Add initial HW code for HW 5.
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-- | This module defines some example worlds and programs for testing
-- your Karel interpreter.
module KarelExamples where
import Prelude hiding (Either(..))
import KarelSyntax
import KarelState
-- * Trivial worlds
-- | A world that is all walls.
wallWorld :: World
wallWorld = const Nothing
-- | A world that is completely empty of walls and beepers.
emptyWorld :: World
emptyWorld = const (Just 0)
-- | A robot that starts at the origin, facing north, with the
-- given number of beepers.
originBot :: Int -> Robot
originBot b = ((0,0),North,b)
-- * Demo world
-- | A 10x5 room with some beepers in a line, illustrated below.
-- X X
-- X X
-- X X
-- X @ 2 3 4 X
-- X X
-- The @ symbol is coordinate (1,1).
-- Clear spaces are from (0,0) to (9,4).
-- There are beepers at the following locations:
-- * 2 beepers at (4,1)
-- * 3 beepers at (6,1)
-- * 4 beepers at (8,1)
demoWorld :: World
demoWorld (4,1) = Just 2
demoWorld (6,1) = Just 3
demoWorld (8,1) = Just 4
demoWorld (x,y) | x >= 0 && x < 10 &&
y >= 0 && y < 5 = Just 0
| otherwise = Nothing
-- | An initial robot state for the demo world. The robot starts at
-- (1,1), facing East, with 1 beeper in its bag.
demoBot :: Robot
demoBot = ((1,1),East,1)
-- * Program generators
-- | Generate a program that does the following n times:
-- 1. moves in a straight line until it finds a beeper
-- 2. picks it up
-- 3. returns to its original position and facing.
fetcher :: Int -> Prog
fetcher n = ([("fetch",fetch)], main)
fetch = Block
[ While (Not Beeper) -- do until we find a beeper:
(If (Clear Front) -- can we move forward?
Move -- if yes, then do it
Shutdown) -- if not, shut down
, PickBeeper ]
main = Block
[ Iterate n $ Block -- repeat n times:
[ PutBeeper -- put a beeper down to mark our place
, Move -- move forward one space
, Call "fetch" -- go get a new beeper
, Turn Back -- turn around
, Move -- move forward one space
, Call "fetch" -- go back to where we started
, Turn Back ] -- turn back to our initial facing
, Shutdown ]
-- | Generates a statement that moves the robot in a rectangle of
-- the given dimensions.
rectangle :: Int -> Int -> Stmt
rectangle w h = Block
[ While (Not (Facing North)) (Turn Right)
, Iterate h Move
, Turn Right
, Iterate w Move
, Turn Right
, Iterate h Move
, Turn Right
, Iterate w Move
, Turn Right ]
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module KarelSemantics where
import Prelude hiding (Either(..))
import Data.Function (fix)
import KarelSyntax
import KarelState
-- | Valuation function for Test.
test :: Test -> World -> Robot -> Bool
test = undefined
-- | Valuation function for Stmt.
stmt :: Stmt -> Defs -> World -> Robot -> Result
stmt Shutdown _ _ r = Done r
stmt PickBeeper _ w r = let p = getPos r
in if hasBeeper p w
then OK (decBeeper p w) (incBag r)
else Error ("No beeper to pick at: " ++ show p)
stmt _ _ _ _ = undefined
-- | Run a Karel program.
prog :: Prog -> World -> Robot -> Result
prog (m,s) w r = stmt s m w r
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-- | This module defines the state of a running Karel program.
module KarelState where
import Prelude hiding (Either(..))
import KarelSyntax
-- * Positions and directions
-- | A cartesian coordinate, representing a position in the world.
type Pos = (Int,Int)
-- | Get the position next to the given position, offset by one square
-- in the indicated *cardinal* direction.
neighbor :: Card -> Pos -> Pos
neighbor North (x,y) = (x,y+1)
neighbor South (x,y) = (x,y-1)
neighbor East (x,y) = (x+1,y)
neighbor West (x,y) = (x-1,y)
-- | Get a cardinal direction relative to the current one.
cardTurn :: Dir -> Card -> Card
cardTurn Front c = c
cardTurn Back North = South
cardTurn Back South = North
cardTurn Back East = West
cardTurn Back West = East
cardTurn Left North = West
cardTurn Left South = East
cardTurn Left East = North
cardTurn Left West = South
cardTurn Right North = East
cardTurn Right South = West
cardTurn Right East = South
cardTurn Right West = North
-- * World state
-- | The state of the world is represented by a function that returns
-- for each position:
-- * Nothing, if the position is a wall
-- * Just k, if the position is clear and has k beepers
-- You can assume k is always >= 0.
type World = Pos -> Maybe Int
-- | Is the given position clear?
