require "execjs" require "nokogiri" require "net/http" require "json" require "cgi" require "optparse" class KatexRenderer def initialize(source) @context = ExecJS.compile(source) @inline_cache = {} @display_cache = {} end def render(display, string) cache = display ? @display_cache : @inline_cache comment = display ? "display" : string string = CGI.unescapeHTML string cache.fetch(string) do puts " Rendering #{comment}" options = { "throwOnError" => false, "displayMode" => display } cache[string] ="katex.renderToString", string, options) end end def substitute(content) found_any = false rendered = content.gsub /\\\(((?:[^\\]|\\[^\)])*)\\\)/ do |match| found_any = true render(false, $~[1]) end rendered = rendered.gsub /\$\$((?:[^\$]|$[^\$])*)\$\$/ do |match| found_any = true render(true, $~[1]) end return rendered, found_any end end # Provided via this project's Gemfile ExecJS.runtime = ExecJS::Runtimes::Duktape katex = nil do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: convert.rb [options]" opts.on("--katex-js-file=FILE", "Use the given KaTeX JS file to process LaTeX") do |f| katex = f end end.parse! files = ARGV if katex katex = else katex = Net::HTTP.get(URI("")) end renderer = files.each do |file| puts "Rendering file: #{file}" document = Nokogiri::HTML.parse( found_any = false'//*[not(ancestor-or-self::code or ancestor-or-self::script)]/text()').each do |t| rendered, found_any_in_text = renderer.substitute(t.content) found_any ||= found_any_in_text t.replace(rendered) end # If we didn't find any mathematical equations, no need to include KaTeX CSS. unless found_any document.css('link[href$="katex.css"], link[href$="katex.min.css"]').each(&:remove) end File.write(file, document.to_html(encoding: 'UTF-8')) end