Add the first two homework assignments.
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module Hasklet1 where
-- | A generic binary tree with values at internal nodes.
data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
| Leaf
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | Build a balanced binary tree from a list of values.
tree :: [a] -> Tree a
tree [] = Leaf
tree (x:xs) = Node x (tree l) (tree r)
where (l,r) = splitAt (length xs `div` 2) xs
-- Some example trees containing integers.
t1, t2, t3, t4 :: Tree Int
t1 = Node 1 Leaf (Node 2 Leaf Leaf)
t2 = Node 3 (Node 4 Leaf Leaf) Leaf
t3 = Node 5 t1 t2
t4 = tree (filter odd [1..100])
treeFold :: (a -> b -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
treeFold _ b Leaf = b
treeFold f b (Node a t1 t2) = f a (treeFold f b t1) (treeFold f b t2)
-- An example tree containing a secret message!
t5 :: Tree Char
t5 = tree " bstyoouu rd oerrvialentikne"
-- | Define a recursive function that sums the numbers in a tree.
-- >>> sumTree Leaf
-- 0
-- >>> sumTree t3
-- 15
-- >>> sumTree t4
-- 2500
sumTree :: Num a => Tree a -> a
sumTree Leaf = 0
sumTree (Node a t1 t2) = a + sumTree t1 + sumTree t2
-- | Define a recursive function that checks whether a given element is
-- contained in a tree.
-- >>> contains 57 t4
-- True
-- >>> contains 58 t4
-- False
-- >>> contains 'k' t5
-- True
-- >>> contains 'z' t5
-- False
contains :: Eq a => a -> Tree a -> Bool
contains _ Leaf = False
contains v (Node a t1 t2) = v == a || contains v t1 || contains v t2
-- | Define a function for converting a binary tree of type 'Tree a' into
-- a value of type 'b' by folding an accumulator function over the tree.
-- You should start by writing a type definition for the function.
-- Note there is more than one correct type for this function! Part of your
-- task is to figure out the type. For inspiration, think about the types of
-- the functions `foldl` and `foldr` for lists.
foldTree :: (a -> b -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
foldTree _ b Leaf = b
foldTree f b (Node a t1 t2) = f a (foldTree f b t1) (foldTree f b t2)
-- | Use 'foldTree' to define a new version of 'sumTree'.
-- >>> sumTreeFold Leaf
-- 0
-- >>> sumTreeFold t3
-- 15
-- >>> sumTreeFold t4
-- 2500
sumTreeFold :: Num a => Tree a -> a
sumTreeFold = foldTree ((.(+)).(.).(+)) 0
-- | Use 'foldTree' to define a new version of 'contains'.
-- >>> containsFold 57 t4
-- True
-- >>> containsFold 58 t4
-- False
-- >>> containsFold 'v' t5
-- True
-- >>> containsFold 'q' t5
-- False
containsFold :: Eq a => a -> Tree a -> Bool
containsFold v = foldTree (\a b c -> a == v || b || c) False
-- | Implement a function that returns a list of values contained at each
-- level of the tree. That is, it should return a nested list where the
-- first list contains the value at the root, the second list contains the
-- values at its children, the third list contains the values at the next
-- level down the tree, and so on.
-- Apply this function to 't5' to reveal the secret message!
-- >>> levels Leaf
-- []
-- >>> levels t1
-- [[1],[2]]
-- >>> levels t2
-- [[3],[4]]
-- >>> levels t3
-- [[5],[1,3],[2,4]]
-- >>> levels (tree [1..10])
-- [[1],[2,6],[3,4,7,9],[5,8,10]]
levels :: Tree a -> [[a]]
levels = foldTree (\a b c -> [a] : padded b c) []
padded [] xs = xs
padded xs [] = xs
padded (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x ++ y) : padded xs ys
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# Ben
I was surprised to see how different our solutions were! Usually for "day 1" exercises,
most answers come out pretty similar, especially for people who feel pretty comfortable
with Haskell. But hey, more things to talk about!
* In your `sumTree`, you used a `foldr`. To me, this is kind of weird -
I see your "or ..." comment, and I much prefer the version there which
uses a simple summation. Setting aside whatever magic optimiztions
GHC has in store for us, the version you have uncommneted
will create an intermediate list, and possibly also
an unevaluated "thunk" of the `foldr` application
(instead of just adding numbers). It seems like a lot of work,
and is, in my opinion, _less_ expresive than the "simple" version.