isClear :: Pos -> World -> Bool
isClear p w = w p /= Nothing
-- | Is there a beeper at the given position?
hasBeeper :: Pos -> World -> Bool
hasBeeper p w = maybe False (>0) (w p)
-- | Increment the number of beepers at the given position.
incBeeper :: Pos -> World -> World
incBeeper p w = \q -> if p == q
then case w q of
Nothing -> Just 1
Just i -> Just (i+1)
else w q
-- | Decrement the number of beepers at the given position. Note that this
-- function can yield a world with negative beepers, so you should make
-- sure to only decrement the beepers at a position after first checking
-- to make sure there is at least one beeper there (using `hasBeeper`).
decBeeper :: Pos -> World -> World
decBeeper p w = \q -> if p == q then fmap (subtract 1) (w q) else w q
-- * Robot state
-- | The state of the robot is represented by a triple containing:
-- * the current position
-- * the current facing (cardinal direction)
-- * the number of beepers in the beeper bag
type Robot = (Pos,Card,Int)
-- ** Robot position
-- | The robot's position.
getPos :: Robot -> Pos
getPos (p,_,_) = p
-- | Get a position relative to the robot's current facing and position.
relativePos :: Dir -> Robot -> Pos
relativePos d (p,c,_) = neighbor (cardTurn d c) p
-- | Set the robot's position.
setPos :: Pos -> Robot -> Robot
setPos p (_,c,b) = (p,c,b)
-- | Update the robot's position using an update function.
updatePos :: (Pos -> Pos) -> Robot -> Robot
updatePos f (p,c,b) = (f p,c,b)
-- ** Robot facing
-- | The robot's facing (cardinal direction).
getFacing :: Robot -> Card
getFacing (_,c,_) = c
-- | Set the robot's facing.
setFacing :: Card -> Robot -> Robot
setFacing c (p,_,b) = (p,c,b)
-- | Update the robot's facing using an update function.
updateFacing :: (Card -> Card) -> Robot -> Robot
updateFacing f (p,c,b) = (p,f c,b)
-- ** Beeper bag
-- | The number of beepers in the beeper bag.
getBag :: Robot -> Int
getBag (_,_,b) = b
-- | Is the beeper bag empty?
isEmpty :: Robot -> Bool
isEmpty (_,_,b) = b <= 0
-- | Increment the number of beepers in the bag.
incBag :: Robot -> Robot
incBag (p,c,b) = (p,c,b+1)
-- | Decrement the number of beepers in the bag.
decBag :: Robot -> Robot
decBag (p,c,b) = (p,c,b-1)
-- * Statement results
-- | The result of executing a statement.
-- * OK: The statement executed successfully, so return the updated state
-- of the world and the robot. OK to execute the next statement.
-- * Done: Produced only by the Shutdown statement. This returns the final
-- state of the robot. No further statements should be executed.
-- * Error: An error occurred. Includes a string for reporting error messages.
-- No further statements should be executed.
data Result = OK World Robot
| Done Robot
| Error String
instance Show Result where
show (OK _ r) = "OK: " ++ show r
show (Done r) = "Done: " ++ show r
show (Error s) = "Error: " ++ s
-- | Applies a function to the result if its an OK, otherwise returns
-- the result unchanged.
onOK :: (World -> Robot -> Result) -> Result -> Result
onOK f (OK w r) = f w r
onOK _ result = result
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-- | This module defines the syntax of the Karel language.
module KarelSyntax where
-- | A Karel program is a list of macro definitions and a statement to
-- use as the body of the "main" function.
type Prog = (Defs,Stmt)
-- | A macro name.
type Macro = String
-- | A list of macro definitions.
type Defs = [(Macro,Stmt)]
-- | Cardinal directions.
data Card = North | South | East | West deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | Directions relative to the current facing.
data Dir = Front | Back | Right | Left deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | Environment queries.
data Test = Not Test -- boolean negation
| Facing Card -- am I facing the given cardinal direction?
| Clear Dir -- can I move in the given relative direction?
| Beeper -- is there a beeper here?
| Empty -- is my beeper bag empty?
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | Statements.
data Stmt = Shutdown -- end the program
| Move -- move forward
| PickBeeper -- take a beeper
| PutBeeper -- leave a beeper
| Turn Dir -- rotate in place
| Call Macro -- invoke a macro
| Iterate Int Stmt -- fixed repetition loop
| If Test Stmt Stmt -- conditional branch
| While Test Stmt -- conditional loop
| Block [Stmt] -- statement block
deriving (Eq,Show)
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-- | A module that contains several doctests for testing your interpreter.
-- Note that if you want the tests to pass, you'll need to reverse engineer
-- the error messages.
