Anish Athalye c67463e23c Lab 5
2018-10-24 20:44:45 -04:00

308 lines
9.6 KiB

#include <inc/lib.h>
#include <inc/elf.h>
#define UTEMP2USTACK(addr) ((void*) (addr) + (USTACKTOP - PGSIZE) - UTEMP)
#define UTEMP3 (UTEMP2 + PGSIZE)
// Helper functions for spawn.
static int init_stack(envid_t child, const char **argv, uintptr_t *init_esp);
static int map_segment(envid_t child, uintptr_t va, size_t memsz,
int fd, size_t filesz, off_t fileoffset, int perm);
static int copy_shared_pages(envid_t child);
// Spawn a child process from a program image loaded from the file system.
// prog: the pathname of the program to run.
// argv: pointer to null-terminated array of pointers to strings,
// which will be passed to the child as its command-line arguments.
// Returns child envid on success, < 0 on failure.
spawn(const char *prog, const char **argv)
unsigned char elf_buf[512];
struct Trapframe child_tf;
envid_t child;
int fd, i, r;
struct Elf *elf;
struct Proghdr *ph;
int perm;
// This code follows this procedure:
// - Open the program file.
// - Read the ELF header, as you have before, and sanity check its
// magic number. (Check out your load_icode!)
// - Use sys_exofork() to create a new environment.
// - Set child_tf to an initial struct Trapframe for the child.
// - Call the init_stack() function above to set up
// the initial stack page for the child environment.
// - Map all of the program's segments that are of p_type
// ELF_PROG_LOAD into the new environment's address space.
// Use the p_flags field in the Proghdr for each segment
// to determine how to map the segment:
// * If the ELF flags do not include ELF_PROG_FLAG_WRITE,
// then the segment contains text and read-only data.
// Use read_map() to read the contents of this segment,
// and map the pages it returns directly into the child
// so that multiple instances of the same program
// will share the same copy of the program text.
// Be sure to map the program text read-only in the child.
// Read_map is like read but returns a pointer to the data in
// *blk rather than copying the data into another buffer.
// * If the ELF segment flags DO include ELF_PROG_FLAG_WRITE,
// then the segment contains read/write data and bss.
// As with load_icode() in Lab 3, such an ELF segment
// occupies p_memsz bytes in memory, but only the FIRST
// p_filesz bytes of the segment are actually loaded
// from the executable file - you must clear the rest to zero.
// For each page to be mapped for a read/write segment,
// allocate a page in the parent temporarily at UTEMP,
// read() the appropriate portion of the file into that page
// and/or use memset() to zero non-loaded portions.
// (You can avoid calling memset(), if you like, if
// page_alloc() returns zeroed pages already.)
// Then insert the page mapping into the child.
// Look at init_stack() for inspiration.
// Be sure you understand why you can't use read_map() here.
// Note: None of the segment addresses or lengths above
// are guaranteed to be page-aligned, so you must deal with
// these non-page-aligned values appropriately.
// The ELF linker does, however, guarantee that no two segments
// will overlap on the same page; and it guarantees that
// PGOFF(ph->p_offset) == PGOFF(ph->p_va).
// - Call sys_env_set_trapframe(child, &child_tf) to set up the
// correct initial eip and esp values in the child.
// - Start the child process running with sys_env_set_status().
if ((r = open(prog, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
return r;
fd = r;
// Read elf header
elf = (struct Elf*) elf_buf;
if (readn(fd, elf_buf, sizeof(elf_buf)) != sizeof(elf_buf)
|| elf->e_magic != ELF_MAGIC) {
cprintf("elf magic %08x want %08x\n", elf->e_magic, ELF_MAGIC);
return -E_NOT_EXEC;
// Create new child environment
if ((r = sys_exofork()) < 0)
return r;
child = r;
// Set up trap frame, including initial stack.
child_tf = envs[ENVX(child)].env_tf;
child_tf.tf_eip = elf->e_entry;
if ((r = init_stack(child, argv, &child_tf.tf_esp)) < 0)
return r;
// Set up program segments as defined in ELF header.
ph = (struct Proghdr*) (elf_buf + elf->e_phoff);
for (i = 0; i < elf->e_phnum; i++, ph++) {
if (ph->p_type != ELF_PROG_LOAD)
perm = PTE_P | PTE_U;
if (ph->p_flags & ELF_PROG_FLAG_WRITE)
perm |= PTE_W;
if ((r = map_segment(child, ph->p_va, ph->p_memsz,
fd, ph->p_filesz, ph->p_offset, perm)) < 0)
goto error;
fd = -1;
// Copy shared library state.
if ((r = copy_shared_pages(child)) < 0)
panic("copy_shared_pages: %e", r);
child_tf.tf_eflags |= FL_IOPL_3; // devious: see user/faultio.c
if ((r = sys_env_set_trapframe(child, &child_tf)) < 0)
panic("sys_env_set_trapframe: %e", r);
if ((r = sys_env_set_status(child, ENV_RUNNABLE)) < 0)
panic("sys_env_set_status: %e", r);
return child;
return r;
// Spawn, taking command-line arguments array directly on the stack.
