Implement Eric's tips (primitive get and put) and add more error checks.
This commit is contained in:
@ -206,9 +206,42 @@ initialState =
, board = []
updatePosition : Coord -> State -> State
updatePosition c state =
newBoard = case state.penMode of
Up -> state.board
Down -> (state.pos, c)::state.board
{ state | pos = c, board = newBoard }
registerFunction : String -> Function -> State -> State
registerFunction s f state = { state | scope = setScopeFunction s f state.scope }
registerVariable : String -> Int -> State -> State
registerVariable s v state = { state | scope = setScopeVariable s v state.scope }
setPenMode : LogoPenMode -> State -> State
setPenMode m state = { state | penMode = m}
upScope : State -> State
upScope state = { state | scope = Child state.scope Dict.empty Dict.empty }
downScope : State -> State
downScope state =
newScope = case state.scope of
End -> End
Child p _ _ -> p
{ state | scope = newScope }
unit : a -> Step a
unit a state = Ok (a, state)
err : String -> Step a
err s state = Err s
bind : Step a -> (a -> Step b) -> Step b
bind sa f state = case sa state of
Ok (a, newState) -> f a newState
@ -217,45 +250,24 @@ bind sa f state = case sa state of
rbind : (a -> Step b) -> Step a -> Step b
rbind f sa = bind sa f
updatePosition : Coord -> Step ()
updatePosition c state =
newBoard = case state.penMode of
Up -> state.board
Down -> (state.pos, c)::state.board
Ok ((), { state | pos = c, board = newBoard })
get : Step State
get s = Ok (s, s)
registerFunction : String -> Function -> Step ()
registerFunction s f state = Ok ((), { state | scope = setScopeFunction s f state.scope })
put : State -> Step ()
put s _ = Ok ((), s)
registerVariable : String -> Int -> Step ()
registerVariable s v state = Ok ((), { state | scope = setScopeVariable s v state.scope })
setPenMode : LogoPenMode -> Step ()
setPenMode m state = Ok ((), { state | penMode = m})
upScope : Step ()
upScope state = Ok ((), { state | scope = Child state.scope Dict.empty Dict.empty })
downScope : Step ()
downScope state =
newScope = case state.scope of
End -> End
Child p _ _ -> p
Ok ((), { state | scope = newScope })
modify : (State -> State) -> Step ()
modify f = get |> rbind (put << f)
lookupFunction : String -> Step Function
lookupFunction s state = case scopeFunction s state.scope of
Just f -> Ok (f, state)
Nothing -> Err ("No function with name " ++ s)
lookupFunction s = get |> rbind (\st -> case scopeFunction s st.scope of
Just f -> unit f
Nothing -> err ("No function with name " ++ s))
lookupVariable : String -> Step Int
lookupVariable s state = case scopeVariable s state.scope of
Just i -> Ok (i, state)
Nothing -> Err ("No variable with name " ++ s)
lookupVariable s = get |> rbind (\st -> case scopeVariable s st.scope of
Just v -> unit v
Nothing -> err ("No variable with name " ++ s))
evaluateExp : LogoExpr -> Step Int
evaluateExp le = case le of
@ -267,24 +279,27 @@ evaluateAllExps : List LogoExpr -> Step (List Int)
evaluateAllExps = List.foldr (\x acc -> acc |> rbind (\vs -> evaluateExp x |> rbind (\v -> unit (v::vs)))) (unit [])
registerAllVariables : List (String, Int) -> Step ()
registerAllVariables = List.foldl (\(s, i) m -> bind m (\_ -> registerVariable s i)) (unit ())
registerAllVariables = List.foldl (\(s, i) m -> bind m (\_ -> modify <| registerVariable s i)) (unit ())
zip : List a -> List b -> List (a, b)
zip la lb = case (la, lb) of
(a::lat, b::lbt) -> (a, b)::zip lat lbt
_ -> []
zipParams : List String -> List Int -> Step (List (String, Int))
zipParams la lb = case (la, lb) of
(a::lat, b::lbt) -> zipParams lat lbt |> rbind (\ps -> unit <| (a, b)::ps)
([], []) -> unit []
([], _) -> err "Passing too many parameters to macro call"
(_, []) -> err "Not enough parameters in macro call"
evaluateCmd : LogoCmd -> Step ()
evaluateCmd c = case c of
Move l r -> evaluateExp l |> rbind (\x -> evaluateExp r |> rbind (\y -> updatePosition (x, y)))
Define n xs prg -> registerFunction n (xs, prg)
Pen mode -> setPenMode mode
Move l r -> evaluateExp l |> rbind (\x -> evaluateExp r |> rbind (\y -> modify <| updatePosition (x, y)))
Define n xs prg -> modify <| registerFunction n (xs, prg)
Pen mode -> modify <| setPenMode mode
Call n args -> lookupFunction n
|> rbind (\(ns, prg) -> evaluateAllExps args
|> rbind (\vs -> upScope
|> rbind (\_ -> registerAllVariables (zip ns vs)
|> rbind (\_ -> evaluateAll prg
|> rbind (\_ -> downScope)))))
|> rbind (\vs -> modify upScope
|> rbind (\_ -> zipParams ns vs
|> rbind (\ps -> registerAllVariables ps
|> rbind (\_ -> evaluateAll prg
|> rbind (\_ -> modify downScope))))))
evaluateAll : LogoProg -> Step ()
evaluateAll prg = List.foldl rbind (unit ()) <| (\c _ -> evaluateCmd c) prg
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