--- title: "Implementing and Verifying \"Static Program Analysis\" in Agda, Part 0: Intro" series: "Static Program Analysis in Agda" date: 2024-04-12T14:23:03-07:00 draft: true --- Some years ago, when the Programming Languages research group at Oregon State University was discussing what to read, the [_Static Program Analysis_](https://cs.au.dk/~amoeller/spa/) lecture notes came up. The group didn't end up reading the lecture notes, but I did. As I was going through them, I noticed that they were quite rigorous: the first several chapters cover a little bit of [lattice theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lattice_(order)), and the subsequent analyses -- and the descriptions thereof -- are quite precise. When I went to implement the algorithms in the textbook, I realized that just writing them down would not be enough. After all, the textbook also proves several properties of the lattice-based analyses, which would be lost in translation if I were to just write C++ or Haskell. At the same time, I noticed that lots of recent papers in programming language theory were formalizing their results in [Agda](https://agda.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting-started/what-is-agda.html). Having [played]({{< relref "meaningfully-typechecking-a-language-in-idris" >}}) [with]({{< relref "advent-of-code-in-coq" >}}) [dependent]({{< relref "coq_dawn_eval" >}}) [types]({{< relref "coq_palindrome" >}}) before, I was excited to try it out. Thus began my journey to formalize (the first few chapters of) _Static Program Analysis_ in Agda. In all, I built a framework for static analyses, based on a tool called _motone functions_. This framework can be used to implement and reason about many different analyses (currently only a certain class called _forward analyses_, but that's not hard limitation). Recently, I've proven the _correctness_ of the algorithms my framework produces. Having reached this milestone, I'd like to pause and talk about what I've done. In subsequent posts in this series, will describe what I have so far. It's not perfect, and some work is yet to be done; however, getting to this point was no joke, and I think it's worth discussing. In all, I envision three major topics to cover, each of which is likely going to make for a post or two: * __Lattices__: the analyses I'm reasoning about use an algebraic structure called a _lattice_. This structure has certain properties that make it amenable to describing degrees of "knowledge" about a program. In lattice-based static program analysis, the various elements of the lattice represent different facts or properties that we know about the program in question; operations on the lattice help us combine these facts and reason about them. Interestingly, lattices can be made by combining other lattices in certain ways. We can therefore use simpler lattices as building blocks to create more complex ones, all while preserving the algebraic structure that we need for program analysis. * __The Fixed-Point Algorithm__: to analyze a program, we use information that we already know to compute additional information. For instance, we might use the fact that `1` is positive to compute the fact that `1+1` is positive as well. Using that information, we can determine the sign of `(1+1)+1`, and so on. In practice, this is often done by calling some kind of "analyze" function over and over, each time getting closer to an accurate characterization of the program's behavior. When the output of "analyze" stops changing, we know we've found as much as we can find, and stop. What does it mean for the output to stop changing? Roughly, that's when the following equation holds: `knownInfo = analyze(knownInfo)`. In mathematics, this is known as a [fixed point](https://mathworld.wolfram.com/FixedPoint.html). Crucially, not all functions have fixed points; however, certain types of functions on lattices do. The fixed-point algorithm is a way to compute these points, and we will use this to drive our analyses. * __Correctness__: putting together the work on lattices and the fixed-point algorithm, we can implement a static program analyzer in Agda. However, it's not hard to write an "analyze" function that has a fixed point but produces an incorrect result. Thus, the next step is to prove that the results of our analyzer accurately describe the program in question. The interesting aspect of this step is that our program analyzer works on [control-flow graphs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control-flow_graph) (CFGs), which are a relatively compiler-centric representation of programs. On the other hand, what the language _actually does_ is defined by its [semantics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantics_(computer_science)), which is not at all compiler-centric. We need to connect these two, showing that the CFGs we produce "make sense" for our language, and that given CFGs that make sense, our analysis produces results that