicitly used a `size` field, which determines how many nodes are in the
+graph, and serves both as the upper bound the edge indices as well as the
+size `nodes` field. From there, an index `Index` into the node list is
+{{< sidenote "right" "size-note" "just a natural number less than `size`," >}}
+Ther are size
natural numbers less than size
+0, 1, ..., size - 1
+{{< /sidenote >}}
+and an edge is just a pair of indices. The graph then contains a vector
+(exact-length list) `nodes` of all the basic blocks, and then a list of
+edges `edges`.
+There are two fields here that I have not yet said anything about: `inputs`
+and `outputs`. When we have a complete CFG for our programs, these fields are
+totally unnecessary. However, as we are _building_ the CFG, these will come
+in handy, by telling us how to stitch together smaller sub-graphs that we've
+already built. Let's talk about that next.
+#### Combining Graphs
+Suppose you're building a CFG for a program in the following form:
+Where `code1` and `code2` are arbitrary pieces of code, which could include
+statements, loops, and pretty much anything else. Besides the fact that they
+occur one after another, these pieces of code are unrelated, and we can
+build CFGs for each one them independently. However, the fact that `code1` and
+`code2` are in sequence means that the full control flow graph for the above
+program should have edges going from the nodes in `code1` to the nodes in `code2`.
+Of course, not _every_ node in `code1` should have such edges: that would
+mean that after executing any "basic" sequence of instructions, you could suddenly
+decide to skip the rest of `code1` and move on to executing `code2`.
+Thus, we need to be more precise about what edges we need to insert; we want
+to insert edges between the "final" nodes in `code1` (where control ends up
+after `code1` is finished executing) and the "initial" nodes in `code2` (where
+control would begin once we started executing `code2`). Those are the `outputs`
+and `inputs`, respectively. When stitching together sequenced control graphs,
+we will connect each of the outputs of one to each of the inputs of the other.
+This is defined by the operation `_↦_`:
+{{< codelines "Agda" "agda-spa/Language/Graphs.agda" 72 83 >}}
diff --git a/content/blog/06_spa_agda_cfg/while-cfg.dot b/content/blog/06_spa_agda_cfg/while-cfg.dot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef37a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/blog/06_spa_agda_cfg/while-cfg.dot
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+digraph G {
+ graph[dpi=300 fontsize=14 fontname="Courier New"];
+ node[shape=rectangle style="filled" fillcolor="#fafafa" penwidth=0.5 color="#aaaaaa"];
+ edge[arrowsize=0.3 color="#444444"]
+ node_begin [label="x = ...;\l"]
+ node_cond [label="x\l"]
+ node_body [label="x = x - 1\l"]
+ node_end [label="y = x\l"]
+ node_begin -> node_cond
+ node_cond -> node_body
+ node_cond -> node_end
+ node_body -> node_cond
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index 0000000..278ce60
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/blog/06_spa_agda_cfg/while-cfg.png differ