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\documentclass[10pt, draftclsnofoot,onecolumn, compsoc]{IEEEtran}
\title{Fenceless Grazing - Design Document}
\author{Danila Fedorin, \and Matthew Sessions, \and Ryan Alder}
The Fenceless Grazing Collar system aims to reduce the amount of work
needed by farmers to keep herds of grazing animals. The project
will be implemented using the LoRa wireless communication protocol to allow
for long-range interaction between animal-worn collars and a gateway device.
Ths gateway device will also provide an HTTP-based JSON API to apply configuration
changes to collars through an application built for Android mobile devices.
The MariaDB SQL database management system will be used to store the data
received from the collar for viewing and analysis.
The Fenceless Grazing Collar system is designed to reduce the amount of manual
labor performed by farmers owning herds of livestock. By automating
the herding of animals such as cattle, farmers may be able to save a significant
amount of time and money.
The Fenceless Grazing Collar system consists of a smart application,
a "gateway", and individual collars to be placed onto animals.
% Collars are attached to live animals that emit an auditory or electrical stimulus when the animal
% leaves its designated area, preventing it from traveling further outside
% the established grazing boundaries.
% TODO this is bad; improve later.
\item \emph{LoRa:} A radio-based protocol for \textbf{Lo}ng\textbf{Ra}nge communication.
\item \emph{HTTP:} HyperText Transfer Protocol, which is currently the most popular standard
for web servers and APIs.
\item \emph{JSON:} JavaScript Object Notation, a language for encodings structured data.
\section{Design Stakeholders and Concerns}
The primary stakeholders for this project are farmers who may replace their
manual herding of animals with the automated Fencless Grazing Collar system.
The design concerns for this group are as follows:
\item \emph{Support for large areas:} Grazing can take place over large plots
of land, and thus, it is important that the Fenceless Grazing Collar system can
reliably function over large distances.
\item \emph{Support for large herds:} The majority of farmers have many animals
that need herding. The Fenceless Grazing Collar system must be able to
support such configurations.
\item \emph{Long battery life:} Since the purpose of the Fenceless Grazing Collar System
is to avoid manual labor in animal herding, it must not require frequent
maintenance. A long battery life will prevent the need for frequent battery
\item \emph{Reliability:} Animals must consistently remain within
prescribed boundaries to prevent livestock loss. It is therefore
crucial that the system reliably works at all times.
\item \emph{Accessibility:} The system must support simple configuration
and management without requiring significant technical skill.
\section{Design Viewpoints}
This section provides an overview of the design viewpoints used in this document.
\item \emph{Context viewpoint:} This viewpoint will define the actors (external active elements
interacting with the Fenceless Grazing Collar system), and the
use cases of the system.
\item \emph{Composition viewpoint:} This viewpoint will define the systems, subsystems, frameworks,
and other components of the Fenceless Grazing Collar system, as well as how they fit together and
\item \emph{Dependency viewpoint:} This viewpoint will define the dependencies of the systems and subsystems
of the Fenceless Grazing Collar system.
\item \emph{Information viewpoint:} This viewpoint will define the types of data items stored in the
system, as well as the access mechanisms to these data items.
\item \emph{Interface viewpoint:} This viewpoint will provide an explanation of how to correctly
use the services provided by the Fenceless Grazing Collar system.
\item \emph{Structure viewpoint:} This viewpoint will define the physical structure of the system
in terms of its components.
\item \emph{Interaction viewpoint:} This viewpoint will define the interactions between the various
components of the system.
\item \emph{State dynamics viewpoint:} This viewpoint will describe the internal states of the
Fenceless Grazing Collar system, as well as how the system transitions between them.
\section{Design views}
\subsection{Context view}
This section describes the actors that will interact with the Fenceless Grazing Collar
system, as well as the services (interactions) between these actors and the system.
The Fenceless Grazing Collars will be placed on live animals, and be used to track their
behavior. The interactions between the collars and the animals are as follows:
\item \emph{Movement:} Animals will move haphazardly when not acted upon
by the collars. Because the collar is attached to the animal, its position
will change as the animal moves.
\item \emph{Auditory Stimulus:} If the animal leaves a prescribed area,
the collar will emit an unpleasant sound, intended to prevent the animal
from going further outside the defined grazing boundaries.
\item \emph{Electrical Stimulus:} If the animal continues to move away
from the prescribed grazing area, the collar will transition from
using an audotiry simulus to applying a mild shock to the animal.
