Add error reporting.

This commit is contained in:
Danila Fedorin 2019-02-02 15:23:23 -08:00
parent acab437f6e
commit 05ce812ff1
3 changed files with 82 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ define nix(x, y, width, height) {
call line (x, y, x + width, y + height);
call line (x + width, y, x, y + height);
call nix(0, 0, 5, 10);
call nix(0, 0, 20, 20);
var container = document.getElementById("elm-container");
var app = Elm.Main.init({

View File

@ -31,8 +31,22 @@ textarea {
font-family: "Source Code Pro", monospace;
textarea, canvas {
.centered {
max-width: 500px;
display: block;
margin: auto;
.shadow {
box-shadow: $default-shadow;
.error {
padding: 10px;
color: white;
background-color: tomato;
border-radius: 2px;
box-sizing: border-box;
margin-top: 10px;
margin-bottom: 10px;

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import Html exposing (Html, div, text, textarea, h1, h2)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class)
import Html exposing (Html, div, text, textarea, h1, h2, p)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, classList)
import Html.Events exposing (onInput)
import Browser exposing (element)
import Canvas exposing (Shape)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Parser exposing (Parser, (|.), (|=), variable, succeed, symbol, int, spaces, map, oneOf, lazy, sequence, Trailing(..), keyword, run, backtrackable)
import Parser exposing (Parser, Problem(..), DeadEnd, (|.), (|=), variable, succeed, symbol, int, spaces, map, oneOf, lazy, sequence, Trailing(..), keyword, run, backtrackable)
import Color
import Canvas exposing (Point, path, lineTo, circle, shapes, stroke, lineWidth, fill, rect)
import Set
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ type alias State =
{ penMode : LogoPenMode
, pos : Coord
, scope : Scope
, board : Board
type alias Step a = State -> Result String (a, State)
@ -195,6 +196,7 @@ initialState =
{ penMode = Up
, pos = (0, 0)
, scope = initialScope
, board = []
unit : a -> Step a
@ -208,14 +210,14 @@ bind sa f state = case sa state of
rbind : (a -> Step b) -> Step a -> Step b
rbind f sa = bind sa f
updatePosition : Coord -> Board -> Step Board
updatePosition c b state =
updatePosition : Coord -> Step ()
updatePosition c state =
newBoard = case state.penMode of
Up -> b
Down -> (state.pos, c)::b
Up -> state.board
Down -> (state.pos, c)::state.board
Ok (newBoard, { state | pos = c })
Ok ((), { state | pos = c, board = newBoard })
registerFunction : String -> Function -> Step ()
registerFunction s f state = Ok ((), { state | scope = setScopeFunction s f state.scope })
@ -265,21 +267,20 @@ zip la lb = case (la, lb) of
(a::lat, b::lbt) -> (a, b)::zip lat lbt
_ -> []
evaluateCmd : LogoCmd -> Board -> Step Board
evaluateCmd c b = case c of
Move l r -> evaluateExp l |> rbind (\x -> evaluateExp r |> rbind (\y -> updatePosition (x, y) b))
Define n xs prg -> registerFunction n (xs, prg) |> rbind (\_ -> unit b)
Pen mode -> setPenMode mode |> rbind (\_ -> unit b)
evaluateCmd : LogoCmd -> Step ()
evaluateCmd c = case c of
Move l r -> evaluateExp l |> rbind (\x -> evaluateExp r |> rbind (\y -> updatePosition (x, y)))
Define n xs prg -> registerFunction n (xs, prg)
Pen mode -> setPenMode mode
Call n args -> lookupFunction n
|> rbind (\(ns, prg) -> evaluateAllExps args