* In your `containsTree`, you have the following: `| x == y = True`.
This is reminiscent of a C-style `x ? true : false`. I would say this
is an antipattern - returning true of something is the case, and
trying another condition of it's not, is exactly the way that a short-circuiting
`(||)` operator behaves. I think a simple `||` would suffice.
* You defined a function `cx` for `contains x`. This is quite cool: it helps
save on a lot of repetition! In this case, I think it's less valuable:
there's a maxim that I heard, "if you need to write something twice,
cringe and write it twice. If you need to write something more than that,
abstract it". In this case, I think the `cx` abstraction is not worth the effort.
Haskell's effortless creation of closures is pretty cool, though: suppose
that it was the _leaves_ that contained data (such an example would be more convincing):
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
You could then define a `containsTree` function like this:
containsTree :: Eq a => a -> Tree a -> Bool
containsTree a = ct
ct (Leaf x) = a == x
ct (Node l r) = ct l || ct r
Note that here we no longer need to pass around the `a` in recursive calls.
This would become especially good if `Tree` had more cases (which would all have recursive
calls). We used this in `Xtra` to implement the evaluation function for expressions -
instead of passing around the environment `env`, we captured it like we captured `a` in the above example.
* You defined your `foldTree` differently from the way I did it. As Eric said, there are multiple
approaches to doing this, so I wouldn't say either of us is wrong. Tradeoff wise, your solution
imposes an order on the elements of the tree: in effect, it converts them to a flat list:
you can _really_ see this if you do `foldTree (flip (:)) []`. This makes it easy to express
sequential computations, like for instance those for `sum` and `contains`. In fact, you can
even re-use list-based functions like so:
toList = foldTree (flip (:)) []
sumTree = sum . toList
containsTree a = contains a . toList
In short, your approach makes it really easy to express some computations. However, unlike
`fold` for lists, you cannot use `foldTree` to define any function on trees. Consider
the simple example of `depth`, and two trees:
* `Node 1 (Node 2 (Node 3 Leaf Leaf) Leaf) Leaf`
* `Node 1 (Node 2 Leaf Leaf) (Node 3 Leaf Leaf)`
If you run them through `toList`, you'll notice that they produce the same result. Your
`b -> a -> b` function is seeing the exact same order of inputs. However, the trees obviously
have different depth: the first one has depth 2, and the second has depth 3.
My approach is different: I aimed to define the most general function on trees. I think that
this is called a catamorphism. Were you there on the day we read the _Bananes, Lenses and Barbed
Wire_ paper in reading group? It's like that. This ends up with a different signature than
the `fold` for lists, but it makes it possible to define _any_ function for lists. For example,
here's that depth function I mentioned earlier:
depth = foldTree (\_ l r -> 1 + max l r) 1
And, of course, my `levels` function is also implemented using `foldTree`, though
I did need to define an auxillary function for zipping lists. This has the downside
of making some "linear" code (like summations and "contains") look a little
uglier. My function parameters were `(\a b c -> a + b + c)` and `(\a b c -> a == n || b || c)`
for sum and contains respectively, and that's a little less pretty than, say, `(+)`.
Don't mind that I wrote my `a + b + c` function as `((.(+)).(.).(+))`: I was
just playing around with point-free style.
Interestingly, if you recall Church encoding from CS 581, you will notice that
the "type" of a Church encoded list is `(a -> b -> b) -> b -> b`, and
the type of a Church encoded tree as ours is `(a -> b -> b -> b) -> b -> b`.
There's a connection between the representation of our data structure and
the most general function on that data structure.
* I didn't think of your approach to `levels`! I have a question about it,
though: For a complete tree of depth `n`, doesn't your approach perform
`n` traversals of the tree, once for each depth? This would mean you
check `1 + (1 + 2) + (1 + 2 + 4) + ...` nodes while running this function,
doesn't it?
# Ashish
Hey there! I've got some case-by-case thoughts about your submission.