The Fencelss Grazing Collars will be configured and monitored by farmers.
The following interactions between the system and the users are possible:
\item \emph{Adjustment of Boundaries:} Users will be able to adjust
the prescribed grazing areas, altering the boundaries at which
various stimuli are invoked. This will be possible through
a \emph{smart application}, as well as directly through the
\emph{LoRa gateway}.
\item \emph{Request for Data:} Users may query the system for the
locations of the animals, instances of the use of auditory or electrical
stimuli, or the battery levels of the collars.
\item \emph{Maintenance:} Users will perform maintenance on the Fenceless
Grazing Collar devices. The most common instance of maintenance is
the replacement of the batteries on a collar.
\subsection{Composition view}
This section describes the systems and subsystems of the Fenceless Grazing Collar
system, as well as how they fit together. The system is made up of three primary
components: the smart application, the LoRa gateway, and the individual collars.
% TODO how do THESE fit together?
% TODO how do any of them fit together, for that matter.
\subsubsection{Smart Application}
The smart application will consist of the following libraries, frameworks, and subsystems:
\item \emph{Android Platform:} The application will be implemented using
the Android mobile operating system, as well as its set of supporting
software and libraries. The Android platform was chosen for its
ubiquity and ease of use.
\item \emph{Kotlin Programming Language:} The Kotlin programming languages,
created by IntelliJ, will be used to implement the Android application.
Kotlin's "standard library" (the set of methods and procedures
available to the programmer by default), as well as Kotlin-specific
Android libraries such as Anko will be used as part of the smart application.
\subsubsection{LoRa Gateway}
The LoRa gateway will consist of the following libraries, frameworks, and subsystems:
\item \emph{Raspberry Pi:} The LoRa gateway's primary subcomponent will be
the Raspberry Pi, a single-board Linux computer. The Raspberry Pi
is capable of interfacing with hardware components such as the LoRa
shield. It also supports the execution of arbitrary programs, such
as the API server and database management software.
\item \emph{LoRa Interface:} The LoRa interface will be used as part of the
LoRa gateway to allow communication between the gateway and the collars
in the field. The LoRa interface will be invoked from the API server
\item \emph{API Server Software:} The LoRa gateway will execute an API
server, which will be responsible for the communication between
the smart application and the gateway itself. The API server software
will use the LoRa interface and receive and send data to deployed collars.
\item \emph{Database Management Software:} The LoRa gateway will host
the SQL-based database subsystem. For details on data storage, see
the Information view.
\subsection{Dependency view}
The dependencies of each of the components in the Fenceless Grazing Collar
system are as follows:
\item \emph{Smart Application:} The smart application depends on the LoRa
gateway to provide information from the collars via an HTTP API.
\item \emph{LoRa Gateway:} The LoRa gateway depends on the deployed
collar devices to provide data such as their location, battery level,
and state.
% TODO More thorough?
\subsection{Information view}
\subsubsection{Data Items}
The following data items will be stored by the Fenceless Grazing Collar system:
\item \emph{Device Data Point:} Every 15 (fifteen) seconds, each collar device
will report its status. The status consists of the collar identifier,
the GPS coordinates of the device, the battery level, as well as whether
or not the device is currently outside of the prescribed area bounds.
\item \emph{Stimulus Activation Report:} If a collar uses an auditory or electrical
stimulus to attempt to influence the behavior of its host animal, the conditions
of this event will be stored. This data item consists of the GPS location at the
time of the event, the level of stimulus used (volume of sound or voltage), as well
as the identifier of the collar.
% TODO dates
\item \emph{Account Data:} % TODO
\subsubsection{Data Stores}
The MariaDB database management software will be used on the LoRa gateway to store each data
item. Each type of data item will be stored in a corresponding table in an SQL database.
Because the data does not have a complex structure, no normalization is necessary, and
the database schema corresponding to each type of data item is exactly as defined above.
\subsubsection{Access Mechamisms}
In the LoRa gateway, SQL queries will be used to store and retrieve data from the MariaDB
database. To facilitate the formulation of complex queries, and to improve code clarity,
the SQLAclehmy Object Relational Model (ORM) will be used. This library maps data presented
in a relational model to objects, thereby allowing for an object-oriented style of interaction
with the database.
In the smart application, data access will be performed through interaction with the LoRa gateway's
HTTP API. In this design, the smart application itself will not store data, but rather make
requests for the data from the gateway, which will, in turn, access the data as described above.
This alows for the abstraction of the details of database storage from the smart application
and potential future user-facing components.
