
111 lines
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\documentclass[10pt, draftclsnofoot,onecolumn, compsoc]{IEEEtran}
\def \CapstoneTeamName{Automated Fenceless Grazing}
\def \CapstoneTeamNumber{CS3}
\def \GroupMemberOne{Ryan Alder}
\def \GroupMemberTwo{Danila Fedorin}
\def \GroupMemberThree{Matthew Sessions}
\def \CapstoneProjectName{Automated Fenceless Grazing}
\def \CapstoneSponsorCompany{Oregon State University}
\def \CapstoneSponsorPerson{Bechir Hamdaoui}
\def \DocType{Retrospective}
\makebox[2.75in][r]{#1} \hfil \makebox[3.25in]{\makebox[2.25in]{\hrulefill} \hfill \makebox[.75in]{\hrulefill}}
\par\vspace{-12pt} \textit{\tiny\noindent
\makebox[2.75in]{} \hfil \makebox[3.25in]{\makebox[2.25in][r]{Signature} \hfill \makebox[.75in][r]{Date}}}}
% 4. If you have a logo, use this includegraphics command to put it on the coversheet.
\huge CS Capstone \DocType \par
{\large Prepared for}\par
\Huge \CapstoneSponsorCompany\par
{\large Prepared by }\par
% 5. comment out the line below this one if you do not wish to name your team
The Fenceless Grazing Collar system aims to reduce the amount of work
needed by farmers to keep herds of grazing animals. The project
will be implemented using the LoRa wireless communication protocol to allow
for long-range interaction between animal-worn collars and a gateway device.
The gateway device will also provide an HTTP-based JSON API to apply configuration
changes to collars through an application built for Android mobile devices.
The MariaDB SQL database management system will be used to store the data
received from the collar for viewing and analysis.
% TODO briefly recap the project purposes and goals
\section{Current Project State}
% TODO describe where you are currently on the project
One of the few problems we had this term was difficulty scheduling meetings in which all
team members could meet with our client. As a result our interaction with our client was
minimal at times, and resulted in only a few meetings over the course of the term. While
this did not prove to be a significant blocker for our work, it did result in some necessary
clarification recently with our client in regards to our vision on how we planned to move forward.
We plan on fixing this problem by scheduling a biweekly meeting with our client at the beginning
of next term. The best way to ensure that our team can keep our client up to date is to have a
definite meeting time, and the best way to schedule this meeting would be as soon as all class
schedules have been finalized.
Another problem we encountered was lack of funding. While this was not an issue at the
beginning of the term, it is looking to be a serious blocker in the near future as our next step
the moment we get back from winter break is to purchase hardware. Ideally, this hardware would be
purchased prior to even returning to school to allow our team to start work on the physical
aspect of our project immediately. Our client has approved our hardware proposal, which was the
last step before purchasing. Our team has discussed this funding with our TA, who in turn has
brought it up to Professors Winters and Fairbanks. In an effort to ensure funding will be secured
as soon as possible, we will continue to follow up with our TA and the professors if necessary.
Our last small problem we came across was in regards to formatting for our different submissions.
One of our documents was incorrectly formatted as a result of our misunderstanding of the
requirements. Also, towards the beginning of the term we named our files incorrectly, resulting
in the loss of points. In order to ensure that all style guidelines are met in the future, we
will communicate with our TA, other students, and our professors as needed. Prior to asking
others, we will peruse the online documents provided to us on Canvas to ensure that we are
not asking questions that have already been answered.
% TODO add retrospective
% positives column: anything good that happened
% deltas column: changes that need to be implemented
% actions column: specific actions that will be implemented in order to create the necessary changes