enum Flag {Method, MethodOrField, Public} /* There is a negative version for each flag (METHOD and NOT_METHOD). Model this as two sets, one of positive flags, and one of netative flags, and interpret the bitfield to be a conjunction of both flags. */ sig Bitfield { , positiveFlags: set Flag , negativeFlags: set Flag } /* A filter state has filterFlags and excludeFlags, both represented as conjunctions. */ sig FilterState { , curFilter: Bitfield } /* Initially, no search has happeneed for a scope, so its 'found' is not set to anything. */ one sig NotSet {} /* Finally, there's a search state (whether or not a particular scope has already been searched with a particular configuration). */ one sig SearchState { , var found: Bitfield + NotSet } pred bitfieldEmpty[b: Bitfield] { #b.positiveFlags = 0 and #b.negativeFlags = 0 } pred bitfieldEqual[b1: Bitfield, b2: Bitfield] { b1.positiveFlags = b2.positiveFlags and b1.negativeFlags = b2.negativeFlags } pred bitfieldIntersection[b1: Bitfield, b2: Bitfield, b3: Bitfield] { b3.positiveFlags = b1.positiveFlags & b2.positiveFlags b3.negativeFlags = b1.negativeFlags & b2.negativeFlags } pred bitfieldSubset[b1: Bitfield, b2: Bitfield] { b1.positiveFlags in b2.positiveFlags b1.negativeFlags in b2.negativeFlags } pred bitfieldIncomparable[b1: Bitfield, b2: Bitfield] { not bitfieldSubset[b1, b2] not bitfieldSubset[b2, b1] } pred addBitfieldFlag[b1: Bitfield, b2: Bitfield, flag: Flag] { b2.positiveFlags = b1.positiveFlags + flag b2.negativeFlags = b1.negativeFlags } pred addBitfieldFlagNeg[b1: Bitfield, b2: Bitfield, flag: Flag] { b2.negativeFlags = b1.negativeFlags + flag b2.positiveFlags = b1.positiveFlags } enum Property { PMethod, PField, PPublic } sig Symbol { properties: set Property } pred flagMatchesPropery[flag: Flag, property: Property] { (flag = Method and property = PMethod) or (flag = MethodOrField and (property = PMethod or property = PField)) or (flag = Public and property = PPublic) } pred bitfieldMatchesProperties[bitfield: Bitfield, symbol: Symbol] { all flag: bitfield.positiveFlags | some property: symbol.properties | flagMatchesPropery[flag, property] all flag: bitfield.negativeFlags | no property: symbol.properties | flagMatchesPropery[flag, property] } bitfieldExists: run { some Bitfield } matchingBitfieldExists: run { some bitfield : Bitfield, symbol : Symbol | bitfieldMatchesProperties[bitfield, symbol] } matchingBitfieldExists2: run { some bitfield : Bitfield, symbol : Symbol { #bitfield.positiveFlags = 1 #bitfield.negativeFlags = 1 #symbol.properties = 2 bitfieldMatchesProperties[bitfield, symbol] } } fact "method and field are incompatible" { always no symbol: Symbol | { PMethod in symbol.properties and PField in symbol.properties } } fact "public and field are incompatible" { always no symbol: Symbol | { PPublic in symbol.properties and PField in symbol.properties } } matchingBitfieldExists3: run { some bitfield : Bitfield, symbol : Symbol { #bitfield.positiveFlags = 2 #symbol.properties = 2 bitfieldMatchesProperties[bitfield, symbol] } } pred possibleState[filterState: FilterState] { some initialState: FilterState { // Each lookup in scope starts with empty filter flags bitfieldEmpty[initialState.curFilter] // The intermediate states (bitfieldMiddle) are used for sequencing of operations. some bitfieldMiddle : Bitfield { // Add "Public" depending on skipPrivateVisibilities addBitfieldFlag[initialState.curFilter, bitfieldMiddle, Public] or bitfieldEqual[initialState.curFilter, bitfieldMiddle] // If it's a method receiver, add method or field restriction addBitfieldFlag[bitfieldMiddle, filterState.curFilter, MethodOrField] or // if it's not a receiver, filter to non-methods (could be overridden) // addBitfieldFlagNeg[bitfieldMiddle, filterState.curFilter, Method] or // Maybe methods are not being curFilterd but it's not a receiver, so no change. bitfieldEqual[bitfieldMiddle, filterState.curFilter] } } } possibleStateExists: run { some filterState : FilterState | possibleState[filterState] and #filterState.curFilter.positiveFlags = 1 } pred update[toSet: Bitfield + NotSet, setTo: FilterState] { toSet' in Bitfield and bitfieldIntersection[toSet, setTo.curFilter, toSet'] } pred newUpdate[toSet: Bitfield + NotSet, setTo: FilterState] { (not bitfieldIncomparable[toSet, setTo.curFilter] and update[toSet, setTo]) or (bitfieldIncomparable[toSet, setTo.curFilter] and toSet = toSet') } pred updateOrSet[toSet: Bitfield + NotSet, setTo: FilterState] { (toSet in NotSet and toSet' = setTo.curFilter) or (toSet not in NotSet and update[toSet, setTo]) } pred excludeBitfield[found: Bitfield + NotSet, exclude: Bitfield] { (found != NotSet and bitfieldEqual[found, exclude]) or (found = NotSet and bitfieldEmpty[exclude]) } fact init { all searchState: SearchState | searchState.found = NotSet } fact step { always { // Model that a new doLookupInScope could've occurred, with any combination of flags. all searchState: SearchState { some fs: FilterState { // This is a possible combination of lookup flags possibleState[fs] // If a search has been performed before, take the intersection; otherwise, // just insert the current filter flags. updateOrSet[searchState.found, fs] } } } } counterexampleNotFound: run { all searchState: SearchState { // a way that subsequent results of searching will miss things. eventually some symbol: Symbol, fs: FilterState, fsBroken: FilterState, exclude1: Bitfield, exclude2: Bitfield { // Some search (fs) will cause a transition / modification of the search state... possibleState[fs] updateOrSet[searchState.found, fs] excludeBitfield[searchState.found, exclude1] // Such that a later, valid search... (fsBroken) possibleState[fsBroken] excludeBitfield[searchState.found', exclude2] // Will allow for a symbol ... // ... that are left out of the original search... not bitfieldMatchesProperties[searchState.found, symbol] // ... and out of the current search not (bitfieldMatchesProperties[fs.curFilter, symbol] and not bitfieldMatchesProperties[exclude1, symbol]) // But would be matched by the broken search... bitfieldMatchesProperties[fsBroken.curFilter, symbol] // ... to not be matched by a search with the new state: not (bitfieldMatchesProperties[fsBroken.curFilter, symbol] and not bitfieldMatchesProperties[exclude2, symbol]) } } }