Similarly, the Fenceless Grazing Collars will not directly read or write data from the database.
Rather, they will interact with the LoRa gateway using the LoRa (Long Range) communication
protocol, and broadcasting updates regarding their status. The LoRa gateway will then store
these updates in the database as described above.
\subsection{Interface View}
The Fenceless Grazing Collar system will provide two methods of using its services,
namely the HTTP API and the smart application. % TODO cli?
\subsubsection{HTTP API}
The HTTP API, provided by the LoRa gateway's software, defines a programmatic way of
accessing the information in the system, as well as configuring the behavior
of the component collars. The HTTP API will use JSON Web Token (JWT) technology
for authenticating clients (users of the interface), and plain JSON as the data
interchange format used for communicating information between the Fenceless Grazing Collar
system and the cliens. The HTTP API defines the following HTTP routes:
\item \textbf{/auth/login:} This route receives, in a JSON HTTP request, the username
and password of the account which is to be authenticated. If the username and password
match the information in the database, it will return a JWT token containing
the user's unique identifier. This token will then be used for further interactions
with the API.
\item \textbf{/auth/<token>/logout:} This route receives a JWT token as a URL
parameter. If the token is valid, this route will invalidate it, thereby logging
out the application that received this token during its authentication.
\item \textbf{/data/<token>/current:} This route, when supplied with a valid authentication
JWT token, will return a JSON object containing the most recent device data points
for each of the active collars in the system.
\item \textbf{/data/<token>/collar/<id>} This route, when supplied with
a valid authentication JWT token and a valid collar identifier, will return
some number of the latest device data points associated with the collar.
The precise number of points to be returned will be configured with a URL
parameter. Device data points will be returned in the same format as the \textbf{current} route.
\item \textbf{/control/<token>/adjust} This route, when supplied with a
valid authentication JWT token and a JSON-encoded sequence of coordinates representing
vertices of the new valid grazing area, will apply this configuration to the collars
in the field.
\subsubsection{Smart Application}
The smart application is another interface used to interact with the services provided
by the Fenceless Grazing Collar system. It provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI)
for the HTTP API, allowing users to request data from the sysem and update its configuration
without directly invoking HTTP. This is primarily motivated by the \emph{Accessiblity} design concern.
The smart application interface will be split into three "tabs". Only one tab will be visible
at a time, and the user will be able to switch between tabs at any time. The tabs will be as follows:
\item \emph{Collar map:} This tab will contain a map of the configured grazing area. On the map,
the application will also display the location of each animal. Using color and a visual icon,
it will indicate the battery level of each collar. The application will update
the map every 15 (fifteen) seconds, a time period which corresponds to the delay between
device data points being received by the LoRa gateway.
\item \emph{Collar list:} This tab will provide a textual representation of the device
data points of each individual collar. In this tab, the application will display a list
of every active collar, together with its location and battery level.
\item \emph{Report list:} This tab will provide a textual representation of the stimulus
activation reports as described in the Information section.
\item \emph{Adjustment map:} This tab will contain another map. Through this map, it will
be possible to adjust the boundaries of the grazing area. This will be done by creating,
moving, and deleting vertices of a polygon, the inside of which represents the valid
grazing area.
\subsection{Stucture view}
The LoRa gateway will be constructed using a Raspberry Pi 2b and the corresponding LoRa shield.
The Raspberry Pi and the LoRa shield have compatible pinouts, allowing one to be stacked on top
of the other without the using of soldering equipment or other, more invasive techniques.
This construction also allows for the simple disassembly of the entire system.
The Raspberry Pi component of the LoRa gateway will be connected to the internet using an
Ethernet cable. It will also use a 32 Gigabyte SD card for the storage of the Linux (Raspbian)
operating system, as well as the MariaDB database.
The each individual Fenceless Grazing Collar will consist of a PCB board containing an Atmega328
microprocessor, a ?? volt battery pack, and a LoRa receiver / transmitter module. Additionally,
the PCB will contain a speaker used to produce the auditory stimulus. These component will
be soldered onto the PCB to improve structural integrity. The entire PCB assembly will be housed
within a 3D-printed casing, used to prevent exposure to moisture and other environmental effects.
% TODO how electric shock?
% TODO volts
% TODO elaborate? matt + ryan's advice
\subsection{Interaction view}
In the Fenceless Grazing Collar system, the LoRa gateway serves as the mediator between
the smart application and the deployed collars, due to the absence of LoRa receivers
and transmitters on standard Android mobile devices. Therefore, both the smart application
and the individual collars need to interact with the LoRa gateway.