match the language's execution. {{< todo >}} Once the posts are ready, link them here to add some kind of navigation. {{< /todo >}} ### Monotone Frameworks I'll start out as abstractly and vaguely as possible. In general, the sorts of analyses I'll be formalizing are based on _monotone frameworks_. The idea with monotone frameworks is to rank information about program state using some kind of _order_. Intuitively, given two pieces of "information", one is less than another if it's more specific. Thus, "`x` has a positive sign" is less than "`x` has any sign", since the former is more specific than the latter. The sort of information that you are comparing depends on the analysis. In all cases, the analysis itself is implemented as a function that takes the "information so far", and updates it based on the program, producing "updated information so far". Not all such functions are acceptable; it's possible to write an "updater function" that keeps slightly adjusting its answer. Such a function could keep running forever, which is a little too long for a program analyzer. We need something to ensure the analysis ends. There are two secret ingredients to ensure that an analysis terminates. The first is a property called _monotonicity_; a function is monotonic if it preserves the order between its inputs. That is, if you have two pieces of information `x1` and `x2`, with `x1 <= x2`, then `f(x1) <= f(x2)`. The second property is that our "information" has a _finite height_. Roughly, this means that if you tried to arrange pieces of information in a line, from least to greatest, your line could only get so long. Combined, this leads to the following property (I'm being reductive here while I give an overview): _With a monotoninc function and a finite-height order, if you start at the bottom, each invocation of the function moves you up some line. Since the line can only be so long, you're guaranteed to reach the end eventually._ The above three-paragraph explanation omits a lot of details, but it's a start. To get more precise, we must drill down into several aspects of what I've said so far. The first of them is, __how can we compare program states using an order?__ ### Lattices The "information" we'll be talking about will form an algebraic structure called a [lattice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lattice_(order)). Algebraically, a lattice is simply a set with two binary operations on it. Unlike the familiar `+`, `-`, and `*` and `/`, the binary operations on a lattice are called "join" and "meet", and are written as `⊔` and `⊓`. Intuitively, they correspond to "take the maximum of two values" and "take the minimum of two values". That may not be all that surprising, since it's the order of values that we care about. Continuing the analogy, let's talk some properties of "minimum" and "maximum", * \\(\\max(a, a) = \\min(a, a) = a\\). The minimum and maximum of one number is just that number. Mathematically, this property is called _idempotence_. * \\(\\max(a, b) = \\max(b, a)\\). If you're taking the maximum of two numbers, it doesn't matter much one you consider first. This property is called _commutativity_. * \\(\\max(a, \\max(b, c)) = \\max(\\max(a, b), c)\\). When you have three numbers, and you're determining the maximum value, it doesn't matter which pair of numbers you compare first. This property is called _associativity_. All of the properties of \\(\\max\\) also hold for \\(\\min\\). There are also a couple of facts about how \\(\\max\\) and \\(\\min\\) interact _with each other_. They are usually called the _absorption laws_: * \\(\\max(a, \\min(a, b)) = a\\). This one is a little less obvious; \\(a\\) is either less than or bigger than \\(b\\); so if you try to find the maximum __and__ the minimum of \\(a\\) and \\(b\\), one of the operations will return \\(a\\). * \\(\\min(a, \\max(a, b)) = a\\). The reason for this one is the same as the reason above. Lattices model a specific kind of order; their operations are meant to generalize \\(\\min\\) and \\(\\max\\). Thus, to make the operations behave as expected (i.e., the way that \\(\\min\\) and \\(\\max\\) do), they are required to have all of the properties we've listed so far. We can summarize the properties in table. | Property Name | Definition | |---------------|:----------------------------------------------------:| | Idempotence | {{< latex >}}\forall x. x \sqcup x = x{{< /latex >}}
{{< latex >}}\forall x. x \sqcap x = x{{< /latex >}} | | Commutativity | {{< latex >}}\forall x, y. x \sqcup y = y \sqcup x{{< /latex >}}
{{< latex >}}\forall x, y. x \sqcap y = y \sqcap x{{< /latex >}} | | Associativity | {{< latex >}}\forall x, y, z. x \sqcup (y \sqcup z) = (x \sqcup y) \sqcup z{{< /latex >}}
{{< latex >}}\forall x, y, z. x \sqcap (y \sqcap z) = (x \sqcap y) \sqcap z{{< /latex >}} | | Absorption Laws | {{< latex >}}\forall x, y. x \sqcup (x \sqcap y) = x{{< /latex >}}
{{< latex >}}\forall x, y. x \sqcap (x \sqcup y) = x{{< /latex >}}