* In your `containsTree`, you write `if (n == m) then True else ...`. As I mentioned
to Ben, this is very similar to writing `n == m ? true : false` in C/C++: I'd
say it's a bit of an antipattern. Specifically, the short-circuiting `||` operator
will do exactly that; you can write `n == n || ...`, instead.
* There's a slight issue with your `foldTree` function, which is what caused
to have trouble with `containsFold`. Take a look at your signature:
foldTree :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Tree a -> a
Note the very last part: `Tree a -> a`. This means that you can only
use your `treeFold` function to produce _the same type of values that
are in the tree_! This works for `sumTreeFold`, because numbers are closed
under addition; it doesn't, however, work for `containsTreeFold`, since
even if your tree contains numbers, you'd need to produce a boolean,
which is a different type! The simple solution is to introduce a type variable `b`
alongside `a`. This is strictly more general than using only `a` everywhere:
`b` can be equal to `a` (much like `x` and `y` can be equal in an equation),
but it can also be different. Thus, your `sumTreeFold` would still work,
but you'd be able to write `containsTreeFold` as well. I think Ben's
solution is exactly what you were going for, so it doesn't make sense for
me to re-derive it here.
* I'm really having trouble understanding your attempted solution for `levels`.
If you're strill trying to figure it out, here's how I'd do it.
* For a leaf, there are no levels, so your solution would just be `[]`.
* For a node in the form `Node n lt rt`, your solution would
have the form `[n] : lowerLevels`. But how do you get `lowerLevels`?
Suppose that `lt` has the levels `[1,2], [3,4,5,6]` and `rt` has the levels
`[7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]`. You want to combine each corresponding level:
`[1,2]` with `[7,8]`, and `[3,4,5,6]` with `[9,10,11,12]`. This is
_almost_ like the function `zipWith` from the standard library in Haskell;
However, the problem is that `zipWith` stops recursing when the shorter list
runs out. We don't want that: even if the left side of the tree has no more levels,
if the right side does, we want to keep them. Thus, we define the following function:
myZipWith :: [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
myZipWith [] [] = [] -- two empty lists means we've run out of levels on both ends, so we're done.
myZipWith (l:ls) (m:ms) = (l ++ m) : myZipWith ls ms -- Combine the first levels from both lists, and recurse.
myZipWith [] ls = ls -- We ran out of levels on the left, so only the right levels occur from here on.
myZipWith ls [] = ls -- We ran out of levels on the right, so only the left levels occur from here on.
Our final function implementation is then:
levels Leaf = []
levels (Node m lt rt) = [m] : lowerLevels
where lowerLevels = myZipWith lt rt
I implemented mine using my custom `fold`, but in essense it works the same way. My `myZipWith` is
called `padded`, but the implementation is identical to what I showed here.
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{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Hasklet2 where
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import qualified Control.Applicative as CA
import Data.Bifunctor
-- * Parser type
-- | Given a string, a parser either fails or returns a parsed value and
-- the rest of the string to be parsed.
newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: String -> Maybe (a, String) }
instance Functor Parser where
fmap f (Parser nf) = Parser $ (first f<$>) <$> nf
instance Applicative Parser where
pure v = Parser $ Just . (,) v
pf <*> pa = Parser $ \s -> do
(f, s') <- runParser pf s
(v, s'') <- runParser pa s'
return (f v, s'')
-- * Single character parsers
-- | Match the end of the input string.
end :: Parser ()
end = Parser $ \case
"" -> Just ((), "")
_ -> Nothing
-- | Return the next character if it satisfies the given predicate.
nextIf :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
nextIf f = Parser $ \case
(c:s') | f c -> Just (c,s')
_ -> Nothing
-- | Parse the given character.
char :: Char -> Parser Char
char c = nextIf (c ==)
-- | Parse one of the given characters.
oneOf :: [Char] -> Parser Char
oneOf cs = nextIf (`elem` cs)
-- | Parse a particular class of character.
lower, upper, digit, space :: Parser Char
lower = oneOf ['a'..'z']
upper = oneOf ['A'..'Z']
digit = oneOf ['0'..'9']
space = oneOf " \t\n\r"
-- | Parse a digit as an integer.
digitInt :: Parser Int
digitInt = flip (-) (fromEnum '0') . fromEnum <$> digit
-- * Alternative and repeating parsers
-- | Run the first parser. If it succeeds, return the result. Otherwise run
-- the second parser.
-- >>> runParser (upper <|> digit) "Hi"
-- Just ('H',"i")
-- >>> runParser (upper <|> digit) "42"
-- Just ('4',"2")
-- >>> runParser (upper <|> digit) "w00t"
-- Nothing
(<|>) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
p1 <|> p2 = Parser $ \s -> runParser p1 s CA.<|> runParser p2 s
-- | Parse a sequence of one or more items, returning the results as a list.
-- Parses the longest possible sequence (i.e. until the given parser fails).
-- >>> runParser (many1 lower) "abcDEF123"
-- Just ("abc","DEF123")
-- >>> runParser (many1 lower) "ABCdef123"
-- Nothing
-- >>> runParser (many1 (lower <|> upper)) "ABCdef123"
-- Just ("ABCdef","123")
-- >>> runParser (many1 digitInt) "123abc"
-- Just ([1,2,3],"abc")
many1 :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
many1 p = liftA2 (:) p (many p)
-- | Parse a sequence of zero or more items, returning the results as a list.
-- >>> runParser (many lower) "abcDEF123"
-- Just ("abc","DEF123")
-- >>> runParser (many lower) "ABCdef123"
-- Just ("","ABCdef123")
-- >>> runParser (many (lower <|> upper)) "abcDEF123"
-- Just ("abcDEF","123")
-- >>> runParser (many digitInt) "123abc"
-- Just ([1,2,3],"abc")
-- >>> runParser (many digitInt) "abc123"
-- Just ([],"abc123")
many :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
many p = liftA2 (:) p (many p) <|> pure []
-- | Parse a natural number into a Haskell integer.
-- >>> runParser nat "123abc"
-- Just (123,"abc")
-- >>> runParser nat "abc"
-- Nothing
nat :: Parser Int
nat = foldl ((+).(*10)) 0 <$> many1 digitInt
parenth :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (a, b)
parenth p1 p2 = liftA2 (,) (char '(' *> p1 <* char ',') (p2 <* char ')')
-- * Parsing structured data
-- | Parse a pair of natural numbers into a Haskell pair of integers. You can
-- assume there are no spaces within the substring encoding the pair,
-- although you're welcome to try to generalize it to handle whitespace too,
-- e.g. before/after parentheses and the comma.
-- This may get a little bit hairy, but the ugliness here will motivate some
-- key abstractions later. :-)
-- >>> runParser natPair "(123,45) 678"
-- Just ((123,45)," 678")
-- >>> runParser natPair "(123,45"
-- Nothing
-- >>> runParser natPair "(123,x) 678"
-- Nothing
natPair = parenth nat nat
-- | A simple tree data structure, isomorphic to arbitrarily nested pairs with
-- integers at the leaves.
data Tree
= Leaf Int
| Node Tree Tree
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | Parse a tree encoded as arbitrarily nested pairs. This is basically just
-- the 'natPair' parser, now with recursion.
-- >>> runParser natTree "((1,2),3) abc"
-- Just (Node (Node (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2)) (Leaf 3)," abc")
-- >>> runParser natTree "(1,((100,101),10))"
-- Just (Node (Leaf 1) (Node (Node (Leaf 100) (Leaf 101)) (Leaf 10)),"")
natTree :: Parser Tree
natTree = (uncurry Node <$> parenth natTree natTree) <|> (Leaf <$> nat)
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# Phillip
Hey man, long time no... read? Having seen your comment, I don't have anything exceptionally
eye-opening to contribute, but here goes:
* At first glance, it seemed like it should be _easy_ to simplify all those 4-deep case statements
into a single line, but I don't think that's quite the case. I think that if you were to just
rewrite the `Maybe` code using Haskell's standard functions, you _would_ need to use `Maybe`'s
`Monad` instance, even though I didn't need it for my `Applicative` parser data type. The difference
is in the types. The result of a parser application is `Maybe (a, String)`, and that `String`
argument is used by the next parser. `Applicative`, on the other hand, does not support
making decisions based on the data inside the functor. The signatures for `fmap` and `<*>`
are `(a -> b) -> f a -> f b` and `m (a -> b) -> m a -> mb`: you have to have both the function
and its arguments _before_ you combine them.
On the other hand, when turning Parser into its own data type, the `String` state-passing can be
hidden away, so instead of `Maybe (a, String)` you'll just have `Parser a`. At the type signature
level, you no longer rely on the "state" (leftover string) in your combinators, so you only need
In short, with `Maybe`, I think the best you can do is something like the following:
(_, s1) <- char '(' s
(i, s2) <- nat s1
Perhaps this reminds you of the [implementation of the State monad](
My intuition is that a Parser is just a combination of the `State` and `Error` monads.
* I think that your implementation of `natPair` and `natTree` could be refactored a little bit.
In particular, you can abstract the code for parsing "two things in parentheses separated by a comma",
perhaps into a function like `pair :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (a, b)`. If you did that,
your 4-deep chain of case analysis would only occur in one place (in `pair`), and your other
two functions would just call out to it. Applying just this refactoring step, you'd get:
natPair = pair nat nat
natTree s = case pair natTree natTree s of
Just ((t1, t2), s') -> Just $ (Node t1 t2, s')
Nothing -> case nat s of
Just (n, s') -> Just $ (Leaf n, s')
Nothing -> Nothing
This has all the usual benefits of abstraction which I won't bore you with :-)
# Jack
Hey, sorry to see you didn't have time to finish up `natTree`. I've got a few comments:
* Your `(<|>)` implementation is actually nearly identical to `Maybe`'s implementation
of `Alternative`'s `(<|>)`. In particular, you're effectively (lazily) combining two
`Maybe` values, one from `p1` and one from `p2`. Thus, you can actually write that
whole function as `p1 (<|>) p2 = \s -> p1 s (<|>) p2 s`. Well, except that
then you have an ambiguous reference to `(<|>)`, so you have to qualify it,
like `Control.Applicative.(<|>)`.
* You probably know this, but your helper functions `parseMap`, `ifTranP`, and `addP`
are specializations of the standard functions `fmap`, `(>>=)`, and `liftA2`.
In particular, `addP` is pretty much `liftA2 (:)`. This does, of course, rely
on the `Functor`, `Monad`, and `Applicative` instances being defined
for the `Parser` data type, which requires a bit of handywork given the starter
code. The advantage, though, is getting access to all these fancy combinators
from the standard library (like `*>` and `<*`). Similarly, your `\s -> Just ([], s)`
could be written as `return []`.
* Our `nat` functions are practically identical! I went with pointfree style again
(I have a bit of a problem, pointfree is not very readable at all), but other than
that, it's scary how close our answers are!
* The whole "early return" pattern (check for `Just`, compute next `Maybe`, check for `Just` again)
can at the very least be simplified as:
natPair s1 = do
(_, s2) <- char '(' s1
(first, s3) <- nat s2
(_, s4) <- char ',' s3
(second, s5) -> case nat s4
(_, s6) <- char ')' s5
return $ ((first, second), s6)
But wait a moment... we didn't actually do anything with the values of `first` and `second`!
This means that we can generalize this function just a little bit (replace `nat` but an
arbitrary input parser):
pair p1 p2 s1 = do
(_, s2) <- char '(' s1
(first, s3) <- p1 s2
(_, s4) <- char ',' s3
(second, s5) -> case p2 s4
(_, s6) <- char ')' s5
return $ ((first, second), s6)
Now, `natPair` can be written as `pair nat nat` (you can even verify this by some
straightforward equational reasoning). And now that you have that, you can also
define `natTree`. The first version:
natTree = pair natTree natTree
Alas, this is of type `Parser (Tree, Tree)`, not `Parser Tree`. To combine
the two trees into one, we can use your `parseMap`:
natTree = parseMap (uncurry Node) (pair natTree natTree)
Oh, but we're missing a base case! We can use the `(<|>)` operator we defined earlier
to define a "fallback" if we can't parse another level of the tree.
natTree = parseMap (uncurry Node) (pair natTree natTree) <|> parseMap Leaf nat
Two birds with one stone, right? Both `natPair` and `natTree` knocked out
by a single `pair` function. It's true that defining `natPair` is quite
messy, and hard to expand into `natTree`, but stuffing all that complexity
into a helper function helps keep that messiness at bay :-)
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