The smart application interacts with the LoRa gateway through the use of the HTTP API, as specified
in the Interface view. Each action performed by the user in the application (such as listing
all collar locations, listing all stimulus activiation reports, or viewing the map) corresponds
to an API request made by the application to the LoRa gateway over internet.
The collars interact with the LoRa gateway using the LoRa protocol. As described in the Information view,
the collars will broadcast their device state every 15 (fifteen) seconds.
Furthermore, the collars will broadcast information in the event of a use of an auditory
or electical stimulus. These broadcasts will be received by the LoRa gateway, and added to
the database as appropriate.
The interaction between the smart application and the Fenceless Grazing Collars is transitive, and
goes through the LoRa gateway: the application updates the grazing boundaries of deployed devices
by using the HTTP API to contact the LoRa gateway, which, in turns, broadcasts the update command
to the collars. Similarly, the collars deliver location information and stimulus reports
by sending them to the LoRa gateway, from which they are retreived by the application.
\subsection{State dynamics view}
Each Fenceless Grazing Collar is a state machine. The states are described as follows:
\item \emph{Sleep:} This will be the most common state for the collar. As per the
\emph{Long battery life} design concern, it's necessary that the collars remain functional
for long periods of time without maintenance. By putting the hardware of the collar
into sleep, the system will lower power consumption, and thus improve battery life.
\item \emph{Awake; quiet} The device will be in this state when it is gathering and trasmitting
GPS data to the LoRa gateway, while the host animal is within the prescribed grazing area.
No sound or other stimulus is necessary in this state.
\item \emph{Awake; loud} The device will be in the state when the host animal is within
a small distance outside the prescribed grazing area, and had not spent a long
period of time there. In this state, the auditory stimulus will be active with the
intention of preventing the animal from further negative action.
\item \emph{Awake; shocking} The device will be in this state when the host animal has
traveled far outside the prescribed grazing area, or has remained within
a small distance of the area for a long time. The electrical stimulus component is active
in this state.
The transitions between the states are as follows:
\item Every 15 seconds, if the device is in the \emph{Sleep} state, it will transition
into the \emph{Awake; quiet} state.
\item In the \emph{Awake; quiet} state, if the GPS coordinates are within the prescribed grazing area,
the device will return into the \emph{Sleep} state.
\item In the \emph{Awake; quiet} state, if the GPS coordinates are within a 10ft distance
outside the prescribed grazing area, the device will transmit a stimulus activation report,
and transition into the \emph{Awake; loud} state.
\item In the \emph{Awake; loud} state, if the GPS coordinates are within the prescribed grazing
area, the device will transition into the \emph{Sleep} state.
\item in the \emph{Awake; loud} state, if the device has spent 30 seconds outside, but in
close proximity to, the prescribed grazing area, it will transmit a stimulus activation
report, and transition into the \emph{Awake; shocking} state.
\item in the \emph{Awake; loud} state, if the device is further than 10ft outside the grazing
area, it will transmit a stimulus activation report, and transition into the
\emph{Awake; shocking} state.
\item in the \emph{Awake; shocking} state, if the device is within a 10ft distance
outside the prescribed grazing area, it will transition into the \emph{Awake; loud} state.
\section{Design rationale}
The LoRa communication protocol was used specifically to address the \emph{Support for large areas}
design concern: LoRa works over \textbf{Lo}ng \textbf{Ra}nge, and is bidirectional. These properties
make it ideal for the Fenceless Grazing Collar system.
The LoRa gateway's API was chosen to be HTTP-based, rather than Bluetooth-based, to allow for
both remote communication and alternative clients (such as web interfaces). This necessitates
the use of a public-facing server (and likely a domain name to allow for DNS resolution).
Kotlin was chosen over Java due to its superior type system, which helps mitigate the Million Dollar
Mistake [citation needed], as well as because of its capacity to reduce boilerplate. This is
an acceptable decision due to Google's official support of the Kotlin language.
The Fenceless Grazing Collar system provides reliable, accessible, and scalable solution for replacing
manual labor in livestock herding. Through the use of physical collars attached to live animals,
providing auditory and electric stimuli, the system encourages animals to stay within prescribed
grazing boundaries without the need of direct human involvement. LoRa communication is used
to manage the collar devices spread out in the field, and both an HTTP JSON-based API
and a smart application are provided to expose the configuration and data collection functionality
of the collars to the user.