--- title: "Implementing and Verifying \"Static Program Analysis\" in Agda, Part 2: Combining Lattices" series: "Static Program Analysis in Agda" date: 2024-04-13T14:23:03-07:01 draft: true --- In the previous post, I wrote about how lattices arise when tracking, comparing and combining static information about programs. I then showed two simple lattices: the natural numbers, and the (parameterized) "above-below" lattice, which modified an arbitrary set with "bottom" and "top" elements (\(\bot\) and \(\top\) respectively). One instance of the "above-below" lattice was the sign lattice, which could be used to reason about the signs (positive, negative, or zero) of variables in a program. At the end of that post, I introduced a source of complexity: the "full" lattices that we want to use for the program analysis aren't signs or numbers, but maps of states and variables to lattices-based states. The full lattice for sign analysis might something in the form: {{< latex >}} \text{Info} \triangleq \text{ProgramStates} \to (\text{Variables} \to \text{Sign}) {{< /latex >}} Thus, we have to compare and find least upper bounds (e.g.) of not just signs, but maps! Proving the various lattice laws for signs was not too challenging, but for for a two-level map like \(\text{info}\) above, we'd need to do a lot more work. We need tools to build up such complicated lattices! The way to do this, it turns out, is by using simpler lattices as building blocks.