// NOTE: Must have a sentinal of NULL at the end of the args
// (none of the args may be NULL).
spawnl(const char *prog, const char *arg0, ...)
// We calculate argc by advancing the args until we hit NULL.
// The contract of the function guarantees that the last
// argument will always be NULL, and that none of the other
// arguments will be NULL.
int argc=0;
va_list vl;
va_start(vl, arg0);
while(va_arg(vl, void *) != NULL)
// Now that we have the size of the args, do a second pass
// and store the values in a VLA, which has the format of argv
const char *argv[argc+2];
argv[0] = arg0;
argv[argc+1] = NULL;
va_start(vl, arg0);
unsigned i;
argv[i+1] = va_arg(vl, const char *);
return spawn(prog, argv);
// Set up the initial stack page for the new child process with envid 'child'
// using the arguments array pointed to by 'argv',
// which is a null-terminated array of pointers to null-terminated strings.
// On success, returns 0 and sets *init_esp
// to the initial stack pointer with which the child should start.
// Returns < 0 on failure.
static int
init_stack(envid_t child, const char **argv, uintptr_t *init_esp)
size_t string_size;
int argc, i, r;
char *string_store;
uintptr_t *argv_store;
// Count the number of arguments (argc)
// and the total amount of space needed for strings (string_size).
string_size = 0;
for (argc = 0; argv[argc] != 0; argc++)
string_size += strlen(argv[argc]) + 1;
// Determine where to place the strings and the argv array.
// Set up pointers into the temporary page 'UTEMP'; we'll map a page
// there later, then remap that page into the child environment
// strings is the topmost thing on the stack.
string_store = (char*) UTEMP + PGSIZE - string_size;
// argv is below that. There's one argument pointer per argument, plus
// a null pointer.
argv_store = (uintptr_t*) (ROUNDDOWN(string_store, 4) - 4 * (argc + 1));
// Make sure that argv, strings, and the 2 words that hold 'argc'
// and 'argv' themselves will all fit in a single stack page.
if ((void*) (argv_store - 2) < (void*) UTEMP)
return -E_NO_MEM;
// Allocate the single stack page at UTEMP.
if ((r = sys_page_alloc(0, (void*) UTEMP, PTE_P|PTE_U|PTE_W)) < 0)
return r;
// * Initialize 'argv_store[i]' to point to argument string i,
// for all 0 <= i < argc.
// Also, copy the argument strings from 'argv' into the
// newly-allocated stack page.
// * Set 'argv_store[argc]' to 0 to null-terminate the args array.
// * Push two more words onto the child's stack below 'args',
// containing the argc and argv parameters to be passed
// to the child's umain() function.
// argv should be below argc on the stack.
// (Again, argv should use an address valid in the child's
// environment.)
// * Set *init_esp to the initial stack pointer for the child,
// (Again, use an address valid in the child's environment.)
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
argv_store[i] = UTEMP2USTACK(string_store);
strcpy(string_store, argv[i]);
string_store += strlen(argv[i]) + 1;
argv_store[argc] = 0;
assert(string_store == (char*)UTEMP + PGSIZE);
argv_store[-1] = UTEMP2USTACK(argv_store);
argv_store[-2] = argc;
*init_esp = UTEMP2USTACK(&argv_store[-2]);
// After completing the stack, map it into the child's address space
// and unmap it from ours!
if ((r = sys_page_map(0, UTEMP, child, (void*) (USTACKTOP - PGSIZE), PTE_P | PTE_U | PTE_W)) < 0)
goto error;
if ((r = sys_page_unmap(0, UTEMP)) < 0)
goto error;
return 0;
sys_page_unmap(0, UTEMP);
return r;
static int
map_segment(envid_t child, uintptr_t va, size_t memsz,
int fd, size_t filesz, off_t fileoffset, int perm)
int i, r;
void *blk;
//cprintf("map_segment %x+%x\n", va, memsz);
if ((i = PGOFF(va))) {
va -= i;
memsz += i;
filesz += i;
fileoffset -= i;
for (i = 0; i < memsz; i += PGSIZE) {
if (i >= filesz) {
// allocate a blank page
if ((r = sys_page_alloc(child, (void*) (va + i), perm)) < 0)
return r;
} else {
// from file
if ((r = sys_page_alloc(0, UTEMP, PTE_P|PTE_U|PTE_W)) < 0)
return r;
if ((r = seek(fd, fileoffset + i)) < 0)
return r;
if ((r = readn(fd, UTEMP, MIN(PGSIZE, filesz-i))) < 0)
return r;
if ((r = sys_page_map(0, UTEMP, child, (void*) (va + i), perm)) < 0)
panic("spawn: sys_page_map data: %e", r);
sys_page_unmap(0, UTEMP);
return 0;
// Copy the mappings for shared pages into the child address space.
static int
copy_shared_pages(envid_t child)
// LAB 5: Your code here.
return 0;