-- If you add your own tests, make sure to do that in the HW5 file, since you
-- will not submit this file.
module KarelTests where
import Prelude hiding (Either(..))
import KarelSyntax
import KarelState
import KarelSemantics
import KarelExamples
-- | Basic tests for move, turn, pick, and put.
-- >>> prog ([],Move) emptyWorld (originBot 0)
-- OK: ((0,1),North,0)
-- >>> prog ([],Block [Turn Right,Move]) emptyWorld (originBot 0)
-- OK: ((1,0),East,0)
-- >>> prog ([],Block [PutBeeper,PutBeeper]) emptyWorld (originBot 5)
-- OK: ((0,0),North,3)
-- >>> prog ([],Block [PutBeeper,PickBeeper]) emptyWorld (originBot 5)
-- OK: ((0,0),North,5)
-- >>> prog ([],Block [PutBeeper,Move,Turn Back,Move,PickBeeper]) emptyWorld (originBot 5)
-- OK: ((0,0),South,5)
-- >>> prog ([],Move) wallWorld (originBot 0)
-- Error: Blocked at: (0,1)
-- >>> prog ([],Block [PutBeeper,PutBeeper]) emptyWorld (originBot 1)
-- Error: No beeper to put.
-- >>> prog ([],PickBeeper) emptyWorld (originBot 5)
-- Error: No beeper to pick at: (0,0)
-- >>> prog ([],Block [PutBeeper,Move,PickBeeper]) emptyWorld (originBot 5)
-- Error: No beeper to pick at: (0,1)
-- | Conditional tests.
-- >>> prog ([],If Beeper (Turn Left) (Turn Right)) emptyWorld (originBot 0)
-- OK: ((0,0),East,0)
-- >>> prog ([],If (Not Beeper) (Turn Left) (Turn Right)) emptyWorld (originBot 0)
-- OK: ((0,0),West,0)
-- >>> prog ([],Block [PutBeeper,If Beeper (Turn Left) (Turn Right)]) emptyWorld (originBot 3)
-- OK: ((0,0),West,2)
-- >>> prog ([],Block [PutBeeper,PickBeeper,If Beeper (Turn Left) (Turn Right)]) emptyWorld (originBot 3)
-- OK: ((0,0),East,3)
-- >>> prog ([],If (Facing North) (Turn Left) (Turn Right)) emptyWorld (originBot 0)
-- OK: ((0,0),West,0)
-- >>> prog ([],If (Facing South) (Turn Left) (Turn Right)) emptyWorld (originBot 0)
-- OK: ((0,0),East,0)
-- >>> prog ([],If (Not Empty) PutBeeper Move) emptyWorld (originBot 3)
-- OK: ((0,0),North,2)
-- >>> prog ([],If (Not Empty) PutBeeper Move) emptyWorld (originBot 0)
-- OK: ((0,1),North,0)
-- >>> prog ([],If (Clear Front) Move Shutdown) emptyWorld (originBot 0)
-- OK: ((0,1),North,0)
-- >>> prog ([],If (Clear Front) Move Shutdown) wallWorld (originBot 0)
-- Done: ((0,0),North,0)
-- | Test macros.
-- >>> prog ([("A",Turn Right),("B",Turn Left)],Call "A") emptyWorld (originBot 0)
-- OK: ((0,0),East,0)
-- >>> prog ([("A",Turn Right),("B",Turn Left)],Call "B") emptyWorld (originBot 0)
-- OK: ((0,0),West,0)
-- >>> prog ([("A",Turn Right),("B",Turn Left)],Call "C") emptyWorld (originBot 0)
-- Error: Undefined macro: C
-- | Test looping constructs.
-- >>> prog ([],Iterate 8 Move) demoWorld demoBot
-- OK: ((9,1),East,1)
-- >>> prog ([],Iterate 9 Move) demoWorld demoBot
-- Error: Blocked at: (10,1)
-- >>> prog ([],While (Clear Front) Move) demoWorld demoBot
-- OK: ((9,1),East,1)
-- >>> prog ([],Block [Iterate 7 Move, While Beeper PickBeeper]) demoWorld demoBot
-- OK: ((8,1),East,5)
-- | Larger tests.
-- >>> prog (fetcher 4) demoWorld demoBot
-- Done: ((1,1),East,5)
-- >>> prog (fetcher 9) demoWorld demoBot
-- Done: ((1,1),East,10)
-- >>> prog (fetcher 10) demoWorld demoBot
-- Done: ((9,1),East,9)
-- >>> prog ([],rectangle 8 3) demoWorld demoBot
-- OK: ((1,1),North,1)
-- >>> prog ([],rectangle 3 8) demoWorld demoBot
-- Error: Blocked at: (1,5)
Reference in New Issue
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