|> rbind (\vs -> upScope
|> rbind (\_ -> registerAllVariables (zip ns vs)
|> rbind (\_ -> evaluateAll prg b
|> rbind (\nb -> downScope
|> rbind (\_ -> unit nb))))))
|> rbind (\_ -> evaluateAll prg
|> rbind (\_ -> downScope)))))
evaluateAll : LogoProg -> Board -> Step Board
evaluateAll prg board = List.foldl rbind (unit board) <| evaluateCmd prg
evaluateAll : LogoProg -> Step ()
evaluateAll prg = List.foldl rbind (unit ()) <| (\c _ -> evaluateCmd c) prg
======= Drawing Stuff =====
@ -293,15 +294,45 @@ lineShape (c1, c2) = path (transformCoord c1) [ lineTo (transformCoord c2) ]
pointerShape : Coord -> Shape
pointerShape c = circle (transformCoord c) 5
allShapes : (Board, State) -> List Shape
allShapes (b, s) = pointerShape s.pos :: lineShape b
allShapes : State -> List Shape
allShapes s = pointerShape s.pos :: lineShape s.board
canvas : (Board, State) -> Html Msg
canvas dat = Canvas.toHtml (500, 500) []
canvas : State -> Html Msg
canvas state = Canvas.toHtml (500, 500) [ classList [ ("centered", True), ("shadow", True) ] ]
[ shapes [ fill Color.white ] [ rect (0, 0) 500 500 ]
, shapes [ stroke, lineWidth 5] (allShapes dat)
, shapes [ stroke, lineWidth 5] (allShapes state)
===== Rendering Stuff
humanProblemString : Problem -> String
humanProblemString p = case p of
Expecting s -> "Expecting " ++ s
ExpectingInt -> "Expecting decimal integer"
ExpectingHex -> "Expecting hexadecimal integer"
ExpectingOctal -> "Expecting octal integer"
ExpectingBinary -> "Expecting binary integer"
ExpectingFloat -> "Expecting a floating pointer number"
ExpectingNumber -> "Expecting a number"
ExpectingVariable -> "Expected variable name"
ExpectingSymbol s -> "Expected symbol \"" ++ s ++ "\""
ExpectingKeyword s -> "Expecting keyword " ++ s
ExpectingEnd -> "Expecting end of string"
UnexpectedChar -> "Unexpected character"
Problem s -> s
BadRepeat -> "Bad repetition"
humanDeadEndString : DeadEnd -> String
humanDeadEndString { row, col, problem } =
"An parse error occured on line "
++ String.fromInt row
++ ": " ++ humanProblemString problem
humanParseError : List DeadEnd -> String
humanParseError = Maybe.withDefault "" << humanDeadEndString << List.head
======= Elm Architecture =======
@ -319,15 +350,22 @@ init fs =
view : Model -> Html Msg
view m =
dat = Result.withDefault ([], initialState)
<| Result.withDefault (Err "Couldn't parse program")
<| (\prg -> evaluateAll prg [] initialState) (run parseProg m.programText)
evalResult = (\(_, s) -> s)
<| Result.andThen (\prg -> evaluateAll prg initialState)
<| Result.mapError humanParseError (run parseProg m.programText)
toRender = Result.withDefault initialState evalResult
error = case evalResult of
Err e -> [ p [ classList [ ("centered", True), ("error", True), ("shadow", True) ] ] [ text e ] ]
Ok _ -> []
div []
[ h1 [] [ text "MiniLogo Functional Evaluator" ]
, div [ class "logo-container" ]
[ div [ class "logo-pane" ] [ h2 [] [ text "MiniLogo" ], textarea [ onInput UpdateText ] [ text m.programText ] ]
, div [ class "logo-pane" ] [ h2 [] [ text "Output" ], canvas dat ]
[ div [ class "logo-pane" ] <|
[ h2 [] [ text "MiniLogo" ]
, textarea [ onInput UpdateText, classList [ ("centered", True), ("shadow", True) ] ] [ text m.programText ]
] ++ error
, div [ class "logo-pane" ] [ h2 [] [ text "Output" ], canvas toRender ]