#include "ast.hpp" #include #include "binop.hpp" #include "definition.hpp" #include "instruction.hpp" #include "llvm_context.hpp" #include "parser.hpp" #include "error.hpp" #include "type.hpp" #include "llvm/IR/LegacyPassManager.h" #include "llvm/IR/Verifier.h" #include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h" #include "llvm/Support/TargetRegistry.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h" #include "llvm/Target/TargetOptions.h" #include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h" void yy::parser::error(const std::string& msg) { std::cout << "An error occured: " << msg << std::endl; } extern std::vector program; void typecheck_program( const std::vector& prog, type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) { type_ptr int_type = type_ptr(new type_base("Int")); type_ptr binop_type = type_ptr(new type_arr( int_type, type_ptr(new type_arr(int_type, int_type)))); env.bind("+", binop_type); env.bind("-", binop_type); env.bind("*", binop_type); env.bind("/", binop_type); for(auto& def : prog) { def->typecheck_first(mgr, env); } for(auto& def : prog) { def->typecheck_second(mgr, env); } for(auto& pair : env.names) { std::cout << pair.first << ": "; pair.second->print(mgr, std::cout); std::cout << std::endl; } for(auto& def : prog) { def->resolve(mgr); } } void compile_program(const std::vector& prog) { for(auto& def : prog) { def->compile(); definition_defn* defn = dynamic_cast(def.get()); if(!defn) continue; for(auto& instruction : defn->instructions) { instruction->print(0, std::cout); } std::cout << std::endl; } } void gen_llvm_internal_op(llvm_context& ctx, binop op) { auto new_function = ctx.create_custom_function(op_action(op), 2); auto new_instruction = instruction_ptr(new instruction_binop(op)); ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(&new_function->getEntryBlock()); new_instruction->gen_llvm(ctx, new_function); ctx.builder.CreateRetVoid(); } void output_llvm(llvm_context& ctx, const std::string& filename) { std::string targetTriple = llvm::sys::getDefaultTargetTriple(); llvm::InitializeNativeTarget(); llvm::InitializeNativeTargetAsmParser(); llvm::InitializeNativeTargetAsmPrinter(); std::string error; const llvm::Target* target = llvm::TargetRegistry::lookupTarget(targetTriple, error); if (!target) { std::cerr << error << std::endl; } else { std::string cpu = "generic"; std::string features = ""; llvm::TargetOptions options; llvm::TargetMachine* targetMachine = target->createTargetMachine(targetTriple, cpu, features, options, llvm::Optional()); ctx.module.setDataLayout(targetMachine->createDataLayout()); ctx.module.setTargetTriple(targetTriple); std::error_code ec; llvm::raw_fd_ostream file(filename, ec, llvm::sys::fs::F_None); if (ec) { std::cerr << "Could not open output file: " << ec.message() << std::endl; } else { llvm::TargetMachine::CodeGenFileType type = llvm::TargetMachine::CGFT_ObjectFile; llvm::legacy::PassManager pm; if (targetMachine->addPassesToEmitFile(pm, file, NULL, type)) { std::cerr << "Unable to emit target code" << std::endl; } else { pm.run(ctx.module); file.close(); } } } } void gen_llvm(const std::vector& prog) { llvm_context ctx; gen_llvm_internal_op(ctx, PLUS); gen_llvm_internal_op(ctx, MINUS); gen_llvm_internal_op(ctx, TIMES); gen_llvm_internal_op(ctx, DIVIDE); for(auto& definition : prog) { definition->gen_llvm_first(ctx); } for(auto& definition : prog) { definition->gen_llvm_second(ctx); } llvm::verifyModule(ctx.module); ctx.module.print(llvm::outs(), nullptr); output_llvm(ctx, "program.o"); } int main() { yy::parser parser; type_mgr mgr; type_env env; parser.parse(); for(auto& definition : program) { definition_defn* def = dynamic_cast(definition.get()); if(!def) continue; std::cout << def->name; for(auto& param : def->params) std::cout << " " << param; std::cout << ":" << std::endl; def->body->print(1, std::cout); } try { typecheck_program(program, mgr, env); compile_program(program); gen_llvm(program); } catch(unification_error& err) { std::cout << "failed to unify types: " << std::endl; std::cout << " (1) \033[34m"; err.left->print(mgr, std::cout); std::cout << "\033[0m" << std::endl; std::cout << " (2) \033[32m"; err.right->print(mgr, std::cout); std::cout << "\033[0m" << std::endl; } catch(type_error& err) { std::cout << "failed to type check program: " << err.description << std::endl; } }