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module Main exposing (..)
import ClassSchedule.Model exposing (..)
import ClassSchedule.View exposing (..)
import Browser exposing (Document, document)
import Dict exposing (..)
import Tuple exposing (..)
oneHour : Time -> (Time, Time)
oneHour t = (t, addMinutes 50 t)
twoHours : Time -> (Time, Time)
twoHours t = (t, addMinutes 110 t)
nAm : Int -> Time
nAm i = (i, 0, AM)
nPm : Int -> Time
nPm i = (i, 0, PM)
onDays : List DayOfWeek -> (Time, Time) -> List (DayOfWeek, Time, Time)
onDays dds (t1, t2) = List.map (\d -> (d, t1, t2)) dds
classes : List Course
classes =
[ { crn = (ComputerScience, 517)
, name = "Theory of Comp"
, instructors = ["Mike Rosulek"]
, times = onDays [Monday, Wednesday, Friday] <| oneHour <| nPm 2
, { crn = (ComputerScience, 531)
, name = "Artificial Intelligence"
, instructors = ["John Doe"]
, times = onDays [Monday, Wednesday, Friday] <| oneHour <| nPm 0
, { crn = (ComputerScience, 533)
, name = "Intelligent Somethings"
, instructors = ["Alan Fern"]
, times = onDays [Monday, Wednesday] <| twoHours <| nAm 10
, { crn = (ComputerScience, 535)
, name = "Deep Learning"
, instructors = ["F. Li"]
, times = onDays [Tuesday, Thursday] <| twoHours <| nPm 2
, { crn = (ComputerScience, 551)
, name = "Computer Graphics"
, instructors = ["Mike Bailey"]
, times = onDays [Monday, Wednesday] <| twoHours <| nPm 0
, { crn = (ComputerScience, 565)
, name = "Human-Computer Interaction"
, instructors = ["Minsuk Kahng"]
, times = onDays [Tuesday, Thursday] <| twoHours <| nPm 4
terms : Dict String (List (CourseStatus, Course))
terms = Dict.singleton "Spring 2021"
<| List.map (pair NotAdded) classes
init : Flags -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
init () = ({ terms = terms, term = "Spring 2021", searchInput = "", selected = Nothing }, Cmd.none)
view : Model -> Document Msg
view m =
{ title = "Course Scheduler"
, body = [ viewModel m ]
modifyCurrent : (List (CourseStatus, Course) -> List (CourseStatus, Course)) -> Model -> Model
modifyCurrent f m = { m | terms = Dict.update (m.term) (Maybe.map f) (m.terms) }
changeCourse : Int -> CourseStatus -> List (CourseStatus, Course) -> List (CourseStatus, Course)
changeCourse i ncs =
let updateCourses j (cs, c) = if i == j then (ncs, c) else (cs, c)
in List.indexedMap updateCourses
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg m =
case msg of
SelectCourse i -> ({ m | selected = Just i}, Cmd.none)
AddCourse i -> (modifyCurrent (changeCourse i Added) m, Cmd.none)
RemoveCourse i -> (modifyCurrent (changeCourse i NotAdded) m, Cmd.none)
SearchInput s -> ({ m | searchInput = s }, Cmd.none)
_ -> (m, Cmd.none)
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions m = Sub.none
main = document
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions