Allow for multi-host configuration.

This commit is contained in:
Danila Fedorin 2020-09-03 00:03:02 +00:00
parent 05fcf11094
commit 8f8ebe68e0
2 changed files with 58 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
source $stdenv/setup
# Build site with Hugo
# Copy files to a mutable directory.
cp -r $src/* .
hugo --baseUrl=""
# Render math in HTML and XML files.
find public/ -regex "public/.*\.html" | xargs ruby $converter
# Hugo can't set baseUrl via CLI for multi-lingual hosts.
# We have to manually edit the configuration.
sed -i "$urlSub" config.toml
# Build site with Hugo
hugo $extraFlags
# Output result
mkdir $out
cp -r public/* $out/
cp -r public/$publicPath/* $out/
# Render math in HTML and XML files.
find $out/ -regex "$out/.*\.html" | xargs ruby $converter

View File

@ -1,18 +1,58 @@
{ stdenv, hugo, fetchgit, pkgs, nodejs, ruby }:
{ stdenv, lib, hugo, fetchgit, pkgs, nodejs, ruby }:
url = "";
rev = "3f0df8ae0ddbed1a2a258878e73861b96e4122b0";
sha256 = "16xg4d4wkpdc0qynh6jkl6np6x88bdv0aqpkgg4phjq9007nxgjp";
requiredPackages = import ./required-packages.nix { inherit pkgs nodejs; };
stdenv.mkDerivation {
website = settings: stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "blog-static";
version = rev;
version = settings.rev;
src = fetchgit {
inherit url rev sha256;
inherit url;
inherit (settings) rev sha256;
urlSub =
regexEscape = lib.escape [ "/" "(" ")" "[" "]" "+" "*" "\\" ];
if (settings ? replaceUrl)
then (with settings.replaceUrl; "s/${regexEscape from}/${regexEscape to}/g")
else "";
publicPath = settings.path;
extraFlags = if settings.drafts then " -D " else "";
builder = ./;
converter = ./convert.rb;
buildInputs = [ hugo requiredPackages.katex (ruby.withPackages (ps: [ ps.nokogiri ])) ];
rev = "b921ddfc8de1282cc82a0d90b2927bf2a5c0ee68";
sha256 = "1gg7dq9y1hg14qjlj2w1rn0xjgqw58s8kpd5x6c0wfpwszcm87ji";
localizationRev = "cd574b43fdddf8b6777610f94897d70697533af9";
localizationSha256 = "1lv65bllrc605lda5gqgpk4ihhg77qgh1zg60swsllmhh5vawgbn";
english = website {
inherit rev sha256;
path = ".";
drafts = false;
drafts = {
english = website {
inherit rev sha256;
path = ".";
drafts = true;
replaceUrl = {
from = "";
to = "";
russian = website {
rev = localizationRev;
sha256 = localizationSha256;
path = "ru";
drafts = true;
replaceUrl = {
from = "";
to = "";